Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 557 I won't let him have trouble

Chapter 557 I won't let him have trouble

"Xiaoyu, you and grandma are going home, waiting for news from me at home." Tang Yichen said with a sullen face.

Yao Yuxing refused to listen, opened the car door, and got into the car. She took his big hand and said, "No, my son is mine too. He's gone now, and I'm also impatient. I want to go with him!"

"Assistant Su, let's drive." Tang Yichen couldn't resist Yao Yuxing, so he asked Su Te to drive.

"Yichen, did the call just now have something to do with Nianxuan?" Yao Yuxing had guessed a bit when she saw his expression when he avoided listening to the phone and put down the phone.

Tang Yichen looked at her deeply, and put his arms around her body, "Dad called me just now, saying that he received a phone call suspected of extortion."

"So, someone deliberately kidnapped Nianxuan?" Yao Yuxing's whole body trembled slightly when he heard that!

"Their goal is money, and they won't hurt Nian Xuan." Tang Yichen hugged her tightly and said in a deep voice.

"Yichen, don't let anything happen to Nianxuan! He's about to have an operation!" Yao Yuxing leaned on Tang Yichen's chest and said in a concentrated voice, "Who took Nianxuan away! Who is it!"

"Xiaoyu, I have made too many enemies outside, I really can't think of who would have this motive, I'm sorry!" Tang Yichen kissed her head deeply, "Xiaoyu, I didn't let you Got 100% safe, I'm so sorry!"

Yao Yuxing almost collapsed, she didn't listen to what Tang Yichen said, she was only worried about Nian Xuan's safety.

"Yichen, what do you think should I do? If something happens to Nian Xuan, what should I do!" Yao Yuxing's head was suppressed by a large stone, and now that she couldn't see Nian Xuan, she couldn't rest assured.

"Don't be afraid, Dad has already arranged everything, no one dares to hurt Nian Xuan." Tang Yichen caressed her body with his big hands, "Xiaoyu, why is your body so cold! Is there something uncomfortable?"

Her body temperature dropped instantly, catching him off guard, and quickly asked, "Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you? Don't get too excited, it will affect the fetus and your body!"

He held her face up slightly, only to find that her face was so vigorous that his heart twisted, and he hugged her tightly, promising, "I promise you, I will make sure that Nianxuan is safe and sound! Just relax, okay, don't scare me!"

He was originally a very calm man, but when he watched Yao Yuxing cry silently and worried about Nian Xuan, he realized that he had never protected them properly!
In his heart, there was a burst of repentance!

"Yichen, since I met my mother, Nian Xuan has an extra grandmother, grandpa, and aunt. Before that, Nian Xuan and I have never been separated, but now that I know that Nian Xuan has been kidnapped, my heart is very confused. It's so messy, I don't know what to do." Yao Yuxing bit his lower lip tightly, "I know you will make sure he's fine, but if I don't see him for a minute, my heart won't be able to settle down! "

"Little fish, listen!" Tang Yichen put his big hand on her stomach, "Did you forget that you still have Nianxuan's little brother or sister in your stomach, your responsibility is to take care of yourself and your stomach." My baby, leave Nianxuan's affairs to us!"

Yao Yuxing's expression changed now, her eyes fell on her belly, she raised her hand to hold Tang Yichen's big hand, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, take good care of yourself and the baby."

When they arrived at the city hall, Tang Yichen walked directly into the administrative building with Yao Yuxing in his arms, and walked straight to the mayor's office.

 It's time to tweet, girls, don't hold back! "The Most Loved Marriage in History: Young Master Mu, Change Your Position" In the wedding room, he stood naked.

  "Are you going to run naked?" A certain woman hurriedly covered her eyes.

  "Honey, are you satisfied with the look?" He had a smirk on his face, evil and wild.

  He turned into a wild leopard and threw her down.

  "Mr. Mu, we agreed that we are a fake marriage! You don't have the right to touch me..."

  "Practical materials, once requisitioned, will not be returned." His actions were too violent, causing a certain woman to be defeated.

  One day, "Master Mu, all kinds of poses are cool, which one do you like?" She caressed his handsome face, and hooked his slender legs with her feet.

  He brought her into his arms, narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, and his low and mellow voice rang softly in her ears: "Master likes it better... have fun on the spot!"

  A certain woman turned herself up: "Mr. Mu, change your position!

(End of this chapter)

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