Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 561 You Can't Take It

Chapter 561 You Can't Take It
Tang Yichen flipped through a DNA report given to him by the doctor, his brows furrowed deeper, and he wrung out a deep Sichuan character.

Where is Nianxuan?
There was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, he heard the reputation and looked over, and a thin figure came into his eyes.

He hurriedly hid the report, stepped forward, supported the person, and said, "Didn't I let you stay at home, I'll take care of things here."

"Yichen, no matter what, I'm going to send my son off..." Yao Yuxing said, tears streaming down her face again, her voice choked up, she raised her hand and tightly held Tang Yichen's arm, "Take me to see him ..."

"Xiao Yu, are you really going?" Tang Yichen saw her like this, his heart ached so badly, he gently raised his hand to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.

If the truth is told to her now, she will definitely not be able to accept it even more.

If the son can't be found, it's just as bad as it is bad, he can't give her hope at all, worrying that it's just a disappointment, if that's the case, it's even more cruel to her!
"You promise me that you can only look at it and not get close to it. I'm worried that you won't be able to bear it." Tang Yichen said in a choked voice with his arms around her waist.

"Yeah." Yao Yuxing leaned in his arms and nodded repeatedly.

When entering the mortuary, Tang Yichen hugged her from the beginning to the end, even if she wanted to go forward, he would not let her go, he was afraid that she would faint again if she saw it.

Even when he saw the child's miserable condition for the first time, his spirit broke down!
He couldn't imagine that a living life was so fragile.

"Yichen, I want to hug him." Yao Yuxing begged.

She knew that Tang Yichen would not let her get close to the child, but no matter what, it was her child, how could she despise the child.

"Xiaoyu, you can't bear it. What if you see that your tires are gasping?" Tang Yichen held her tightly, frowning deeply, and said in a deep voice.

"It's okay, I'll be fine." Yao Yuxing pleaded involuntarily, "Please, let me go there, is it okay?"

After thinking deeply, Tang Yichen finally nodded, "I'll help you pass."

When Yao Yuxing passed by, he wanted to lift the white cloth, but was stopped by Tang Yichen, "Xiao Yu, don't look!"

Yao Yuxing bit her lip and cried with a trembling voice, "Yichen, I want to see the child..."

"Xiaoyu, if you want to see it, I'll carry you out right now!" It's not that Tang Yichen doesn't want her to see it, but that scene is so cruel!

Yao Yuxing reached out to caress the child's feet, coldly, "Xuan'er, are you cold? Mommy is here. Mommy is really useless. She didn't save you, and she just watched you being knocked into the air...Xuan Son, will you blame Mommy..."

"Xuan'er, Mommy was really wrong. She didn't protect you well. Why did you leave Mommy so cruelly? You left Mommy. What should Mommy do?"

Finally, Yao Yuxing gently opened the white curtain, revealing a pair of calves. On those ankles, she wore a pair of thin gold bracelets. The pair of gold bracelets were the safety bracelets that Yao's mother begged for Nianxuan.

Thinking that she would be separated from her son forever, her legs softened, and she lay down beside the cold bed, tightly hugging Nian Xuan's body.

Weeping uncontrollably: "Xuan'er, Mommy's good son..."

"Xiaoyu, get up, don't cry!" Tang Yichen quickly bent over and helped her up, "Xiaoyu, you are so sad, it is very bad for your health! Get up!"

This kind of place is very cloudy, and it is not suitable for pregnant women to come in, and it is not good for the fetus.

Therefore, Tang Yichen forcibly took Yao Yuxing away.

"Yichen, why are you hugging me! You put me down! I want to stay here with my son! You put me down!" Yao Yuxing waved his feet and roared.

 Here I recommend Xiaobai's favorite article again: "The First Favorite Marriage in History: Young Master Mu, Change Your Position"

  In the wedding room, he stood naked.

  "Are you going to run naked?" A certain woman hurriedly covered her eyes.

  "Honey, are you satisfied with the look?" He had a smirk on his face, evil and wild.

  He turned into a wild leopard and threw her down.

  "Mr. Mu, we agreed that we are a fake marriage! You don't have the right to touch me..."

  "Practical materials, once requisitioned, will not be returned." His actions were too violent, causing a certain woman to be defeated.

  One day, "Master Mu, all kinds of poses are cool, which one do you like?" She caressed his handsome face, and hooked his slender legs with her feet.

  He brought her into his arms, narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, and his low and mellow voice rang softly in her ears: "Master likes it better... have fun on the spot!"

  A certain woman turned herself up: "Mr. Mu, change your position!

  Please collect!


(End of this chapter)

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