Mysterious country

Chapter 1120 Mixed In

Chapter 1120 Mixed In (seeking a monthly pass)

Although Xia Qi chose Qinghai Block as the manager conference of Outland Block just because of its geographical location, in Fang Shan's view, this is a great honor, so he didn't dare to neglect in the preparation .

If it wasn't for the fact that the time was only 5 days, with Fang Shan's personality, he would definitely have someone build a special place for the block manager meeting.

Although the time was too tight, Fang Shan tried his best to arrange the upper and lower parts of the Qinghai block in a meeting atmosphere in the short 5 days.

All arriving managers will sign in at the sign-in desk after entering the manor.

Fang Shan recruited all the managers he had recently integrated to help him as meeting staff.

Whether it is to meet the convoy, or sign in, or winery, there are one or more managers in order to avoid some unexpected situations.

After all, neighborhood managers like Outland have more or less the temperament of bandits, especially for those who are weaker than them, they can be said to be unreasonable and unreasonable, making things difficult in every possible way.

That's why Fang Shan arranged for managers at the same level as them in each of the more important links, so that they would more or less give some face, so as not to make too much noise or go too far.

All the managers who arrived were arranged by Fang Shan into various villas in the manor. Anyway, the meeting lasted at most one day, and when the meeting ended, everyone left, and the managers would not pick anything.

And in order to support the scene, he spent even more money this time. Except for some collections that are not open to the public, the winery will provide them for free to visiting guests.

Also, at the back of the manor, some entertainment facilities that were rarely opened were also opened at the same time.

In addition to these hardware facilities, Fang Shan also invited some entertainment stars from the Qinghai neighborhood to sit in the town, and set up a very gorgeous stage at the front of the lavender garden. Just waiting for everyone to arrive, this is the largest meeting in the history of Outland And the party will be held grandly.

The managers who usually exist in the neighborhoods like emperors, now in Fangshan's manor, look more like a group of tourists visiting here.

Some people who had no grievances, smiled and communicated in groups of three or four, and some people who had some grievances before looked at each other coldly, taunted and attacked each other, but no one dared to really make a move.

Because everyone knows in their hearts what their purpose for being called here is.

Their Outland is like a team whose leader has been dismissed. It has been leaderless and unmanaged for a long time.

However, after a period of rambling, they were called together again, and then got the news that the new leader had airborne.

The original leaders were undoubtedly the three Hades, and the new leaders who were about to drop in the air undoubtedly belonged to the Rebel Alliance.

It can be said that the managers are used to laxity, no one cares about them, no one asks them, and they don't look like they are back in the system, being called around and ruled by others.

But the reality is like this, it doesn't mean that if you don't like it, some things won't happen.

"How many people have come?"

Fang Shan was overwhelmed with work, and at this time he came to the sign office and asked a block manager who was in charge of this matter.

"There are a total of 212 block managers, 189 have come so far, and 23 have not yet come.

Among them are 3 senior managers including Ye Yang, as well as Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu from Guangying District..."

"Did the car from Ziyan Street let them come?"

"not yet."

Fang Shan nodded after hearing this, but he was puzzled in his heart. Che Ren had already greeted him before and said he was coming, so why hasn't he come yet.

Speaking of which, he was able to know the situation of the people from the three great underworlds because Che Ren secretly communicated with him.

Although he and Che Ren don't have a deep friendship, Zhao Chen has a very good relationship with Che Ren, because Zhao Chen has saved Che Ren's life more than once, and Zhao Chen is his benefactor to Che Ren.

And Zhao Chen is now on his side, that's why their line was able to be set up so quickly.

Ziyan Street is not too far from Qinghai Street. If you drive at full speed, it will take at most three or four hours for the manager.

The news from Che Ren that he was leaving was in the morning, but it was almost afternoon and he hadn't come yet, which made him a little worried that something happened in the middle.

Because Che Ren is someone who is more trusted by the people from the underworld, so he is of great value to them. After Xia Qi learned that Che Ren was already on their side, he told him to pay attention to Che Ren's situation. The situation around him has been ready to give him feedback in time.

Because waiting for the manager meeting to finish, the next step, they might do something to those people from Hades.

But just when Fang Shan was a little worried and wanted to call Che Renzai to ask questions, he saw the convoy sent to greet him drive in from the outside again, and then stopped a few meters away from the registration area.

The etiquette staff opened the car door respectfully, and then several managers including Che Ren got out of the car one after another.

Fang Shan felt relieved when he saw Che Renyi and his group approaching. The two of them didn't communicate with each other. They deliberately pretended to be unfamiliar, and just shook hands symbolically as they did with everyone else.

It may be that he had received a call that Che Ren had arrived before, so Zhao Chen also rushed over from somewhere in the manor at this time. After seeing Che Ren, the two of them bumped their fists together, which was regarded as a greeting between brothers. way.

"You are so close to here, it's really slow to come.

You don't know how many good wines Fang Shan has preserved. If you come later, you may not have enough to drink. "

While talking, Zhao Chen also noticed the few people who were following him. Although he had seen all of these people before, but because he was not familiar with them, he only knew that they were the managers of other blocks, but he couldn't name them. .

In the circle of the outer domain, pay attention to one thing, a friend's enemy may not be one's own enemy, but a friend's friend must also be one's own friend.

So after seeing that the relationship between Zhao Chen and Che Ren seemed to be closer, the managers who came with Che Ren also introduced themselves one after another, and greeted Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen didn't all crowded in the sign-in area, and soon left together talking and laughing.

But after Zhao Chen and the others left, Fang Shan's expressionless expression suddenly darkened, because from the fact that Che Ren didn't tell him too much, there must be someone around him who he didn't trust.

But how can people who don't trust and people with ordinary relationships come together, so there can only be a certain, or a few managers of the underworld that he has never seen in the inner domain, mixed in with Che Ren and the others.

I don't know if the people from Hades also came to join in the fun, whether it was simply to supervise Che and let them inquire about Liang Ruoyun's news, or there were other hidden intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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