Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 552 Chapter 601: Prenatal education, prenatal education, prenatal education!

Chapter 552 Chapter 601: Prenatal education, prenatal education, prenatal education!

Tang Yichen didn't make any other supplements for her, but made a plate of fruit salad for Yao Yuxing.

This sweet and sour taste is Yao Yuxing's favorite.

She wiped out all the salad at once, and after she finished eating, she looked at him eagerly and asked, "Is there any more?"

"How can you eat so much? If you let Auntie Bai know that I let you eat so much salad, she will definitely blame me." Tang Yichen cleaned up the salad plate, then sat down beside her, hugged her in his arms, and bowed his head. , kissed the salad dressing on the corner of her mouth, "This little greedy cat, he ate it all over his mouth!"

Yao Yuxing's face was blushed by his little gesture of intimacy, a gleam of light appeared in her eyes, and she looked at him slowly, "Yichen, I found that you have changed."

Tang Yichen lowered his eyes, looked at her, and asked, "Why have I changed?"

"In the past, I was very afraid of you... You are like a demon king, you are so high that people dare not touch you, and you dare not even take a breath." Yao Yuxing said in a low voice.

"What about now?" Tang Yichen pinched her chin, stared at her for a moment, and asked softly.

Yao Yuxing thought for a while, and then said, "Well, now you know how to consider other people's feelings, you can also consider others, and become considerate. At least I dare to approach you, and I'm not as restrained as before."

When she first met him, she wished she could end her life and not live with a piece of ice, which was still cold and hard.

It's all right now, this piece of ice, after four years, was finally warmed by her and melted.

Now, although he is always cold and ruthless in front of outsiders, he is a warm man in front of her.

He thought of her everywhere and helped her a lot.

"Was I really that bad in your mind before?" Tang Yichen heard her dictation and felt that he had a great influence on her. He put his arms around her body and said softly, "I ask you Guaranteed, I will never be cruel to you again in the future, and I will never show any expression to you again."

Yao Yuxing caressed his handsome face, looked into his black eyes, and said seriously: "Yichen, you don't need to pretend to be in front of me, no matter what you look like, I will accept it, you have to know, even though you Very powerful, but you are also a mortal with seven emotions and six desires, I know you shoulder heavy responsibilities, but I also want you to live an ordinary and simple life with me."

"Xiaoyu, I have a heavy workload recently, and I will try my best to spend time with you in the future." Tang Yichen said softly.

"Well, okay." Yao Yuxing snuggled into his arms and said slightly, "As long as you chat with me for a while every day, it's enough. You have a heavy responsibility, and there is another dispute between the Tang family and the Shangguan family. You alone It must be very tiring for people to deal with these things, right?"

"Yeah, I'm quite tired, so do you have any rewards?" Tang Yichen turned sideways, kissed her earlobe, and asked with a sneer.

"Then reward you with rest!" Yao Yuxing said seriously.

"This is not a reward, is it? Since you can't give me a material reward, give me a more practical reward!" Tang Yichen said, leaning forward and pouting his thin lips, signaling her to reward her with a kiss.

Yao Yuxing looked at his sexy thin lips, they pouted so cutely, her eyes turned into a bright moon when she smiled, she raised her hand to hold his handsome face, then stretched out a finger to press his lips thin lips.

He said solemnly: "Now is not the estrus period!"

"Then when will it be possible?" Tang Yichen looked at her mischievous smile and asked.

He looked at her pink and tender lips, and wanted to press her forward.

"Prenatal training! Prenatal training! Prenatal training!" Yao Yuxing patted his arm and warned in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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