Chapter 548

As soon as Mrs. Tang's condition improved, she went to the manor.

Yao Yuxing was very greedy during her pregnancy, and she especially liked to eat snacks, so Tang Yichen asked someone to airlift many special snacks from various countries back, so that she could eat them when she was free.

Yao Yuxing happened to be sitting in the living room, eating melon seeds, when she saw a servant bringing a few people in, she glanced over and saw Mrs. Tang, her face was startled.

She got up quickly and walked forward, "Old Madam Tang, Yichen has already gone to the company."

"I'm not here to look for Yichen, I'm here to look for you." Madam Tang said, and said to the servant who followed: "Take all these supplements into the kitchen and stew them for Yuxing every day. .”


Yao Yuxing was a little startled when he heard that, and even looked at Mrs. Tang in disbelief, "Mrs. Tang, how dare you spend so much money to buy so many supplements. Yichen has already bought a lot of them, and I can eat them by myself. Not that much."

"Old Madam Tang, take it home and eat it to replenish your body."

"I'm indeed nourishing my body, but these supplements are for pregnant women. What should I eat as an old woman?" Mrs. Tang said, she stepped forward and asked Yao Yuxing to sit down, "Don't stand still , sit down quickly, you now have the flesh and blood of our Tang family, you have to pay attention and eat more, you know?"

Mrs. Tang's actions made Yao Yuxing feel a little uncomfortable, she nodded quickly and said, "Mmm!"

"Sit down, don't stand." Mrs. Tang saw that Yao Yuxing was still standing in a restrained manner, so she said, motioning Yao Yuxing to sit down.

Yao Yuxing sat down at the side, feeling very uncomfortable, she didn't know why Mrs. Tang suddenly changed her mind.

"Yu Xing, thank you for disregarding previous suspicions and making soup for me, an old woman. When I think about what I have done to you, I feel ashamed." Mrs. Tang sighed secretly, full of guilt.

Yao Yuxing quickly waved his hands and said: "Old Madam Tang, don't say that, the relationship between me and Yichen must have hurt you at that time, you did that for our own benefit, but we were obsessed with it and didn't listen to advice."

As Yao Yuxing said, he lowered his head and looked at his toes nervously.

"Yuxing, do you still call me old lady? You should call me grandma just like Yichen." Mrs. Tang looked at Yao Yuxing and said seriously: "You look so much like your biological mother. I didn’t realize it, and I still misunderstood you all the time, I’m getting more and more confused with age!”

"I don't know my own life experience, so I don't blame you for this." Yao Yuxing raised his eyes slightly, looked into the other's eyes, and said softly, "It's all over, and now it's over, so we won't mention it." Those things are over."

Yao Yuxing stood up and asked, "Old Madam Tang, you have been sitting for quite a long time, and I haven't asked you what you want to drink. I'm so sorry. dull."

"You don't need to do these things, just let the servants do it!" Mrs. Tang also stood up, and pulled Yao Yuxing to sit down, "You are too tired, and you are mentally tense. You should rest more and eat well. of."

"Old Madam Tang..." Yao Yuxing frowned lightly.

"It's Grandma." Mrs. Tang corrected her.

"Grandma..." Yao Yuxing called out in a low voice.

"Hey." Mrs. Tang happily responded when she heard the words.

This good girl was almost lost because of her tyranny and obstruction.

"Grandma, what do you want to drink, I'll ask someone to bring it up." Yao Yuxing said.

"I'm very particular about what I eat now, and I have high blood pressure. I don't want to drink anything, so I just have a glass of plain water." Mrs. Tang said.

"Grandma, last time the parents of both sides had a dinner together, I saw that you really like fried foie gras. You should eat less of these animal livers, as the cholesterol is too high." Yao Yuxing suggested softly.

(End of this chapter)

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