Mysterious country

Chapter 1106 Liang Ruoyun's Request

Chapter 1106 Liang Ruoyun's Request

Hearing Xia Qi's words, everyone including Leng Yue also toasted together, and after lightly touching the table, they raised their heads and drank it down.

Drinking a glass of wine heralds the beginning of the banquet.

After eating for a while, everyone took the initiative to bring wine one after another.

Speaking of which, it was Leng Yue who was the first to mention the wine, but Leng Yue simply raised the wine glass, and then went on without saying anything.

Seeing this, everyone laughed, because Leng Yue was famous for being taciturn, and he was also famous for hardly drinking, so after seeing him dry up in one gulp, everyone applauded again and again.

"Drink one more!"

"Drink one!"

"Drink one!"

Unable to stand up to the booing from the crowd, it may be that Leng Yue really wanted to get drunk today, but seeing that he didn't admit it at all, she poured another glass, then raised her head and drank it down.

After drinking two glasses of white wine in a row, Leng Yue's handsome face immediately turned red, and even her eyes were bloodshot.

At this time, everyone also saw that Leng Yue was not very good at drinking, so they stopped booing and started playing in a circle.

"How should I put it, I'm only familiar with a few people here, but we all come from the same reality, and we can be regarded as fellow villagers, so I hope that in the future we can all overcome difficulties and witness the future we want."

In fact, since Liang Ruoyun came to this light and shadow street, her heart has been surrounded by strong emotions.

Because among these people, she was undoubtedly the one with the highest level and the highest status in the early days. To put it bluntly, these people here are not even qualified to sit with her.

But now, she has become like a lonely patient who has nothing to rely on and can only hug her friends tightly. The arrogance and nobility in the past have gradually been washed away by the cruel reality, and she has transformed into a Plain clothes.

Fortunately, she never cared much about her identity, and never thought of using power or strength to dominate anyone.

Maybe it was because of this that she had the opportunity to sit with Xia Qi and the others to face the future together.

Liang Ruoyun drank the spicy wine, but what she felt was not spicy but bitter.

Her father died of illness when she was very young, and her mother took her to a distant place, so she has never seen even a relative since she grew up.

It can be said that she and her mother have always depended on each other for life, until her mother went to the second domain, and she began to live independently.

At that time, she only had one thought, which was to quickly make herself stronger, and then go to the second domain to be with her mother.

However, with the precariousness of the third underworld and the worries of the overall situation, she never participated in the manager's assessment. It was not until after struggling for a long time that she finally convinced herself that she handed over the position of the person in charge to Xia Qi. After the assessment, I came to the second domain.

She thought that her dream would come true to accompany her mother, but the good times didn't last long, and her mother was brutally imprisoned by three rulers of the underworld.

It can be said that her mother has really paid too much for human beings and for the three great underworlds.

But just because she opposed the fighting between human beings and siblings, she changed from a meritorious service to an enemy affecting the development of Hades in a blink of an eye, which also made her despair about the future for the first time.

Despair for humanity, and despair for the world.

The Hades originally existed to protect humans and resist ghosts, but until now, it has become a force that enslaves humans and despises ghosts.

It can be said that this is not development at all, but a kind of decay that forgets its origin.

So in the past, her glory of being a member of Hades and her determination to grow up in order to eliminate ghosts have long since disappeared.

Now she only wants to rescue her mother as soon as possible, and then the mother and daughter will have nothing to do with Hades.

But with her strength, it is very difficult to do this right now, so she needs help, and the person who can help her is undoubtedly Xia Qi.

Because Xia Qi was the only one who convinced her that miracles existed in this world.

Watching Liang Ruoyun put down the wine glass slowly, Xia Qi also complimented Liang Ruoyun at this time:

"Manager Liang can be said to have always been my idol. Speaking of which, I can still be like this, sitting here and bragging with everyone, it is all thanks to Manager Liang.

That was the first time I participated in a job trial event. However, my supervisor at the time, Xu Tianhua, didn't tell me anything. He just told me to stay in Xinhua University Bookstore until the door opened in the morning.

Because the salary and benefits are so good, I didn't think too much about it when I twitched my head, but I ran into a ghost.

It really scared me to death, and it was a ghost.

Xu Tianhua's strength at that time was not even at the level of a ghost, and he was not an opponent at all. Just when I thought I was doomed, Manager Liang appeared like a fairy, so I was rescued.

To put it bluntly, I'm really grateful for Manager Liang's help along the way, whether it's helping me, or helping Lengshen and Meng Qi, we've actually seen everything you do and your heart.

And this time, if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have ended up fleeing the Inland and being separated from your mother. "

Although Xia Qi seemed to be talking about his own embarrassment, his tone was relatively relaxed, but none of the people laughed, because they all came from that period and knew the huge crisis hidden in these few words.

It can be said that the period with the highest death rate for people in the underworld is during the initial trial period and the senior executive assessment. It can be said that 10 out of 2 people survived is already very good.

The topic suddenly became serious from the easy one at the beginning. Xia Qi raised his wine glass, stood up from the chair, and said to Liang Ruoyun who was looking at him in a complicated way:
"Manager Liang, you don't need to get up. This glass of wine is my respect to you. We people have no other advantages, and we have no other skills, but since we met each other until now, we have a creed, that is, friends are friends. Our own affairs, friends are in trouble, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, we will definitely go through it.

You are both our friend and our benefactor, I did it. "

After Xia Qi finished speaking, he directly drank the white wine in the glass.

Liang Ruoyun's heart was filled with emotions one after another, and she was suddenly glad that she had done something for Xia Qi and the others.

Then she filled another glass of wine, stood up from her seat, and solemnly asked Xia Qi for help:
"My mother is imprisoned in the inner domain, I want to save her, can you help me?"

After Xia Qi heard this, he subconsciously glanced at Leng Yue and Chu Mengqi, and seeing that they both showed affirmative expressions, he replied without hesitation:
"The matter of our friends is our own matter, besides, we also have Jing Shu trapped in the second domain, waiting for us to bring her back.

Just kill two birds with one stone! "

(End of this chapter)

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