Mysterious country

Chapter 1105 Old Friend

Chapter 1105 Old Friend (First Update)
After Xia Qi finished speaking with some emotion, Leng Yue caught him off guard and gave him a hug.

"It's a good thing you're all fine."

Leng Yue took a step back speechlessly, seeing this, Xia Qi couldn't help complaining:

"What are you hiding from? I won't eat you. It's really a waste of time for me to say something affectionately."

"I do not want to hear."

Leng Yue replied faintly to Xia Qi, and was about to walk into the villa when Xia Qi dragged her over again:

"I haven't seen you for so long, let's have a good chat, don't rush to leave."

"What are you talking about?"

"Anything is fine, such as relationship, career."

"There's nothing to talk about."

Compared to Xia Qi's initiative, Leng Yue can be said to not cooperate at all, but how could Xia Qi have the heart to let him go, and she had to have a few words with him no matter what.

"Why not, don't pretend that I don't know, your junior sister told me when she called me before, that you let Liang Ruoyun leave the inner domain.

You are really capable, cold god, if you don't sing, you will become a blockbuster, or you will be indifferent, or you will directly pick the absolute goddess to start. "

"I just don't want her to stay in the inner domain and get caught."

Leng Yue frowned slightly, and explained to Xia Qi.

"Don't make excuses. After all, the boss is not young. If you want to chase, go after it boldly. Brother supports you."

"It's boring!"

Leng Yue was too lazy to listen to Xia Qi's nonsense anymore, so she said something coldly, then ignored Xia Qi and walked towards the villa by herself.

"Look at you, you left again without saying a word. Then let's not talk about relationship, can't we talk about career?"

After a lot of talk, Xia Qi finally made Leng Yue stop again.

Although he knew that Leng Yue was a typical person who couldn't get bored with loud farts, but he really wanted to chat with Leng Yue.

It's useless to talk to Leng Yue, Xia Qi asked about Leng Yue's recent situation:
"I heard from your junior sister that you have passed the manager's assessment, so what exactly is the assessment?"

"Well, it's passed."

Leng Yue nodded irrefutably, thought for a while and then said:
"The manager review was a disaster. A devastating disaster."

Recalling the manager's assessment, Leng Yue couldn't help showing a bit of pain on her face.

"What disaster?"

"Because you will experience a lot of loss, similar to an illusion, where you will experience a lot of separation. Ghosts will take everything from you."

Looking at the expression on Leng Yue's face, Xia Qi couldn't help but feel a little bit drummed in his heart. Fortunately, the manager's assessment was basically meaningless to him.

Anyway, even if he passed the assessment, he would not be able to get any authority, and he might be beaten in the inner domain.

Seeing that Leng Yue didn't want to recall any more, he held back and didn't ask again, but changed the subject and asked:

"What are your plans next?"

Leng Yue did not answer after hearing this, but asked him in turn:
"Do you have any plans?"

"I'm asking if you're okay."

Leng Yue shook her head and didn't have any meaning to say. Seeing that Xia Qi couldn't ask, he also shook his head and said:
"I won't tell you if you don't say it."

Just when the two were in a stalemate, Wang Sangyu, Shen Hongyan and others also came over from outside one after another.

After seeing Xia Qi, they greeted each other happily:

"Brother Xia."

"Manager Xia."

"I really haven't seen you for a while, Brother Shen, you are still in good health?"

Xia Qi glanced at Shen Hongyan, who looked obviously older than in reality, and joked with a smile.

"It's quite solid. If there is no cerebral hemorrhage, you can live for many years."

Everyone laughed when they heard Shen Hongyan's words. As for Leng Yue, she went back to the villa quietly by herself at this time.

After Shen Hongyan smiled, he suddenly sighed and said to Xia Qi:

"Brother Xia, I really didn't expect to see you so soon. It's really not as fast as the plan. I originally wanted to enjoy another year of blessings in reality. When the reality rises to this second domain, when will it count, but the scar That bastard in the face, he must get me up with him.

Fortunately, it was Brother Leng and Manager Liang who rushed over to save them from Scarface. "

Hearing what Shen Hongyan said, Wang Sangyu took up the topic with an apologetic face:
"I'm really sorry, Manager Xia, if it wasn't for us, Manager Liang and Big Brother Leng wouldn't have to offend the three great underworlds and escape from the inner domain.

And Jingshu is still in the inner domain and has not come out yet. "

"There is nothing to be sorry for, Leng Yue and the others regard you as friends, that's why they took the risk to save you.

Before deciding to do this, he should have thought of this kind of result and prepared to bear it in advance.

As for Jingshu, the current situation should be considered safe. A manager in the inner domain has sent a message to Liang Ruoyun to let us rest assured.

Guess she's already figured it out, and we're probably going to venture into the Inner Realms because we're worried about her.

But no matter what, I won't rest assured that Jing Shu will be left alone in the inner domain. I will think of a way as soon as possible, and then rescue her. "

Whether it's Wang Sangyu, Tao Jinshan, or even Shen Hongyan, they all know the relationship between Xia Qi and Zhao Jingshu. The two of them have always felt like friends and lovers, but they never admitted it.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the dinner that Xia Qi had prepared for Old Hei Bald and the others was held in the garden of the backyard of the villa.

In fact, even if Xia Qi didn't give orders, the bald head and Old Hei would definitely have a big fight, which was good enough to unblock Xia Qi.

After all, the two of them have been with Chen Sheng for so long, and even if they don't know how to please the above, they will gradually learn it after a long time.

Because it was a gathering of old friends, Xia Qi didn't call Chen Sheng and the others over, nor asked the bald guys to arrange any maids.

As for the girls who stayed here, they were sent home by him not long after he moved into this villa.

It's just that when they were dismissed, he asked everyone with bald heads to share some money with them, and then bought them a good house and found a good job.

Although he couldn't fully make up for the treatment they received here before, at least he did his best. Although the bald head and the others didn't understand why Xia Qi did this at the time, they didn't dare to talk too much, so they went obediently. I did.

So in this large villa of thousands of square meters, there are only a few round workers, two nannies and some cooks.

After sending away the bald head and the others, after Xia Qi filled the wine glass, he raised the glass first as the host of the banquet, and then said:
"We are in a foreign land now, and we are burdened with a lot of things that make us feel extremely heavy, but no matter what the future holds, at least for now, we can get together in this foreign land and get this opportunity to toast together. Very excited and happy.

So I hope that in the next 5 or 10 years, all of us will be able to sit together again and have a toast.Not only will the number of people not decrease, but it will increase. "

(End of this chapter)

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