Mysterious country

Chapter 1135 Clean Up

Chapter 1135 Clean Up
He didn't stay in the Lvfeng block, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xia Qi specially notified Wang Chu to come back and clean up his site.

Then he and Shen Hongyan Lengyue returned to Guangying Street with Zhang Zilin and Zhu Xu who had lost his soul.

As for the rest of the people, they all went back to the Qinghai District. After all, all the managers of Outland are still there, and there are still some things to be done.

Although Ye Yang was severely injured, it was not difficult to pretend to show his face as if nothing had happened, and leave the rest of the matter to Ye Fan, Xu Zhitian and others.

As for Chen Sheng, as the spokesperson of the Rebel Alliance in this foreign domain, he will naturally report to the higher authorities after everything is resolved.

However, with the deaths of Cheng Chuang, Yang Qiang and others, Cheng Jin and the Rebel Alliance should no longer have any ideas of cooperation.

People from both parties could not doubt that Outland was the leader, they would only doubt each other, and then deny each other, which would further increase the resentment between the two parties.

I just don't know what plans Cheng Jin will have next after he gave up joining forces with the Rebel Alliance?
Should he hand over the throne of power to Hou Tai directly, or decide to die with Hou Tai, or is there any other way out for him.

It wasn't until they returned safe and sound that Liang Ruoyun and Chu Mengqi's hearts that had been hanging high were completely let go.

Neither of them knew at first that instead of coming to the rescue, the Rebel Alliance had teamed up with Zhu Xu and the others.

So when Xia Qi told the two daughters what happened to them in the way of complaints, both Chu Mengqi and Liang Ruoyun couldn't help but feel scared for a while.

But this also made them feel once again that Xia Qi is really a person who is good at turning around defeats and creating miracles.

After Leng Yue came back, she didn't stay in the living room for long, so she went back to his room.

Xia Qi was beaten half to death by Zhu Xu at that time, so naturally he didn't notice what happened to Leng Yue and Cheng Chuang.

Although Cheng Chuang was arrogant and conceited, and no one paid attention to him, his own talent and strength were all there. Although he was very embarrassed by those formations, he was obviously stronger than Leng Yue in terms of hard power.

Not to mention that in order to protect him, Zhu Xu deliberately used the legal domain to create a cloud man.

Although the cloud man has no attack power, his defense ability is abnormal, because he can expand and shrink his body freely, even if it is broken, he can put it together very quickly and restore it to its original shape again.

One of the most important reasons why he was able to kill the opponent was that Cheng Chuang was inexperienced in combat, and his on-the-spot reaction was relatively slow, so after being suppressed by a series of spell attacks by him, nothing happened, and Cheng Chuang panicked. .

Moreover, Cheng Chuang's use of the legal domain is also very poor, and he can't take advantage of the legal domain confrontation with Leng Yue.

It can be said that Leng Yue, like Xia Qi, has the top combat ability in the same level.

Xia Qi relied on his special ability and super defensive power.

As for Leng Yue, he relied on his combat experience and his extraordinary use of the legal domain.

After all, if you really want to count them, I am afraid that these managers in the second domain, even if you count the senior managers, have more combat experience than the two of them.

Because as long as you reach a higher level, like a manager or a senior manager, you hardly need to go out and work hard.

There are so many senior executives and supervisors below, and some supernatural events that arise can be resolved.

As for events like peak evil ghosts or ghost kings, it can't be said that there are no such events, but they are definitely rare.Especially in the past two years, it is almost negligible.

So even the high-level people who used to come up by stepping on corpses, who have not fought ghosts or confronted humans for a long time, will become unfamiliar in many aspects.

Unlike Xia Qi and Leng Yue, enemies, big and small, appeared one after another, and it can be said that they never stopped.

Leng Yue's departure did not surprise anyone, after all, he was not like Xia Qi who had a long tongue and liked to chat with people.

So instead of sitting in the living room and being teased by Xia Qi from time to time, it is better for him to go back to his room and rest quietly for a while.

"Zhu Xu's strength is very tyrannical. Besides Cheng Jin and my mother, Zhu Xu's strength is the strongest in the Second Underworld. It's really amazing that you can defeat Zhu Xu."

Although the power struggle in the Second Underworld had already subsided when Liang Ruoyun entered the Second Domain, she still understood some of the situation at that time from the few words of some people.

At that time, there were two people competing for this seat in the Second Underworld, one was Cheng Jin, and the other was her mother.

Because the two sides insisted on different directions, they were always in a very tense state, but when the fight was about to start, her mother finally chose to give in for the overall situation.

But Cheng Jin was not at ease, thinking that this was just an expedient measure for his mother, so he proposed that she must be banned.

In this way, her mother was imprisoned afterwards.

Hearing Liang Ruoyun's emotion, Chu Mengqi didn't feel anything, but applauded another thing:

"Cheng Chuang being killed by senior brother seems to me to be the most relieved, you may not know it, but that scumbag keeps harassing Sister Liang and me.

He always speaks rudely to us, but the brother almost started fighting with him. "

"So it was Cheng Chuang who asked you to do business?"

If Chu Mengqi hadn't said anything, Xia Qi wouldn't have known that they had an enmity with Cheng Chuang before.

In fact, he had regretted letting Leng Yue kill Cheng Chuang directly. After all, Cheng Chuang was Cheng Jin's only family member. If he was spared, he could be used in exchange for some benefits from Cheng Jin.

No matter how bad it is, it would be good to exchange Liang Ruoyun's mother.

But after hearing that there was still such a incident in the middle, he didn't feel regretful at all, and felt that Leng Yue was right to do so.

"Lengshen was not so decisive in dealing with the enemy before, and only when someone he thought important was hurt would he put those messy principles aside."

Chu Mengqi nodded approvingly after hearing this, but Liang Ruoyun looked a little shocked.

In fact, Xia Qi had been observing Liang Ruoyun's reaction, and when he saw it, he asked a little wretchedly:
"Manager Liang, what do you think of Lengshen?"

"not bad."

Liang Ruoyun replied without thinking, and after she finished speaking, she looked at Xia Qi suspiciously:

"Why are you asking me that?"

"It's nothing, just a simple little understanding, everyone will ask, if you don't believe me, listen to it."

Talking about playing, Xia Qi asked Chu Mengqi solemnly:

"What do you think of me?"

"A rascal...will run the train with his mouth full..."

(End of this chapter)

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