Mysterious country

Chapter 1136 Heroes

Chapter 1136 Heroes
"Your evaluation of me is really pertinent. I thank you."

Xia Qi glared at Chu Mengqi, then stopped chatting and said to Liang Ruoyun:

"Now the integration of the Outer Domain has basically been completed.

Although it is nominally a vassal of the Rebel Alliance, it won't be long before we hold it in our hands.

What I'm more worried about now is Cheng Jin's side. After learning that Cheng Chuang and the others were killed, will they jump over the wall in a hurry, or what will happen?
I don't know the situation in Hades, so I don't know what Manager Liang thinks? "

"I heard you say that Zhang Zilin was caught by you, right? What do you think about keeping Zhang Zilin?"

Liang Ruoyun didn't immediately give her advice, but mentioned another matter.

"Manager Liang should be able to guess that I want to send Zhang Zilin back to the inner domain, so that there is a "witness" and Cheng Jin will not doubt anything.

Conversely, we can be regarded as an undercover agent over there, and we can understand the movements of Hades clearly and faster. "

"It's okay to do this, but if we let Zhang Zilin go back, what if he betrays us immediately? After all, everyone is dead, and he is the only survivor. Of course, he can say whatever he wants."

"So this is a problem I'm struggling with right now, but I don't think it should be difficult to solve."

Xia Qi said affirmatively.

Although Liang Ruoyun didn't know why Xia Qi dared to be so sure, after so many things, she still trusted Xia Qi, so she didn't ask again, but said:

"The person in charge of the first underworld is called Tan Zhiming, and Qin Zhiming is a very powerful enchanter. In the earliest days, the role of the first underworld in the three underworlds was to assist.

Assist the second underworld and the third underworld to resolve various incidents.

Although the original high-level officials are no longer there, the First Hades is still playing this role.

Never participated in the dispute between the second underworld and the third underworld, because Hou Tai has always been relatively strong, and the third underworld is very powerful, so in the execution of some tasks in the past, the first underworld cooperated with the third underworld.

Therefore, it is also called the loyal dog leg of the third Hades by the people of the second Hades.

This is also the reason why Cheng Jin chose to unite with the Rebel Alliance in desperation.

It was because he knew that Tan Zhiming would never stand by his side and join hands with him to deal with Hou Tai.

Because Tan Zhiming knew very well that the reason for the internal strife in the three underworlds was nothing more than the struggle between the power holders of the two underworlds.

If Cheng Jin could be obedient from the beginning, Hou Tai would not think of finding a reason to destroy him.

And after the United Rebel Alliance road was cut off, there were not many choices left for Cheng Jin, either to hand over the identity of the person in power, or to tear his face directly at the third Hades.

There was no other choice left for him. "

After hearing Liang Ruoyun's analysis, Xia Qi suddenly asked:

"What do you think of our cooperation with Cheng Jin?"

"You want to cooperate with the Second Underworld?"

Liang Ruoyun looked at Xia Qi in surprise.

"The strategy we set out at the beginning was to unite Hades, and then contain the rebel alliance, and then we have the opportunity to develop.

This is also the reason why I did not hesitate to kill Zhu Xu and the others and destroy the cooperation between the Second Underworld and the Rebel Alliance.

Because once they cooperate, not only will we lose the opportunity to cooperate with them, but the outcome of the Rebel Alliance and Hades will soon be decided.

This is certainly not what we hope to see.

I thought about uniting the three underworlds before, but the three underworlds are currently in a mess. The first underworld will not cooperate with us, and the third underworld is powerful, and we don't need us now.

So the only one who longs for someone to help him and cooperate with him is Cheng Jin.

Besides, in Cheng Jin's heart, it was the Rebel Alliance who killed Cheng Chuang, so no matter where he shoots this gun, it will be beneficial to us. "

"What Cheng Jin needs now is a helper to fight against the Third Underworld with him.

Do you think we will send someone over to help Cheng Jin?

If I have to seek cooperation from one party, I can try to contact Qin Zhiming, but if I fail, there is a possibility of exposure. "

After hearing this, Xia Qi thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said:

"We are in the dark right now, and the three underworlds and the rebels are in the light, so there is no need to rush to make critical decisions, let's wait and see.

Let's see what happens next with the three Hades and the Rebel Alliance.

There is nothing to do right now, the outer domain just manages and develops normally according to your ideas, and then sends people down to actually find some potential senior executives for training.

My head started to hurt again, let's not talk about it, I went back to rest. "

As Xia Qi said, he hammered his head hard, and then ran upstairs quickly.

When he returned to the room, he couldn't help screaming, as if a bug was eating his brains.

Fortunately, this situation did not last for a long time, but Xia Qi who was still in pain was covered with cold sweat, sitting on the bed and panting for breath.


After Xia Qi calmed down, he wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with a wave of his hand, and then he disappeared from the room as if he had heard someone's call.

In the living room downstairs, Liang Ruoyun and Chu Mengqi were chatting worriedly about Xia Qi's situation.

"He should be all right?"

Xia Qi's cry of pain just now was clearly heard by both of them sitting below.

"I'll go take a look."

Chu Mengqi got up from the sofa at this time, and then ran up quickly, but soon she came down again inexplicably:

"I'm not in the room, I don't know where I went? Really, my head hurts like that, and I don't stay in the room anymore. It's really not enough to worry about."

Chu Mengqi shook her hands a little irritably, and when she raised her head, she found that Liang Ruoyun was looking at her with a smile on her face:

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

"It's nothing, I think you care about him quite a bit, and you don't quarrel like you usually do when you meet."

"Sister Liang, what are you talking about? I don't care about him. His life is on the line. Besides, who cares about a stinky rascal who runs the train with his mouth full."

Chu Mengqi hurriedly denied it in a panic.

"Look at you, you blushed and said no. In fact, there is nothing embarrassing about it. Although Xia Qi's mouth is unreliable, he is still very reliable, and he has been protecting the people around him. It is also true that he will like him." Very normal thing.

Especially those of you who have been with him all the way, you may feel that he is the hero in your hearts. "

"Sister Liang, stop joking with me. I don't like him. At best, he's just a friend. It's because of my senior brother and his good face."

"Are you sure you really don't like him?"

The smile on Liang Ruoyun's face became stronger, and as for Chu Mengqi's little face, it was as red as a ripe apple.

(End of this chapter)

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