Chapter 542 Signing a Contract

"Mr. Shangguan, I don't have an appointment, so I can't meet Mr. Tang. You should go back." Assistant Su Te directly blocked Shangguan Ming.

"What's the matter with Duanmuze! Why did you hand over the project to Tang Yichen before the bidding started? Then all the preparations made by our other groups were in vain?" Shangguan Ming was indignant, "Today they will The contract is signed, we must go in!"

"Exactly! How can your Tang Corporation get this benefit?" Cen Minghua also stepped in, "Let's go into the meeting room!"

Su Tezhu asked Tang Yichen for instructions, and after hanging up the phone, Su Tezhu led the other candidate groups into the meeting room.

As soon as Shangguan Ming entered the meeting room, he said angrily, "Duanmuze, what's the matter with you, you signed the contract secretly, and you still want us to know?"

Duan Muze got up with a smile, and introduced the people in the conference room, "These are the international supervisory team, notaries, and technicians. They are responsible for the review and follow-up of the screening and completion of this project. Choose Tang's Group, it is a matter of course."

"It's not fair to us at all!" Shangguan Ming was full of anger, "What's going on with this bidding!"

"If we investigate the internal operation and management capabilities and competencies openly, every group has the opportunity to sign this project, but we have sent people to investigate everything in the major groups. This is the information obtained by our personnel investigation. Duan Muze asked the secretary to distribute stacks of thick materials to the heads of the major groups, "You might as well take a look at the problems in your own group. We already have an elite team to find out the shortcomings for you. If you If you don’t know how to improve, the company will only stagnate.”

The secretary handed over every document to them, but Shangguan Ming didn't even read it, and directly threw the documents on the chairman's desk.

"It's not that you want to marry the Tang Group! Your daughter is Tang Yichen's mistress." Shangguan Ming scolded, "This project must be fair!"

Duan Muze didn't think so, and said in a cold voice, "Mr. Shangguan, it seems that I am the person in charge of this project. I have the final say on which partner I choose. When can I sign with you with your consent?"

"As you said, Tang Yichen is my daughter's man. I should give the project to someone I can trust, not some despicable people who only do small tricks behind their backs!"

As Duan Muze said, he said to the supervisory team and the notary, "Thank you for your hard work. After the completion of the project, you will follow up and give Tang Corporation technical support."

"Mr. Duanmu, we will definitely try our best to cooperate."

"Well, thank you!" Duan Muze said.

Then, a group of people stood up and shook hands with Tang Yichen respectively.

Tang Yichen said to Su Tezhu, "Su Tezhu, see off the guests."

"Yes, Mr. Tang!" Assistant Su Te said and invited the troublemakers out.

"Tang Yichen, are you going against me on purpose? Do you want to make your mother's story public? Let the public know about your mother's deeds?" Shangguan Ming became angry with embarrassment.

However, Tang Yichen didn't take Shangguanming's threat to heart, "Shangguanming, if you dare, please go ahead, I will let you go bankrupt, and even pay you a bigger sacrifice!"

Tang Yichen's words seemed to come from hell, and everyone present shuddered when they heard it!
"Do you think you really have this ability!" Shangguan was clearly not threatened.

"Just give it a try!" Tang Yichen narrowed his cold eyes and sneered.

"Tang Yichen, you will definitely regret it!" Shangguan Ming said through gritted teeth.

"I think, you should worry about yourself first!" Tang Yichen said, then led the people out of the conference room.

(End of this chapter)

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