Chapter 559 I want a son!

Tears burst out like a collapsed embankment in an instant!

She almost fainted, and it was very difficult for her to hold herself up.

Tang Yichen drove up the car, before the car was turned off, he got out of the car and grabbed Yao Yuxing.

"Don't go!" Tang Yichen hugged her tightly into his arms!
Yao Yuxing lay on Tang Yichen's chest, crying bitterly: "Nianxuan...I...I want to go..."

"I'm taking him home..."

As Yao Yuxing said, he struggled to get up from Tang Yichen's arms, and stumbled over. Tang Yichen stood there in a daze. When he saw her approaching the crowd, he strode forward and pulled her into his arms.

"Xiaoyu, don't look! I beg you! Don't look!" Tang Yichen hugged her tightly.

And around a circle of people, some people were discussing with sighs.

"It's so pitiful, the brains are coming out..."

"Whose child, it's a crime to be in a car accident at such a young age..."

"I was crushed until I lost my head. It was so scary."

And Yao Yuxing fainted when he heard it!

Tang Yichen hugged Yao Yuxing and put her into Du Lingheng's car, "Ling Heng, help me take her home! Don't let her know anything!"

Tang Yichen's eyes were red.

"Yichen, sorry..." Du Lingheng pressed Tang Yichen's shoulder and said with a sigh.

Tang Yichen took a deep breath, pushed aside the crowd, and walked to the scene of the car accident.

The scene was so bloody, terrifying, and tragic that it cannot be described in words!
Tang Jiajun also came to the scene, looking at the situation in front of him, his voice choked up, "Yichen, this is... Nianxuan?"

"Hmm..." Tang Yichen's voice was extremely painful, he took a step forward and walked over.

"Yichen! Don't go there! Let the forensic doctor come..." Tang Jiajun grabbed Tang Yichen's shoulder and shook his head.

"Dad, he is my son, no matter what he becomes, he is still my flesh and blood..." Tang Yichen said, took away his father's hand, and walked towards Nianxuan.

Tang Yichen looked at Nianxuan lying on the ground in a pool of blood, although he was sentimental and felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't shed tears.

He picked up the child, put it on a flat car, and let the nurse push it away.

When he arrived at the hospital, Tang Yichen said to the doctor, "I want the child's DNA report."

"Well, okay, I will notify you when the report comes out." The doctor said, then added after a pause, "Mr. Tang, what should we do with this child now? Should he be cremated now, or let you have one last look at him? "

"Put it in the freezer first, and wait for other things to be reported." Tang Yichen's voice was extremely hoarse, and every word he said seemed to be pierced by a thorn.

Tang Yichen was covered in blood from the child, he sat on the bench slumped, Tang Jiajun came over and patted Tang Yichen's shoulder lightly, "Yichen...and Dad is here."

"Dad..." Tang Yichen's eyes were red, his eyes were filled with sadness, and his voice became even hoarse.

After a while, his cell phone rang, and it was Yao Yuxing who called.

He didn't even have the courage to connect to the phone, he couldn't tell Yao Yuxing about the child.

He picked up the phone slightly, "Xiaoyu..."

"Yichen, where is Nianxuan! I want Nianxuan! I want to see him! Where is he now? I dreamed about him just now, and he said, Mommy, why don't you come and save me? I'm so scared, I'm so scared by myself Mommy, can you come and accompany me...Yichen, where is Nian Xuan! Where is Nian Xuan! Tell me, what's wrong with Nian Xuan now..."

Listening to her helpless voice, Tang Yichen fell into endless pain.

"Little fish, don't think about anything, rest well and take care of your body." Tang Yichen bit his lip and said in pain.

"No! I want Nian Xuan! I want a son! My Xuan'er..." Yao Yuxing was crying on the phone, her voice was so sad, she growled: "Don't stop me! I'm going to find Nianxuan... woo woo woo woo..."

"Xiaoyu, I'm sorry..." Tang Yichen closed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

 Don't be disgusted, everyone!I want to make an advertisement through the old article, the new article is very important to me!It's a very pampering article, "The Most Favored Marriage in History: Young Master Mu, Change Your Position"

  In the wedding room, he stood naked.

  "Are you going to run naked?" A certain woman hurriedly covered her eyes.

  "Honey, are you satisfied with the look?" He had a smirk on his face, evil and wild.

  He turned into a wild leopard and threw her down.

  "Mr. Mu, we agreed that we are a fake marriage! You don't have the right to touch me..."

  "Practical materials, once requisitioned, will not be returned." His actions were too violent, causing a certain woman to be defeated.

  One day, "Master Mu, all kinds of poses are cool, which one do you like?" She caressed his handsome face, and hooked his slender legs with her feet.

  He brought her into his arms, narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, and his low and mellow voice rang softly in her ears: "Master likes it better... have fun on the spot!"

  A certain woman turned herself up: "Mr. Mu, change your position!

(End of this chapter)

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