Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 560 Why is there no chapter yet?

Chapter 560 Why haven't you come back yet?
When the conversations of the people at the scene of the car accident came to Yao Yuxing's mind, she fainted several times.

Every time she wakes up, she looks for Nianxuan all over the house, and when she can't find it, she wants to go out to look for it. She calls Tang Yichen, but Tang Yichen doesn't answer her call at all, which makes her even more devastated.

"Xiaoyu, don't act like this, mother is sorry for you, mother is sorry for you!" Bai Binghe stepped forward, hugged Yao Yuxing's trembling body from behind, and cried, "Xiaoyu, it's all mother's fault, It's all mother's fault, don't torture yourself like this, okay..."

"Let me go! I'm going to find my son! I'm going to find my son!" Yao Yuxing struggled, her voice was extremely cold and extremely hoarse, and she said in pain: "My son, I have been with him for so many years, It's hard work, why did you treat him like this, why did you take him away from me..."

"Xiaoyu, I'm sorry!" Bai Binghe only kept apologizing.

"Mom, tell me, did Nianxuan leave me? Where is he? Can you take me to him?" Yao Yuxing turned around, holding Bai Binghe's hand, tears kept streaming down his face, Grieving: "Mom, take me to see Nian Xuan, he was crying in his dream and wanted to see me... no matter what happens to him now, I will go to see him, if not, he will not leave happily... "

"Little fish..." Bai Binghe sat down on the ground slowly along Yao Yuxing's body, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have brought Xuan'er to a place with so many people, I shouldn't have done this Yes, it was I who harmed the child and you..."

After Bai Binghe learned that Nianxuan had left in a car accident, she felt that the whole world was collapsing, but thinking that Yao Yuxing needed more care and support than she did, she braced herself and stayed by her daughter's side all the time. I didn't dare to go, and I didn't dare to think about anything.

"Xiaoyu, mom did something wrong! If you can ease the pain in your heart, then mom will be with Nianxuan now! Over there, at least I can redeem my sins and take good care of him..." Bai Binghe's voice It was full of crying, after she finished speaking, she was going to hit the wall.

When Yao Yuxing saw it, he hurried forward, hugged Bai Binghe's body, buried his face on Bai Binghe's back, and said with a sob: "Mom, don't be like this! I don't have a son anymore, I can't lose him anymore." You! I don't want to lose any of you, mom, don't blame yourself, this kind of thing is not what we think..."

Bai Binghe cried bitterly: "Since I was a child, my parents have always owed you. Now, I owe you even more. No matter how much love I use in this life, I can't make up for the harm I have done to you."

"Don't talk, don't talk..." Yao Yuxing choked up and said, "Accompany me to the hospital, I'm going to send Nianxuan off for the last time, and I have to watch him go so that he can leave with peace of mind."

When Bai Binghe heard this, her body trembled slightly, because she felt that Yao Yuxing's body was trembling constantly.

Yao Yuxing held back his tears, adjusted his emotions, and asked the driver to take them away.

When she came out of the room, the spiritless Mrs. Tang saw that Yao Yuxing and the others were in grief, even her eye sockets were wet, she asked, "Yuxing, what's wrong with you? Why are you all crying?"

When Yao Yuxing was asked about her pain, she pursed her lips and choked, and then said in a hoarse voice, "It's nothing, I just feel a little uncomfortable, I'll go out for a while."

The two elders of the Tang family were very old. After Yao Yuxing learned about Nian Xuan, although she was heartbroken, she told the others not to tell the two elders, lest they be irritated.

"It's really nothing?" Mrs. Tang looked at the atmosphere very strangely, "Have you found Nian Xuan? Why hasn't Nian Xuan returned after the ransom was paid?"

 The new article "The No. [-] Favorite Marriage in History: Young Master Mu, Change Your Position" Please collect please collect please collect!
(End of this chapter)

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