Chapter 556

Tang Yichen almost dug the amusement park three feet to search for Nianxuan!

Because of looking for someone, the amusement park was temporarily closed, but all tourists were not allowed to leave.

Even more coincidentally, there was also a problem with the surveillance video of the amusement park, which made their search even more difficult.

"Xiao Yu, you go back first, wait for my news, I will call you as soon as I find Nian Xuan!" Tang Yichen supported Yao Yuxing to sit down on the chair beside him, and said softly.

Yao Yuxing shook his head: "I want to find Nianxuan with you, I don't feel at ease at home alone!"

When Mrs. Tang heard the news, she rushed over and asked Tang Yichen, "Why did the child disappear without a trace?"

"Grandma, don't get excited, Yichen will find Nianxuan." When Yao Yuxing saw Mrs. Tang, she was worried about her health, and hurriedly pretended to be fine and stepped forward to support Mrs. Tang.

Just as Tang Yichen was about to say something, his cell phone rang, and he walked aside to answer it.

"Yu Xing, tell grandma, why is Nian Xuan missing?" Mrs. Tang asked anxiously, holding Yao Yu Xing's hand back.

"Nianxuan will be fine, maybe he played hide-and-seek with us." Although Yao Yuxing comforted Mrs. Tang in this way, her heart was filled with fear and anxiety.

After a while, Nian Xuan will have an operation, how can he not see it on this joint bone?

And she was also very worried that the person who kidnapped Nianxuan had ulterior motives!
"Yu Xing, such a big thing has happened, what are you still doing to comfort me, an old woman?" Mrs. Tang frowned, clasped her hands together, and prayed, "God, as long as you return my great-grandson Come back, I am willing to pay with my own life!"

"Grandma, don't talk nonsense!" Yao Yuxing hastily stopped Mrs. Tang, "Even if you don't believe me, you still have to believe Yichen, he is Nian Xuan's father, there is no way that something will happen to Nian Xuan! I will let Nian Xuan come back safely."

After Tang Yichen put down the phone, his expression was a little gloomy, and he walked over, supporting Mrs. Tang's body, "Grandma, why are you here too?"

"Yichen, you must get Nian Xuan back. Grandma hasn't talked to him yet, and Grandma hasn't had time to treat him well. You must get my great-grandson back!" Mrs. Tang said excitedly.

"I got it! Don't worry, I assure you that Nian Xuan will come back safely!" Tang Yichen said firmly.

And Mrs. Tang who came with her, after learning the ins and outs, sneered: "It's really useless! It's just bringing a child, and you can still lose it!"

And everyone knew who Mrs. Tang was referring to.

Bai Binghe knew that she had made a mistake, so she naturally didn't have the confidence to argue with Mrs. Tang, she just looked sad.

"Xiaojing, what are you talking about? Now that something like this is happening, our family should unite together and find the child first!" Mrs. Tang became unhappy when she heard Mrs. Tang's words, and said in a deep voice.

"Mom, isn't it! He is so big that he can't look down on a child! Now it's known to the whole city!" Mrs. Tang said dissatisfied.

"Okay, don't say anything now!" Mrs. Tang shook her head and said, walking up to Bai Binghe, calming her down, "Xiao Bing, don't worry, nothing will happen to the child."

"Thank you...thank you..." Bai Binghe couldn't stop nodding in gratitude.

When something like this happened, she was more anxious than anyone else.

She just couldn't figure it out, why she just turned around to buy a bottle of water for the child, and the child disappeared!

"Yichen, where are you going! I'll go with you!" Seeing that Tang Yichen was about to get in the car, Yao Yuxing also stepped forward and asked while pulling the car door.

 Recommend a new article, gorgeous pet article hello! "The Most Loved Marriage in History: Young Master Mu, Change Your Position" is really cute!Do not pet or collect Hey!

(End of this chapter)

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