Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 549 Don't Bully My Mom

Chapter 549 Don't Bully My Mom

The only thing about Mrs. Tang is that she doesn't eat too much, and she works a lot on weekdays, so her blood pressure will only soar and not drop.

"Grandma is a carnivore, and my family doctor told me to eat more vegetarian food, but I also like to have a few drinks on weekdays." Mrs. Tang shook her head and said, "I used to socialize a lot when I was young, and I developed a habit. Eating meat makes me feel sick all over."

"Grandma, for the sake of our health, we still have to change our bad habits." Yao Yuxing said earnestly, "If anything happens to your health, Yichen will be very worried!"

Mrs. Tang quickly waved her hand, "Don't talk about this, don't talk about this, where is that kid Nianxuan? Why haven't I seen him?"

"Nian Xuan is with his grandmother. He is very attached to his grandmother. He will live with his grandmother in a few days." Yao Yuxing replied softly.

When Mrs. Tang heard what Yao Yuxing said, her eyes were a little downcast, even with a trace of sadness, "Did I miss a lot about Nianxuan? I am really sorry for you."

"Grandma, don't blame yourself. You are not to blame for these things. If you are to blame, blame me for hiding the truth from you from the beginning..." When Yao Yuxing was speaking, there was a crisp and loud voice from outside the gate.

"Mummy! Grandma and I are back! Are you home!" Nian Xuan's childish voice carried a hint of lightness, "Look at what delicious food me, grandma, and Auntie Little Mustard made for you?"

Yao Yuxing heard the words and said to Mrs. Tang, "Grandma, look that Nian Xuan is back!"

Nian Xuan came in holding Bai Binghe's hand, and when he saw Mrs. Tang holding Yao Yuxing's hand, he mistakenly thought that Mrs. Tang was bullying Mommy, so he ran up, hugged Yao Yuxing's leg, and pointed at Mrs. Tang The man said: "You are not allowed to bully my mommy anymore! You are a bad person! A bad person!"

As soon as Nian Xuan remembered what Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Tang had done to Mummy before, he stretched out his little hand and pushed Mrs. Tang, "You are not allowed to bully my Mummy!"

Seeing this, Yao Yuxing turned pale with fright, and quickly pulled Nian Xuan behind him, "Xuan'er, Grandma Zeng didn't bully Mommy! Don't worry about Mommy, Mommy will take care of herself!"

"But I saw her holding Mommy's hand!" Nian Xuan said dissatisfiedly with puffed up face.

"Xuan'er is a polite and sensible child, isn't he?" Yao Yuxing squatted down, rubbing Nian Xuan's hair and asked.

Nian Xuan nodded: "Yes!"

"Then Xuan'er pushed Grandma Zeng on the sofa just now, did she do something wrong?" Yao Yuxing asked softly.

Nian Xuan nodded: "Yes...Xuan'er did something wrong."

"Then what should I do if I did something wrong?" Yao Yuxing asked with a sneer.

Nian Xuan blinked his eyes, glanced at Mrs. Tang who was pushed onto the sofa by himself with a pair of star eyes, lowered his little head, and said with a puckered mouth: "Mummy said that if you do something wrong, you are a bad child. If you apologize and admit your mistake, you are a good kid."

"Well, does Xuan'er know how to do it?" Yao Yuxing asked with a smile on his lips.

Nian Xuan walked up to Mrs. Tang and whispered, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you just now."

"It's okay, it's okay..." Mrs. Tang quickly waved her hands and said, "It's because I was too bad before, so I left a shadow in the children's mind..."

(End of this chapter)

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