Chapter 536 I Want To Pursue You

Ye Kaiwen was on vacation during this time. When he got up in the afternoon, someone rang the doorbell.

When he opened the door, he saw a sexy beauty standing at the door, holding a bouquet of flowers, her shy smile didn't match her attire.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" Ye Kaiwen looked at the woman in front of the door and asked.

"Ye Kaiwen, don't you want me to stand here talking to you?" Hei Lili coughed lightly.

Ye Kaiwen trembled when he heard the sound, "Hei Lili?!"

He will never forget this voice!

But why did the woman in front of her become like this?

"Yo! You can recognize who I am!" Hei Lili was very happy that he could recognize her.

Pushing the door open naturally, Xunsheng asked, "Would you like me to come in and sit down?"

Ye Kaiwen frowned: "What are you doing here?"

"Here, it's for you!" Hei Lili handed the flowers to Ye Kaiwen, "This is the first time I've given flowers to others, and I'm here to apologize to you."

Ye Kaiwen looked at the changed image of Hei Lili, which looked quite pleasing to the eye.

It's just that he didn't feel the need to entangle her any longer.

"I never blamed you." Ye Kaiwen gestured to close the door, "Go back."

"Hey! No matter what I say, I came to see you. Shouldn't you invite me in for a drink?" Hei Lili could see Ye Kaiwen's bad attitude towards her, but she had to bear it, bear it!
"Hei Lili, I don't think we have anything to talk about. You have to apologize. I accept it. You can go back!" Ye Kaiwen didn't accept Hei Lili's flower.

"But I have something to talk to you!" Seeing that he refused her, Hei Lili pushed the door open and went in.

"..." Ye Kaiwen watched her go in without permission and shook his head.

"Ye Kaiwen, I'm determined to chase you!" Hei Lili turned around, looked at Ye Kaiwen seriously, stepped forward, held Ye Kaiwen's handsome man, and kissed him, "I used a gun to shoot you, and now I kiss you again , I decided to take responsibility for you!"

Ye Kaiwen was stunned!

This woman, Hei Lili, really has a thick skin!

"Hei Lili! What the hell are you doing!" Ye Kaiwen scolded, pushed her away abruptly, raised his hand and wiped his lips with displeasure on his face.

Her behavior angered Ye Kaiwen, "Why are you so shameless, a girl? Didn't I tell you not to pester me anymore! Why are you still here!"

Hei Lili was so startled by Ye Kaiwen's words that she froze in place, unable to react for a while.

"Ye Kaiwen, I'm leaving my words here. I did something that I'm sorry for you, and I will tell you with practical actions. I really regret it, and I really want to pursue you." When Hei Lili said this, she looked sideways. The hands standing on the sides of the legs slightly tugged at the hem of the skirt.

After she finished speaking, she left the flowers on the table, took a deep look at Ye Kaiwen, and left.

After Ye Kaiwen watched the domineering Hei Lili leave, his eyes fell on the bouquet she left behind, and he held his forehead in embarrassment.

When did this Hei Lili become like this?
Could it be that she couldn't hear what he said?
Moreover, this stinky woman actually dared to forcefully kiss him!

The woman he likes is Yao Yuxing. He doesn't like that female devil, Hei Lili.

Ye Kaiwen was very frantic, so he took out his mobile phone and called Yao Yuxing when he was upset.

"Hello, little fish..." Ye Kaiwen called out as soon as the phone was connected.

"Why are you calling me Xiaoyu?" A harsh voice came from the other end of the phone, "Xiaoyu is already a married woman, what do you want to call her?"

"Tang Yichen?" Ye Kaiwen frowned, "Why is Xiaoyu's phone with you? Where is Xiaoyu?"

"It's ridiculous! Of course my wife's cell phone is with me!" Tang Yichen said coldly, "If you let me know that you have wrong thoughts about Xiaoyu, I will destroy you!"

(End of this chapter)

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