Mysterious country

Chapter 1134 Greatly Improved

Chapter 1134 Greatly Improved (Third Change)

Fuyuan Mountain is the junction of Shanhai District and Lufeng District.

Different from the barren hills at the general junction, many fruit trees are planted in Fuyuan Mountain, and many fruit farmers usually live here and are busy here.

Because of the large area, there are many large and small factories gathered here, either making fruit juice drinks or canning some fruits, and of course there are some other factories mixed in.

But today, all factories are unusually quiet.

To describe it in a more precise way, it would be that Mount Fuyuan was greatly damaged.

Almost one-third of the area was destroyed, and many nearby factories were also affected, turning into a pile of waste rock and bricks.

In front of a nearly uprooted fruit tree, Shi Qiong was resting on a dead body.

In front of him, there were two tall men standing upright.

If Xia Qi was here, he would definitely be able to recognize it, because it was the clone of the ghost king he saw in the ghost king's cemetery before.

As for the other one, it was a man whose whole body was covered in mud like a rotting corpse. Obviously, this was also one of Shi Qiong's avatars.

Taking out a white handkerchief from his bosom, Shi Qiong then stood up from his body and began to wipe the blood on the faces of the two clones. After wiping it clean, he threw the handkerchief away.

Then he turned on the communicator, found Xia Qi's number and called:

"What I promised you has been done..."

After calling Xia Qi, one of the two clones standing in front of Shi Qiong got into the long black coffin and was carried by Shi Qiong on his body.

As for the stench-like avatar that looked like a rotting corpse, it went straight into the soil under Shi Qiong's feet and disappeared.

Shi Qiong looked up at the sun that was about to set, and then slowly walked down the mountain with the heavy long coffin on her back.

At the same time, here in the Green Maple block.

Xia Qi also told Leng Yue and Ye Yang the news that Yang Qiang was killed.

Both of them were very surprised when they heard this, obviously they didn't know how Xia Qi did it, or in other words, who around him had the strength to kill a senior manager.

"Lengshen may have heard of this person, but I'm not sure about your name. His name is Shi Qiong. He used to be the same as us."

"Why haven't I heard of it, but Shi Qiong's name is very famous, and she also has a nickname called Death Carrying the Coffin, she is a real ruthless character.

As long as fighting broke out, there would be almost no survivors wherever he was. "

When Ye Yang said this, he was a little surprised:
"But I really don't know when he has become stronger than Yang Qiang."

"He has a lot of secrets, and I don't know the details, but because he owed someone a favor before, he will do something for me."

In fact, Xia Qi didn't have too much hope for Shi Qiong at first, after all, he and Shi Qiong were not familiar at all, and there were misunderstandings before.

But I didn't expect Shi Qiong to actually do what he said, but I don't know if they will be related in the future after asking him to help kill Yang Qiang.

"Anyway, no matter what, as long as the person dies.

Now that Yang Qiang and the others are dead, Zhu Xu and the others are also finished.Everything can be said to be dragged back by Shengsheng on the basis of unexpectedness, but it is still within the plan. "

After Xia Qi finished speaking happily, Ye Yang's communicator rang. After frowning and looking at his eyes, he answered impatiently:

"Aren't you surprised that I'm not dead yet?"

Ye Yang didn't know if he was talking to Ye Fan or Xu Zhitian, but his attitude was very bad anyway.

After hanging up, I explained to Xia Qi and Leng Yue:
"Ye Fan called, he said that they were all seriously injured, and asked how we were doing.

Just call me. If I don't answer, it means I'm still fighting. If I can't get through, it means I'm dead. "

"You have a deep resentment towards your younger brother."

Xia Qi didn't know what the conflict between Ye Yang and Ye Fan was.

"Family ugliness should not be publicized. It's not a good thing anyway, so don't mention it. They will come over in a while, so should we wait for them or send them away?"

As the old saying goes, don't inquire about housework, so Xia Qi didn't ask any more.

Although he was a little unhappy with Ye Fan and Xu Zhitian, morally speaking, the two of them were helpful. After all, they didn't run away directly, and they still helped get rid of the two managers.

Besides, he is still short of manpower, so there is no reason to turn his face directly.

I also called Chen Sheng and asked them to come here to meet up.

Not long after, Ye Fan, Xu Zhitian and others rushed over one after another.

A few people came over and saw that Xia Qi and the others were just sitting on the ground weakly, and there were no casualties, they all seemed unbelievable.

"Brother Xia, this time you really enlightened me. I apologize for my underestimation."

After Ye Yang gave all the credit to Xia Qi, both Xu Zhitian and Ye Fan seemed very unbelievable, and their attitudes changed drastically from before they left.

"Actually, I don't mind this kind of thing very much, because I have said it before, only after a real cooperation, will I know who is trustworthy and who is not.

I really don't mind, if you don't believe me, look at my smile, how kind it is. "

Xu Zhitian looked at Xia Qi's gloomy smiling face, and suddenly felt a shiver in his heart, and said quickly:

"This time, brother Xia proved that you really have the ability to save the day, and it also gave us hope, so I don't care about others' orders in the future. I, Xu Zhitian, will definitely die."

"Brother Xu, you don't need to do this, I was just joking with you just now.

Since you are willing to help us get rid of the other two managers, it doesn't mean you just walked away, so naturally you can trust them and continue to cooperate.

Although Zhu Xu and Yang Qiang were dealt with this time, it didn't mean everything was fine.

There is still a long way to go, and we still need to keep going.

Just need to be careful and careful. "

Xia Qi shook his head, he no longer bothered with Xu Zhitian and the others, after all, after this incident, they should have become more cautious when facing some choices.

At present, all the people sent by the second underworld to the inner domain are dead except for one Zhang Zilin.

As for the people sent by the Rebel Alliance, there was only one Shi Qiong left.

On Shi Qiong's side, he had already told the other party that everyone was killed by Zhu Xu, and Zhu Xu was killed by him, but he still let people escape.

Anyway, Shi Qiong's true strength is very strong, and it is not a secret in the Rebel Alliance, and he has always been a lone ranger, so the possibility of the Rebel Alliance suspecting him is very small.

This time his boss Yang Qiang died, and Shi Qiong is likely to replace him.

If he goes undercover to the Rebel Alliance in the future, Shi Qiong's place is also a good place for him.

(End of this chapter)

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