Mysterious country

Chapter 1096 The reason has been found

Chapter 1096 The reason has been found

As the ambassador of the Rebel Alliance to the outside world, Chen Sheng has spared no effort in the integration of foreign forces.

Ever since he received Leng Yue and the others and settled them in the Light and Shadow Block, he shuttled back and forth between the blocks again, fearing that it would delay Xia Qi's progress.

For the managers of other blocks, it may be a last choice to follow Xia Qi.

But for Chen Sheng, to be able to hang out with Xia Qi and gain Xia Qi's importance, this is undoubtedly a great opportunity.

After all, Xia Qi's strength and potential, as well as his ambition and methods are all there. Even if he doesn't do this matter, there will be other people who will do it. It's just that after the matter is done, what needs to be faced But it is quite different.

Chen Sheng felt that he was now the second in command of Xia Qi's side, as if he had made great achievements in the founding of the country. Although his strength could not be put on the stage, his status would definitely rise with the tide once the big event was achieved.

Just because he is the second-in-command in this foreign domain, even if he is just a small supervisor, no one will dare to touch him.

Because it is easy to enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree, it is not difficult to see that Xia Qi is a very affectionate person just because Xia Qi cares about his friends very much.

So as long as he does things well, Xia Qi will never treat him badly.

Compared with Chen Sheng's ambition, Zeng Yu's thinking is relatively simple. He is only purely obeying the tasks Xia Qi entrusted to him. Being by Chen Sheng's side is both a help and a kind of supervision.

Although he was somewhat displeased with Chen Sheng's superficial tricks and his tricks behind the scenes, he still admired Chen Sheng's ability to turn the crooked into the straight.

At least a lot of meaningless fights were avoided. After all, no matter how weak these outland managers were, they came up from the bottom step by step. Rabbits would bite people when they were in a hurry, let alone them.

Therefore, when Chen Sheng communicated with them, he simply analyzed the pros and cons for them, and he didn't talk about useless things at all. Unless he encountered some managers with special personalities, he would change to other methods.

Because they are also managers, they also know what they want in their hearts and what they are afraid of losing, so as long as they clearly explain the pros and cons, it is not difficult to communicate.

After returning to Guangying Street with Zeng Yu again, Chen Sheng rushed directly to the residence of Leng Yue and others without taking a break.

Leng Yue and the others are temporarily living in Xia Qi's big villa, and the bald head and others have been serving by the side since they moved in.

Of course, after being reminded by Xia Qi, they were not doing the trick of giving away girls. In fact, until recently, people like Chen Sheng suddenly discovered that Xia Qi was not what they thought before, at least not belonging to An animal that thinks with its lower body.

"Grandma, just let me go, okay, I really can't beat you, can you get someone else to beat you?"

With a bald nose, a blue face and a swollen face, she repeatedly bowed to Chu Mengqi, but Chu Mengqi obviously refused to let her go, and said angrily:

"You Manager Chen said that you are required to meet all our requirements, otherwise you will have good fruit to eat. Do you believe that I will sue you?"

After the bald head heard it, he didn't dare to say anything anymore. In fact, he also knew in his heart that the other party was avenging his own private revenge. Wasn't it because he said a few bad words when they first met? A meal of revenge.

Since Chen Sheng confessed them like his ancestors, Chu Mengqi would beat him up every day in the name of asking him to come out to discuss.

Not only him, but even Old Hei was treated badly by Chu Mengqi. Anyway, Old Hei usually came to get beaten in the morning, and he came to get beaten in the afternoon.

Just when the bald head was panicking, thinking that he would be severely injured again, Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu walked over at this moment.

"Boss, you are finally back."

Seeing Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu approaching, the bald head immediately greeted them as if seeing his father.

"What's going on? Is something wrong here?"

Seeing the expression of the bald head, Chen Sheng couldn't help but tighten his heart, fearing that something would happen to Leng Yue and the others.

"There is nothing wrong with it, but Lao Hei and I have been beaten by that little girl every day for the past half month."

Hearing the bald head's words, Chen Sheng subconsciously looked at Chu Mengqi who was standing not far away, holding his shoulders and looking at them, and then cursed at the bald head with a dark face:

"Go away! You are such a bear, even if you are killed, you will not be killed many times."

Chen Sheng glared at the bald head, then quickly walked up to Chu Mengqi, and said with a smile:

"Little sister-in-law looks beautiful again. Manager Xia is so lucky."

"I'll say it again, I'm not your little sister-in-law, let alone that rascal's wife!"

Every time Chen Sheng saw Chu Mengqi, he would call out his sister-in-law. As for why he thought Chu Mengqi was Xia Qi's woman, it was because Chu Mengqi dared to call Xia Qi a stinky rascal.

So apart from Xia Qi's woman, he really couldn't figure out why this little girl who didn't even have a managerial rank would have such courage.

Chen Sheng repeatedly nodded in agreement, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

Chu Mengqi actually hated Chen Sheng very much in her heart. If Chen Sheng was not the manager, she would definitely have taken action to teach him a lesson.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just came here to see how you are doing. After all, Manager Xia told me to take good care of you."

"We're not three-year-olds, how can we take care of them! What the hell is he doing? Why hasn't he come back after half a month?"

Since they came to this light and shadow district, she only called Xia Qi once in total, and she never called again, because Xia Qi said that he still had some things to do and would not come back a few days later, let them First settle down in the Light and Shadow District.

As a result, they stayed here for more than half a month, but Xia Qi hadn't come back yet.

"Manager Xia should be back soon, wait a few more days and it should be almost done."

"What's wrong, Meng Qi?"

Liang Ruoyun also came out of the villa at this time. Wearing a long white dress, she looked like a fairy descended into the world, causing Chen Sheng and the others to be in a trance.

After being stunned for a while, they finally came to their senses, and hurriedly said hello:
"Manager Liang."

Although Chen Sheng and Liang Ruoyun were not familiar with each other, they had met in the Inner Domain before, and they knew that Liang Ruoyun was in the Inner Domain, to be precise, she was recognized as the number one beauty in the Second Domain.

He thought that he might not be able to see the other party in his life, or say a word to the other party, but what he never dreamed of was that she would come to his light and shadow neighborhood one day.

Even though he knew that Liang Ruoyun was definitely not something he could get his hands on, just seeing her made him feel refreshed for a while.

And he was very suspicious that Liang Ruoyun was also Xia Qi's woman.

Perhaps this is the only way to explain why Xia Qi is not interested in those secular women.

(End of this chapter)

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