Mysterious country

Chapter 1097 The real change

Chapter 1097 The real change

"What are you doing here?"

Liang Ruoyun glanced at Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu, then asked.

"It's nothing, but I'm afraid that the people below will not take good care of you. You are the most important friends of Manager Xia. He has repeatedly told me to settle you down. If he finds out that I have neglected my side, I will kill you." I couldn't eat and walked away."

"We are very good here, and there is no negligence or negligence."

Liang Ruoyun was actually very curious about Xia Qi's current strength in her heart. It can be said that they fled here from the inner domain this time, and Xia Qi surprised her again.

Because besides Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu, there were no less than seven or eight managers who went to pick them up at the junction of the foreign domains that day. Obviously, these experiences were all brought in by Chen Sheng recently.

So 10 managers went to pick them up that day, which not only shocked her, but also scared Shen Hongyan and others.

Speaking of which, she didn't consider going to Xia Qi's place at the time, but planned to go to Qinghai District, because her mother had helped Fang Shan, and Qinghai District was a relatively large force in the outer domain, so it was safer in the past.

It turned out that Xia Qi had developed such a large power in such a short period of time. You must know that there are 10 managers under him, which is almost the biggest power in Outland.

What she couldn't understand was that Xia Qi didn't even have the authority to be a manager. How did he become the leader of these managers?
Also, Chen Sheng and the others never mentioned what Xia Qi was doing now, as if Xia Qi had ordered them not to talk about it, which also made them very curious.

"Although this place is not comparable to the Inner Domain, the advantage lies in the fact that we are all our own people, so Manager Liang, if you have any requests, you can ask for it. You can go anywhere you want. It's best to treat this place as your home."

Liang Ruoyun nodded symbolically after hearing this, and then she asked Chen Sheng curiously:
"What are you, Manager Xia, doing?"

"Did Manager Xia not tell you?"

"No, he just said that some things will be delayed for a few days." Chu Mengqi answered from the side at this time.

"Oh, it's like this. Manager Xia was injured in the battle with the ghost king before, so he has been recuperating, but he is almost healed. It is estimated that he will be back from the Lvfeng Street in a few days."

"Fight against the ghost king?"

After hearing this, Liang Ruoyun and Chu Mengqi couldn't help exclaiming, they both looked incredible.

"Well, some time ago a ghost king appeared near the Green Maple block, and entered the Green Maple block after destroying a block. Manager Xia rushed over after knowing this.

Although he successfully eliminated the ghost king, he also suffered some injuries, so he has been recuperating. "

"He wiped out a ghost king?"

Liang Ruoyun was already shocked when she heard that Xia Qi was fighting against the ghost king, but she didn't expect that Xia Qi would also wipe out the ghost king.

You must know that even some senior managers in the inner domain, few dare to say that they can kill a ghost king.

After all, the ghost king is notoriously powerful and difficult to destroy.

"Yeah, this matter has already spread in Outland."

"Oh my God, it's really scary."

It can be said that there has never been a single person who can amaze him again and again, but Xia Qi has successfully done it.

When she was in reality, she just thought that both he and Leng Yue had potential, and if things went well, they would be able to reach the manager level in the future.

But speaking of it, he was more optimistic about Leng Yue at the time, because Leng Yue was not only highly talented, but also a cultivator, and her comprehension was far beyond ordinary people.

As for Xia Qi, she always felt that he was very dangerous. She always felt that he was not easy to be controlled. She was afraid that after gaining strength, he would become like many people, brutal and bloodthirsty. That's why she told Leng Yue at that time, Pay attention to Xia Qi in time.

As a result, not only did Xia Qi not become what she was worried about, but his strength surpassed that of Leng Yue.

Although Leng Yue is much stronger than ordinary managers in terms of strength, it is absolutely impossible for him to be able to toughen a ghost king and kill the ghost king.

On the contrary, Chu Mengqi was soon relieved after being surprised for a short time. After all, Xia Qi has repeatedly created miracles, and she has long been used to it for a person who has witnessed it all the way.

"No wonder my senior brother has become more desperate recently, probably because he noticed that the stinky rascal has become more powerful than before."

Chu Mengqi murmured with some emotion that Leng Yue and Xia Qi actually seemed to him to be close partners and two rivals who secretly competed.

No one wants to be left behind by the other party, or more precisely, no one wants to be the drag bottle of the other party.

And after they escaped from the inner domain, Leng Yue may also have realized that her current strength is insufficient, so she also asked her to find Chen Sheng, and asked Chen Sheng to entrust him with all the big and small matters in the light and shadow block.

Wang Sangyu was also with him. As for Shen Hongyan and Tao Jinshan, they seemed to be reassured for a long time, and they didn't have a strong sense of crisis.

After Chen Sheng had a brief chat with Liang Ruoyun, he left with Zeng Yu.

On the way back, Chen Sheng couldn't help but said to Zeng Yu:

"Hey, I'm really envious of Manager Xia, who has a human beauty like Liang Ruoyun and a quirky cutie like Chu Mengqi.

Why do you think I am not so lucky?Even if two people give me one. "

"Ha ha."

Zeng Yu smiled contemptuously. Seeing Zeng Yu's expression, Chen Sheng curled his lips in displeasure and said:
"You don't have to laugh. No matter what, I'm better than you. Your manager is like a dog. You're a woman. You don't want to be ambitious."

Zeng Yu ignored Chen Sheng's sarcasm, but the speed under his feet suddenly increased a bit.

Sitting with Chu Mengqi on the deck chair by the swimming pool, Liang Ruoyun was still amazed at Xia Qi's growth, and said to Chu Mengqi:
"Xia Qi really surprised me. I thought that he would have a hard time in this outer domain without the authority of a manager, but I didn't expect..."

Speaking of this, Liang Ruoyun didn't know if she thought of her own situation, so she sighed and stopped talking.

"I'm afraid that stinky rascal has long been used to fighting back in desperate situations.

He was like this when I first met him. He looked very unreliable, but in fact he was very reliable.

In the face of difficulties, he never chooses to escape, but no matter how difficult and dangerous, he dares to face them.

It seems impulsive, but he has his own ideas. Although he seems to be doing well now, he must have experienced a period of pain when he thinks about it.

After all, my senior brother and I are still two people, and we still have you as our backing, but he is here, and he is the only one from the beginning to the end.

But in the end, his place became our safe haven. "

(End of this chapter)

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