Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 567 The Meat To The Mouth

Chapter 567 The Meat To The Mouth
"Xiaoyu, I'm sorry, I have already notified Tang..."

"Click!" The sound of the door opening interrupted Su Qingqing's words behind her. She turned her head and saw that Shangguan Ming and Shangguan Jinxuan had entered, her face turned pale with fright, and she quickly stood up.

"Your mission has been completed, go out!" Shangguan Ming said to Su Qingqing.

His eyes fell on Su Qingqing's swollen stomach, and he said, "Stop running around with your belly upright, and stay in the room for me. Whatever you hear or see, just pretend it's nothing." happened before."

Su Qingqing lowered her head and said, "Yes!"

After Su Qingqing went out, Shangguanming stepped forward, stretched out his rough hand, stroked Yao Yuxing's chin, and said with a tusk: "The last time I was in the restaurant, I gave up all the meat in my mouth! I was thinking about it." tight!"

"Dad, don't you want to touch her?" Shangguan Jinhuan stepped forward and took Shangguan Ming's hand, "She is still pregnant with Tang Yichen, if you touch her, Tang Yichen will not let us go of!"

"She is pregnant with the seed of your beloved man! Are you still helping her? If I make her dirty, you say that a man like Tang Yichen who has an emotional cleanliness will want her if his woman is dirty?" Shangguan Mingxie laughed, and stared at Yao Yuxing with a pair of luscious eyes.

Yao Yuxing trembled when she heard this, she looked at Shangguanming in fear, "If you dare to touch me, don't say Tang Yichen won't let you go, my parents won't let you go either!"

"This woman is not stupid, she knows how to use people to scare me!" Shangguan Ming said: "I was scared too much! I haven't seen any storms! You are our last bargaining chip. Of course, you must enjoy it before using it. ah!"

"Dad, are you serious?" Shangguan Jinhuan had some scruples, after all, now everyone knows who Tang Yichen's woman is, and Yao Yuxing is Tang Yichen's favorite, if they really did something to Yao Yuxing, they must Longyan will be furious.

"Could it be fake?" Shangguan Ming said disapprovingly.

"Dad, we agreed to just kidnap Nianxuan to ask Tang Yichen to withdraw the lawsuit against us, but we didn't say we were going to touch Yao Yuxing!" Shangguan Jinhuan frowned, seeing her father's look full of lust, her heart skipped a beat. , I am afraid that my father will go further and further away.

"What! You really kidnapped my son! Why did you do this! Is my son still in your hands? What happened to that photo!" Yao Yuxing struggled excitedly, but his hands were tied , "What did I do to make you treat me like this! Why did you treat my son like this! He is still sick, and you actually..."

"Yao Yuxing, the only thing you did wrong was to make Tang Yichen fall in love with you! Seeing you become like this because of the pain of bereavement these days, I can't say how happy I am!" Shangguan Jinhuan looked at Yao Yuxing coldly , "If I tell you that your son is not dead, but has been hidden by us, will you feel more uncomfortable? After all, he is a young master who was born with a golden key in his mouth, and now he is reduced to a little beggar, hehe ...Just thinking about it makes me feel happy!"

Yao Yuxing's heart twitched suddenly, as if being pierced by a thousand sharp swords. Could it be that what Su Qingqing said was true?
Her son is still alive?

She suddenly remembered that Tang Yichen had told her that as long as she rested well, Nian Xuan would definitely return to her side in a safe and sound manner after a while.

Does Tang Yichen also know something?

"Shangguan Jinhuan, where is my son! What have you done to my son!" Yao Yuxing roared desperately at Shangguan Jinhuan, "Let me go! Let me go!"

"I'll let you go, that's fine, let me play for a while!" Shangguan Ming said, climbing onto the bed...

 Recommend pet articles, remember to bookmark them: Ruo Xiaobai "The No. [-] Favorite Marriage in History: Young Master Mu, Change Your Position"

  "Are you going to run naked?" A certain woman hurriedly covered her eyes, leaving gaps between her fingers.

  "Wife, are you satisfied with the size of the master?" He had a smirk on his face, evil and crazy.

  He turned into a wild leopard and threw her down.

  "Mr. Mu, we agreed that we are a fake marriage! You don't have the right to touch me..."

  "Practical materials, once requisitioned, will not be returned." His actions were too violent, causing a certain woman to be defeated.

  One day, "Master Mu, all kinds of poses are cool, which one do you like?" She caressed his handsome face, and hooked his slender legs with her feet.

  He brought her into his arms, narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, and his low and mellow voice rang softly in her ears: "Master likes it better... have fun on the spot!"

  A certain woman turned herself up: "Mr. Mu, change your position!


(End of this chapter)

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