Mysterious country

Chapter 1119 Attending the Meeting

Chapter 1119 Attending the Meeting (Third Change)

There is still one day left before the Outer Domain District Managers Conference, and in the past few days, Xia Qi introduced Liang Ruoyun and Leng Yue to Chen Sheng and others one after another.

In fact, Chen Sheng was already familiar with these two people, after all, there were not many people in the second domain who didn't know about Liang Ruoyun.

Speaking of it, Chen Sheng is also a die-hard fan of Liang Ruoyun. Although he is not as fanatical as Wu Di, his desire for Liang Ruoyun is very strong in his heart.

But the strong is the strong, but Chen Sheng doesn't dare to have any ideas with Liang Ruoyun. His own strength is weak, and more importantly, he has already recognized Liang Ruoyun and Chu Mengqi as Xia Qi's women in his heart.

Otherwise, how could they escape from the inner domain to this light and shadow street?

Furthermore, for a woman like Liang Ruoyun, only Xia Qi, who is likely to grow into a hero of the second domain in the future, can match her.

If it was someone else, in his opinion, it would definitely be a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

Xia Qi has already announced that Liang Ruoyun will be in charge of the overall planning of the outer domain.

However, he did not exploit the power that originally belonged to Chen Sheng. After all, Chen Sheng represented the managers of these foreign domains. If Liang Ruoyun was allowed to make drastic moves, there would be a big conflict between the two parties.

So they can only come here little by little, waiting for when their power is stable and the threat from the outside is less, and then drastically re-establish a series of rules for this outer domain.

Whether it is for their power or for the ordinary people below them, they can have a relatively stable and harmonious living environment.

Not to mention how perfect it is, at least it must be as real as it is in reality, so that people will not dare to go out because of fear of ghosts, or even cause all kinds of riots because they are exploited and dominated by fear and cannot see hope.

This kind of thing must be governed and banned in the future.

Chen Sheng didn't dare to have any opinion on Xia Qi's appointment, as for Zeng Yu and others, he didn't care, because they completely obeyed Xia Qi's orders.

What's more, Zeng Yu spent most of the time hanging out with Chen Sheng. These two people were good and evil, and when they did things, one was a bad face and the other was a bad face, and they cooperated well.

As for the Outland District Managers Conference held in Qinghai District this time, after discussing it, they felt that neither Liang Ruoyun nor Leng Yue needed to participate.

However, when he proposed that he would take Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu there, Leng Yue said that he would go with him too.

Xia Qi had no choice but to agree after a few words of persuasion were useless.

Leng Yue decided to go there, and Shen Hongyan also wanted to go there to see it. After all, he is now considered the manager of this foreign domain, and at least he can support him for a while.

Perhaps it was because of the manager's meeting tomorrow, so Xia Qi's heart was more or less panicked.

So he came out of the bedroom, then went downstairs to the yard of the villa.

The yard of the villa is very large, with a garden and a field for playing golf, and there are even a few artificial rockeries in it.

According to Chen Sheng, this villa covers an area of ​​nearly 4 square meters, not counting the forest surrounding it. Long before he came here, Chen Sheng often brought Lao Hei and his family members to play golf, Either go hunting or fishing in the back.

But these leisure and elegance, after Xia Qi, the owner of this villa, did not continue to inherit, and he didn't even walk along the path.

Because I felt a little bored in my heart, Xia Qi also planned to walk inside along the path, thinking it was all about digesting after a meal.

However, after walking for a while, he saw that in the golf field, Leng Yue was using her arms as a pillow, lying on it and blowing the evening breeze.

"Lengshen, I didn't expect you to be so elegant? Are you afraid of being bitten to death by mosquitoes?"

Hearing Xia Qi's cry from far away, Leng Yue stood up and glanced at Xia Qi who was walking slowly, and then lay down ignoring him.

There is a kind of meanness in Xia Qi's bones, why do you say that, that is, the more you ignore me, the more I have to harass you.

So seeing that Leng Yue was still lying on her own, he walked over quickly.

"Thinking about something?"

After Xia Qi approached, he realized that Leng Yue was staring at the crescent moon above, thoughtfully.

"Share it, I'm idle anyway."

Leng Yue still didn't respond, Xia Qi saw that Leng Yue still ignored him, he lit a cigarette, then squatted next to a golf hole, using the golf hole as an ashtray.

"I've always been inexplicably confused lately."

Just when Xia Qi was about to throw the burnt cigarette butt into the hole, and then turned around to leave, Leng Yue suddenly threw out a sentence.

"You will also be confused? Haven't you always been firm? Commonly known as dead-eyed."

Leng Yue ignored Xia Qi's ridicule, but said to herself:
"My master used to teach me that people must be human, know good and evil, take pride in exorcising ghosts and defending their homes.

I used to believe this deeply, thinking that ghosts are our enemies, and that humans should unite and share the effort to exorcise ghosts.

But since Master left and I entered the world, all the people I have met have been blinded by darkness.

I want to stick to myself, insist that what I know is correct, and try to convince them.

But gradually I found that I have no ability to change anything.

People are killing each other and fighting for power, as if everyone thinks that the enemy of mankind is only human beings, not other ghosts.

This confused me deeply and made me feel physically and mentally exhausted.

I feel like I'm an outlier, like everyone is right and I'm the only one who is wrong. "

"You just found out that you are a different kind, and there is no one more weird than you."

Hearing Leng Yue's words to the end, Xia Qi couldn't help laughing, and said comfortingly:

"The reason why you are a cold god is because you always insist on yourself, so you are different, and you are also different.

No matter what others say or think, just be yourself. "

Speaking of this, Xia Qi came to Leng Yue, then squatted down and put his hands on his shoulders, and said solemnly:
"You do good people, let me do bad things and bad things. I am like me when I am both good and evil."

After hearing this, Leng Yue glanced at Xia Qi, then he got up from the ground and went back without saying anything.

Looking at the back of Leng Yue walking away, Xia Qi couldn't help complaining:
"It's really not easy, even Lengshen has learned to be confused."

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu rushed to the villa, and then under the cover of Xia Qi's ghost domain, they all followed him towards the Qinghai block very quickly.

Before that, Fang Shan had already ascertained the identities and strengths of those people from the underworld.

Among them, only Zhu Xu is a senior manager. As for the other 1 people, although they are only managers, they are also at the level of quasi-senior managers, which can be regarded as a strong force.

(In the new month, I hope everyone can continue to support the country and vote for Yixiao. The monthly ticket was blown up again yesterday, and the country failed to become the first category after all.

In fact, I was a little disappointed, because it was rare to be so close to that position.

But there is still a chance. This month, Yixiao will still be on the third watch. I hope everyone can summon Shenlong to fulfill this wish. )
(End of this chapter)

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