Chapter 564 I Feed You

"You guys go down." Tang Yichen said to the servant with a trace of chill on his handsome face.

"Yes." The servant took the bucket and left.

"Give me the goldfish." Tang Yichen took the goldfish from the servant's hand.

After the servant left, Tang Yichen carried the bucket and walked up to Yao Yuxing, put the bucket aside, then slightly squatted down, stretched out his big hand, and gently landed on her thin shoulder.

This picture of a man hugging a dog made Tang Yichen feel very uncomfortable.

"Xiaoyu, don't be sad, don't you still have us?" Tang Yichen gently hugged Yao Yuxing into his arms, "Don't cry, okay? You have been crying for a long time, if you continue crying like this, Xuan'er will know It will be sad."

"Wuwuwu, Yichen, do you know that all my son's favorite goldfish are dead, and I'm afraid that the only thing left by him will suddenly disappear..." She was really scared, in this way, she What should we use to see things and think about people?
"Come..." Tang Yichen gently wiped away tears for her, and said softly, "Goldfish have the lifespan of a goldfish, maybe the goldfish is worried that Xuan'er is too lonely, so they go to accompany him, all we have to do is Go ahead and keep the goldfish and let them replace the old ones, okay?"

"But those are not Xuan'er's goldfish..." Yao Yuxing shook his head, unwilling to admit this fact.

"Silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about, just treat these as our goldfish, okay?" Tang Yichen helped her stand up, carried the bucket, and walked to the pool, "Let's put these goldfish down together. "

"..." Yao Yuxing didn't want to speak, and watched him silently put the goldfish into the pool one by one.

This scene reminded her of when Nian Xuan asked Tang Yichen's advice to raise goldfish, Nian Xuan happily put the goldfish Tang Yichen bought back into the pool one by one.

It's just that when the goldfish is released now, the presence of the son is missing.

As she thought about it, tears fell down again. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears, took a deep breath, bent down slowly, reached into the bucket, and picked up a goldfish.

Just as Tang Yichen reached in, he happened to hold her hands holding the goldfish.

The two looked at each other, and after ten seconds, Tang Yichen said, "Let's put it down together."

"Okay..." Yao Yuxing said with a sob.

Tang Yichen held Yao Yuxing's hands and slowly put the goldfish into the pool.

After stocking the goldfish, Yao Yuxing pulled Tang Yichen's clothes, lowered his head, and said slightly: "Yichen, I want to bury those goldfish."

"Okay, I'll get the shovel." Tang Yichen nodded and said.

When Tang Yichen took the shovel, he helped Yao Yuxing to an open space, dug a hole, poured all the goldfish in, and then covered it with soil.

"Sit down and rest for a while, I'll go into the kitchen and bring you some food." Tang Yichen said, then went into the kitchen and brought out the chef's prepared meals.

Although the food was delicious, she had no appetite, even if Tang Yichen personally spooned the soup and brought it to her mouth, she would frown and shake her head and said, "I don't want to eat."

"Xiaoyu, you've lost ten catties! If you continue like this, your body will deteriorate! Besides, if you don't eat, the baby in your belly will eat too. How can you bear to let the baby be hungry?" Tang Yichen watched her body getting worse and worse. The thinner you get, the more uncomfortable you feel, "You have to eat as much as you want, you cry all day long like this, if Xuan'er finds out, he will be more sad than you! Why don't you take care of your body so much?"

"What's more, the baby in your belly can feel that you are so sad. Your emotions will affect the healthy growth of the baby. If you look like this, both you and the baby will be unhealthy."

"..." Yao Yuxing looked at him.

"Hey, have some soup and some food, I'll feed you." Tang Yichen served her very tenderly.

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(End of this chapter)

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