Chapter 543
As soon as Shangguan Ming left the lobby of the Tang Group, he collided with Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Tang.

He stepped forward and said to Mrs. Tang, "Xiaojing, we haven't seen each other for several days. It seems that you look good!"

Madam Tang looked at Shangguan Ming, frowned and asked, "Shangguan Ming, what are you doing here!"

"Don't you know what I'm here for?" Shangguan Ming looked at Mrs. Tang and said.

Mrs. Tang looked at Mrs. Tang's expression, and quickly said to the servant beside her: "You take the old lady upstairs to find Yichen first."

After Mrs. Tang left, Mrs. Tang looked at Shangguan Ming with a cold face and said, "What the hell are you going to do! Do you think those materials can do anything to me! When you betray me, you are also betraying yourself! "

"Maybe, this is the difference between a man and a woman! How could I let myself get caught up in it?" Shangguan Ming smoked, "If you don't want to be the laughing stock of the whole city and let the Tang family fall into trouble, then Let my daughter marry into the Tang family and become Tang Yichen's wife!"

Mrs. Tang trembled. She didn't expect that her actions would hurt her family, and even affect her son's marriage happiness.

"Impossible! It is impossible for my son to marry the daughter of a man who is full of calculations!" Mrs. Tang said with a cold face, "Since I did this, I will take corresponding responsibilities!"

"You can get out of here now!"

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Tang turned and left, not paying attention to Shangguan Ming's words at all.

Mrs. Tang saw Mrs. Tang in front, so she stepped forward, and heard Mrs. Tang scolding: "Cen Minghua, you actually help outsiders to deal with the Tang family?"

"Auntie, your surname is also Cen, but your husband's surname is Tang, don't you also ignore our Cen family?" Cen Minghua said disapprovingly, "I am fighting for the benefits of the Cen family! And you Tang How about you, actually use improper means to obtain benefits!"

"Cen Minghua, what are you talking about! How dare you talk to me like that?" Mrs. Tang couldn't believe that Cen Minghua would be disrespectful to her.

The entire Cen family respected her somewhat.

"Why don't I dare? I think only members of the Tang family can stand your bad temper in this life! What you have done will only drive people to a dead end! If you didn't drive away Yao Yuxing's mother back then, then now How could Duanmuze cooperate with the Tang family!" Cen Minghua said coldly, "You really think you are the savior! In fact, you are nothing!"

After Cen Minghua said this, he walked away!

Mrs. Tang was so angry that Cen Minghua's blood pressure soared, and she fell to the ground!
"Mom!" Mrs. Tang quickly stepped forward to support Mrs. Tang, and said to the servant beside her, "Call 120 quickly!"

Mrs. Tang fainted in the hospital, which immediately caused panic among the employees of the group. After a while, someone told the matter to Tang Yichen who was working on the top floor.

Tang Yichen heard the news, just in time to send Mrs. Tang to the hospital.

"Mom, why did grandma faint!" Tang Yichen asked.

"It's Cen Minghua who is so angry!" Mrs. Tang said quickly.

The doctors and nurses were busy reducing the pressure on Mrs. Tang.

Mrs. Tang took advantage of this opportunity to apologize to Tang Yichen: "Son, it's all mother's fault. Mother knows that she has done a lot of wrong things, which made you and your father worry."

"Don't talk about it, I will take care of these things, just don't cause trouble for Dad in the future." Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "It's not that you don't know who Dad is, how can you act like that? This kind of thing? If you do this, not only will it affect your father's career, but it will also damage the reputation of the Tang Corporation."

"Son, if you had a choice, Mom would definitely not do it!" Mrs. Tang said guiltily: "During these days, it's hard for you to work so hard for my affairs."

He is her good son.

(End of this chapter)

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