Chapter 558 Escape with ransom
"The kidnapper wants Xiaoyu to take the ransom, so the ransom must be prepared, and we must ensure the safety of her and the child!" Tang Yichen asked Su Te to help prepare the ransom.

The kidnappers gave them only two hours to prepare the ransom.

And what the kidnappers want is to exchange for pounds.

When Assistant Su Te came into the mayor's office with a suitcase on a directional wheel, Tang Yichen was in charge of sending Yao Yuxing off.

And Hei Lili contacted her people, cooperated with the police, and lurked in two places.

When we arrived at the transfer site, it was a park with many people and vehicles.

"Xiao Yu, let me pay the ransom!" Seeing Yao Yuxing getting out of the car, Tang Yichen quickly said while holding her hand.

"No! Didn't you hear what those people said, if they change people, they will tear up their tickets!" Yao Yuxing shook Tang Yichen's hand, "I will definitely complete the task smoothly!"

"But I'm worried about letting you go alone!" Tang Yichen said.

"I'm pregnant, so they shouldn't do anything to me." Yao Yuxing looked at the time, "There are still 15 minutes before the ransom is paid, I have to pass!"

"Little fish, if you wear this, I'll know what's going on." Tang Yichen said, then took off the stud on her earlobe and replaced it with a special wiretapping earring.

Yao Yuxing got out of the car and took two boxes of ransom money to the designated location.

She waited in place for 10 minutes, but no one came to pick up the ransom.

After a while, a call came in from her mobile phone. It was a private number. She answered nervously: "Hi, I'm here. Where are you? My son is here!"

"Don't worry, when we confirm that the ransom is correct, we will naturally return your son to you." The voice of the kidnapper came, "Go forward for 10 minutes and you will see a white van on the side of the road. Connect there."

"Wait!" Yao Yuxing stopped them, "I want to see my son before you check the ransom money! I have to make sure he is safe before I can give you the ransom money to check!"

"Women are so troublesome!" An impatient voice came from the phone, but they still agreed.

Yao Yuxing just put the mobile phone on the special earrings, but Tang Yichen could hear it clearly.He drove the car a few meters behind Yao Yuxing and followed Yao Yuxing all the time in case something happened to her.

Yao Yuxing followed their instructions and saw a van.

As soon as she appeared, the people in the van were all wearing sunglasses and masks, as if they were worried about being discovered.

And Yao Yuxing also saw the child sitting in the car. Although she couldn't see the child's face clearly, she recognized the suit, which was the blue suit that Nian Xuan loved most.

One person was in charge of holding Yao Yuxing, while the other two were counting and checking the ransom.

Yao Yuxing was devoted to Nianxuan with all his heart, his eyes were always on the car.

While they were counting the ransom, the child sitting in the car saw that the balloon in his hand was blown away, so he got out of the car quickly to chase the balloon.

"What are you doing, be honest!" The man holding Yao Yuxing saw that Yao Yuxing was about to struggle, and growled.

Suddenly, there was a sound of sudden braking ahead, and a small blue shadow was thrown into the air and landed on the opposite road. An oncoming car did not have time to brake, and suddenly landed on the road. Run over the body of the child!

"No! Son!" Seeing this, Yao Yuxing was stunned!
She witnessed everything that happened in front of her eyes!
"Boss, boss...that child was killed!" said the man holding Yao Yuxing in a trembling voice.

"Then why are you standing still, let's go!" The two who were counting the ransom, zipped up, got on the motorcycle beside them, and fled!
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(End of this chapter)

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