Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 566 The Little Fish Is Missing

Chapter 566 The Little Fish Is Missing

Finally, Tang Yichen found the smudged child in the basement of the ruins. He took a closer look and recognized Nian Xuan from the dark little face.

"Xuan'er! It's really you!" Tang Yichen was overly excited and hugged Nian Xuan into his arms.

When he saw that Nian Xuan's hands and feet were tied with iron chains, his dark eyes were stained with scarlet!
"Daddy..." Nian Xuan's consciousness was very vague. When he heard a familiar voice, he opened his eyes slightly, looked at the man in front of him, and cried out.

At this time, Nian Xuan, with ragged clothes, dirty face, and skinny, looks like a little beggar on the street!
Who the hell tortured his son into this look!

He will definitely tear it into pieces!
When Nian Xuan felt safe, he fainted!
Tang Yichen called Su Te's assistant to help untie the bracelet and anklet!

"Ah! Who on earth is so cruel and treats the young master like this!" Assistant Su Te rushed over, and when he saw this scene, his heart trembled.

"Don't say anything, send the young master to the hospital first, call Du Lingheng, we will go to the hospital immediately!" Tang Yichen carefully hugged the weak Xiao Nianxuan in his arms, and helped Su Te out of the ruins, went up Get out of the car and go straight to the hospital!

When Du Lingheng received the call, he stood guard at the door of the hospital. When he saw Tang Yichen appearing with a child in his arms, Du Lingheng hurried forward and asked, "Yichen, who is this child?"

"Don't ask anything, save Nian Xuan first!" Tang Yichen carried Nian Xuan into the operating room, and Du Lingheng immediately examined Nian Xuan.

Tang Yichen kept guarding the door of the operating room, until the door of the operating room opened, Tang Yichen asked in a deep voice, "How is Nianxuan's situation?"

"Nianxuan couldn't keep up with his nutrition, and he didn't have a drop of water. It is already the limit to be able to last until now. I have given him a nutritional injection, and asked the nurse to scrub his body and change his clothes." Du Lingheng took off his mask. , looking at Tang Yichen suspiciously, "Yichen, what happened to Nianxuan? Where did you find it?"

"Would you like to tell Xiaoyu the truth about the car accident some time ago? After all, Nian Xuan has already found it!"

Tang Yichen guarded Nianxuan, and finally asked Su Te to go back to the manor to pick up Yao Yuxing, wanting to give her a surprise.

When Su Tezhu turned back, the news brought to Tang Yichen was: Yao Yuxing is not at home!

As soon as Nian Xuan found it, the other end said that Yao Yuxing was missing, and he was caught off guard like a grasshopper in a hot pot!

He sent someone to the hospital to guard Nianxuan's ward, except for Du Lingheng and the special nurses, no one could come near him!
Then he drove away to look for Yao Yuxing.

In fact, Yao Yuxing was taken away by Su Qingqing. Su Qingqing came to the manor and said that he was Yao Yuxing's friend. He had something important to tell her. When Yao Yuxing saw it was Su Qingqing, he let her in.

Su Qingqing handed Yao Yuxing a photo and said where she had seen Nianxuan.

When Yao Yuxing saw the child in the photo, she was so excited that she didn't think about anything, so she followed Su Qingqing and left.

And Su Qingqing brought Yao Yuxing to Shangguan's house.

"Qingqing, why did you bring me to Shangguan's house?" Yao Yuxing asked quickly when he saw that something was wrong.

Su Qingqing's face was sullen, she didn't say anything, she just looked at Yao Yuxing calmly.

Yao Yuxing sensed something was wrong, and wanted to turn around and leave, but two tall men walked up from both sides, holding a wet wipe soaked in ether to cover Yao Yuxing's mouth and nose.

Yao Yuxing took a sharp breath, couldn't breathe, and passed out.

When she woke up, Su Qingqing was sitting in front of her.

"Qingqing, why are you treating me like this?" Yao Yuxing was lying on the bed with his hands tied at the head of the bed.

 Xiaobai Xinwen needs support!Girls who haven't collected it yet, go and collect one!Grateful! "The No. [-] Favorite Marriage in History: Young Master Mu, Change Your Position", a very favorite article!
(End of this chapter)

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