Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 550 Don't Embarrass Nianxuan

Chapter 550 Don't Embarrass Nianxuan
"Xuan'er, Grandma Zeng." Yao Yuxing pulled Nian Xuan to Mrs. Tang.

Nian Xuan looked at Mrs. Tang, and was reluctant to call her, after all, he had witnessed this old lady bullying Mommy!

He is not as magnanimous as Mommy, so he can act as if nothing happened.

"Xuan'er, why don't you call me?" Yao Yuxing asked softly, seeing that Nian Xuan didn't want to call, and his face was a little embarrassed.

Nian Xuan turned around, hugged Bai Binghe, and shouted: "Grandma, let's go to the back garden to play. I have raised many small goldfish. I will take you to see them and make good friends with them, okay?" ?”

Bai Binghe hugged Nian Xuan, and then said to him, "Xuan'er, be good, listen to Mommy, call her Grandma Zeng, she is Xuan'er's Grandma Zeng, understand?"

Nian Xuan lowered his head and did not speak.

"Okay, don't embarrass Nianxuan, I don't care." Mrs. Tang always felt uncomfortable seeing the child wary of her. This is her great-grandson, but she didn't know it at all.

Back then, Hao spoke ill of him, which hurt his self-esteem and hurt his mommy.

Hearing this, Nian Xuan raised his eyes suddenly, and glanced blankly at Mrs. Tang, just when Nian Xuan saw the sadness flashing in Mrs. Tang's eyes, his little heart trembled slightly.

Bai Binghe hugged Nianxuan and went to the back garden. There are many famous potted plants and flowers in the back garden, which bloom so gorgeously.

There is also a rockery. Nian Xuan pointed to the water and said, "Grandma, look quickly! It's a goldfish raised by me and Mommy! Isn't it beautiful?"

"Xuan'er, the things you and your mommy keep are the best and most beautiful in your grandma's eyes!" Xiao Mustard teased Nian Xuan.

"Is it true?" Nian Xuan blinked at Bai Binghe and asked.

Bai Binghe chuckled, and gently kissed Nianxuan's little cheek, "Auntie Xiao mustard is right! As long as it is raised by you and your mommy, grandma thinks it is the most beautiful in the world." ! Even my little Xuaner is the most handsome, handsome, cute and invincible boy in the world!"

"Will you be as handsome as Daddy?" Nian Xuan imagined in his mind whether he would be as handsome as Tang Yichen when he grew up.

"It's definitely more handsome than your daddy!" Bai Binghe nodded in approval, "I don't even look at whose family's child it is! You are the son of my Bai Binghe family, you have great genes!"

"Grandma is so narcissistic!" Nian Xuan covered his mouth and laughed.

Laughter in the back garden.

Mrs. Tang, who was standing at the entrance of the back garden, looked at the scene in front of her and sighed: "Xiaoyu, look how much this child looks like Yichen when he was young. Why didn't I find out? I'm so confused !"

If she had looked at Nian Xuan a few more times and looked at him seriously, perhaps she would not have made so many mistakes.

"Grandma, it's fine, as long as you give him some time, he will call you, please be patient, okay?" Yao Yuxing looked at Mrs. Tang and said.

Mrs. Tang sighed softly, stretched out her hand to hold Yao Yuxing's hand, and sighed heavily: "Hey! Xiaoyu, I'm so sorry for you! You are such a good girl, but I have to make things difficult for you and Yichen everywhere, and still I have done so many things to be sorry to you, but you can still forgive me, I really don't know what to say."

"It's okay..." Yao Yuxing said softly.

This sentence was fine, it was easy to say, but in Mrs. Tang's heart, it was like a big stone, pressing heavily on her chest.

"And your mother's matter, I'm deeply sorry! To force you to leave Yichen's side and put her under house arrest, you see, I really shouldn't be forgiven!" What Mrs. Tang has done for herself is beyond compare. Feeling remorseful.

(End of this chapter)

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