Chapter 551

Tang Yichen looked at the many gift bags piled up at home, he frowned and asked: "Did your parents buy you supplements again?"

Yao Yuxing smiled and shook his head: "Guess again?"

"Could it be Ye Kaiwen?" Tang Yichen heard Yao Yuxing ask him to guess, the first thing he guessed was Ye Kaiwen!

When Ye Kaiwen's name was spoken, Tang Yichen's entire face darkened.

"Didn't you say that he has been pestered by Hei Lili? Why did you still give you these things? Throw them away!" Tang Yichen said in a deep voice, with a trace of jealousy in his voice.

Yao Yuxing listened, and quickly stretched out his hand to grab his arm, and said, "Don't! These are all brought by grandma!"

Hearing this, Tang Yichen froze and looked at Yao Yuxing in a daze, "What did you just say? Grandma brought this?"

"Well, grandma brought it." Yao Yuxing nodded lightly.

"Did grandma tell you anything else?" Tang Yichen grabbed Yao Yuxing's hand and asked nervously, "Grandma didn't make things difficult for you, did she?"

Yao Yuxing shook his head and said, "Don't be so nervous, grandma didn't make things difficult for me, grandma seems to have accepted me?"

When Tang Yichen was happy, he bent over and hugged Yao Yuxing into his arms!
Then he put his arms around her back, picked her up, and turned her around in circles.

"Yichen, be careful, don't scare the baby!" Yao Yuxing clasped his shoulders tightly with both hands, and said hastily.

Tang Yichen turned around carefully, and after a while, he let her down, "Xiaoyu! I'm so happy! Grandma finally accepts us!"

Yao Yuxing was hugged by him and turned around, making her dizzy. She held her forehead and frowned slightly, "I'm so dizzy..."

When she fainted, she felt like vomiting.

Seeing that her face was pale, Tang Yichen quickly stretched out his big hand and stroked her back, "Xiaoyu, are you okay! Is there something wrong?"

Yao Yuxing felt nauseated for a while, "I want to vomit..."

As she spoke, she pushed Tang Yichen away, dragged her stomach, rushed into the toilet, lay down on the sink, and vomited.

Tang Yichen followed up, seeing her suffering, he felt extremely remorseful, and his heart ached terribly!

"Xiao Yu, I'm sorry!" Tang Yichen patted her on the back and said distressedly, "It's all my fault, you can do anything to me!"

Yao Yuxing waved her hand quickly, and after she finished vomiting, she sighed softly, "It's just that I'm weak, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Xiaoyu, you must be feeling very uncomfortable. You look pale, why are you still taking my feelings into consideration?" Tang Yichen really hated himself for being so reckless and inconsiderate.

"Then can you let me lie down for a while now and take a rest?" Yao Yuxing also had no choice but to treat him.

Perhaps, this is the legendary feeling of not being able to hate.

She really couldn't hate him!

This man, after expressing her deep love for her, she stayed by his side wholeheartedly and took care of everything about him.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Tang Yichen said three good words in succession, and then helped her out of the bathroom.

"Lie down first, I'll make you something to eat." After Tang Yichen helped her to lie down on the bed, he went to make food for her.

Yao Yuxing quickly reached out to hold him, frowned and said, "I don't want to eat anything, don't force me to eat..."

She was really scared!

Every day, I eat supplements, eat them, and spit them out again.

"How can you not eat it? It's good for your health, and the baby in your stomach also needs to absorb nutrients. I've heard that when you eat at home, you vomit after eating. You haven't eaten anything. , do you know?" He rubbed her hair, smiled softly and said, "Be obedient, my cooking must be delicious! I promise you won't throw up after eating."

Yao Yuxing looked at him in disbelief, "Is it really that amazing?"

(End of this chapter)

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