Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 565 That Child Is In The Ruins

Chapter 565 That Child Is In The Ruins
Tang Yichen hugged Yao Yuxing and sat on the sofa in the living room, not daring to go anywhere, unable to do anything.

At this time, his mobile phone on the coffee table vibrated.

Glancing at it, it was Assistant Su Te who called in.

He lowered his eyes, looked at Yao Yuxing, and said softly, "I'll answer the phone."

Yao Yuxing slowly left his arms, he glanced at her, then walked aside to answer the phone.

His voice was very low, and when he put down his phone and walked up to Yao Yuxing, he said to her, "Xiaoyu, you stay at home, I'm going out to do some errands now."

"En." Yao Yuxing nodded slightly.

As soon as Tang Yichen left, Mrs. Tang came over.

Mrs. Tang sat down opposite Yao Yuxing, and looked at Yao Yuxing in silence, until Yao Yuxing couldn't sit still. She squinted her red and swollen eyes, looked at Mrs. Tang, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Grandma, what do you do?" son?"

"Xiaoyu, why have you all changed your appearance recently? I feel a sense of sadness. What about Nianxuan, why hasn't the child come back yet?" Mrs. Tang looked at Yao Yuxing and asked.

"Grandma..." Yao Yuxing's voice choked up when he heard Mrs. Tang's question.

"When you went to pay the ransom, the child who got into a car accident was our Nianxuan?" Mrs. Tang was a little agitated, and looked at Yao Yuxing intently.

Yao Yuxing's heart skipped a beat, she stared blankly at Mrs. Tang, but couldn't say anything.

"Are you planning to hide such a big thing from us?" Mrs. Tang slapped the coffee table heavily, and said sadly, "How can I say, I am also your grandma, how can you hide these things?"

"Grandma, I'm more distressed than any of you when these things happened. We didn't tell you and grandpa because we didn't want to irritate you. After all, you just met your child, and you disappeared in a blink of an eye. I don't know. How should I explain to you..."

Yao Yuxing lowered her head, her vision was blurred by the mist in her eyes, and her shoulders trembled violently because of her sobbing.

Mrs. Tang walked over, stretched out trembling hands, held Yao Yuxing's hand, and said with a sigh: "Xiaoyu, grandma is really sorry for you, sorry!"

At this time, Mrs. Tang was full of guilt towards Yao Yuxing.

Yao Yuxing shook his head, stretched out his arms to hug Mrs. Tang, and called out, "Grandma..."

Tears flowed down my cheeks.

When Tang Yichen got out of the car, Su Tezhu hurriedly stepped forward to open the car door and said, "Mr. Tang."

"Where is that child?" Tang Yichen asked in a deep voice.

"In the ruins of a village ahead, some villagers said they saw the young master near here."

"Take me there!" Tang Yichen couldn't wait, even if there was a glimmer of hope, he couldn't miss it!

He knew that the boy in the car accident was not his Nian Xuan, and the kidnapper also confessed that it was a mentally handicapped orphan found in an orphanage, and the clothes and objects worn by the orphan were indeed Nian Xuan Take it off.

And all of this was ordered by someone to do this, and they didn't know that the person they blackmailed was Mayor Tang's grandson.

They were also blinded by the money and negotiated according to the phone number provided by the messenger behind the scenes, but they did not expect that the other party actually agreed to pay the ransom.

When Tang Yichen arrived at the ruined house, he searched all the rooms inside and out, but he didn't see Nian Xuan.

"Su Tezhu, are you sure Nian Xuan is really here!" Tang Yichen panicked.

"Yes, and I also heard from the villagers here that a small car will come in every other day. It came yesterday, but it probably won't come today." Su Tezhu said, "Let's look again, it must be here .”

"Let's find them separately!" Tang Yichen said.

 Recommended pet article: Ruo Xiaobai "The No. [-] Favorite Marriage in History: Young Master Mu, Change Your Position"

  "Are you going to run naked?" A certain woman hurriedly covered her eyes, leaving gaps between her fingers.

  "Wife, are you satisfied with the size of the master?" He had a smirk on his face, evil and crazy.

  He turned into a wild leopard and threw her down.

  "Mr. Mu, we agreed that we are a fake marriage! You don't have the right to touch me..."

  "Practical materials, once requisitioned, will not be returned." His actions were too violent, causing a certain woman to be defeated.

  One day, "Master Mu, all kinds of poses are cool, which one do you like?" She caressed his handsome face, and hooked his slender legs with her feet.

  He brought her into his arms, narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, and his low and mellow voice rang softly in her ears: "Master likes it better... have fun on the spot!"

  A certain woman turned herself up: "Mr. Mu, change your position!

  Girls who haven't collected it yet, go and have a look, if you like it, please collect one!


(End of this chapter)

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