Mysterious country

Chapter 1137 Spirit Prisoner

Chapter 1137 Spirit prisoner (third change)

"Oh, sister Liang, if you talk about me again, I will say that you like my senior brother."

Seeing that Liang Ruoyun kept asking her, Chu Mengqi beat her back and moved Leng Yue out.

"I really like Leng Yue, he is very kind and handsome, and when I'm with him, I feel inexplicably down-to-earth.

Don't you like your senior brother? "

"Huh? You mean this kind of liking?"

When Chu Mengqi heard what Liang Ruoyun said, she couldn't help but become confused.

"Look where all your thoughts have gone, otherwise what kind of liking could it be?"

"Sister Liang, you hate me, you're clearly trying to trick me, but my senior brother is really good, he's less talkative and more beautiful, but he has a very manly personality.

Why don't you see that we are so good, you can help me and chase after my senior brother, okay?

I'm really worried that he will be like his master in the future, a ten thousand-year-old Taoist priest, watering flowers and farming in the countryside by himself, bored to death. "

"Talk about your business, don't bring it up on me. Besides, there are no girls chasing boys."

"Isn't my senior brother pretty?"

"You should keep your voice down, or else your senior brother will hear you, and he will kill you with his eyes."

The two girls chatted happily. As for Xia Qi, behind the rockery in the backyard of the villa, he was agitated and didn't know what to do to look at Zhu Xu who was lying on the ground, motionless.

"Is this thing reliable? If it is not reliable, it will be over."

Xia Qi seemed very hesitant, until after smoking a cigarette, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground fiercely, and then released the ghost domain, covering him and Zhu Xu who had turned into a vegetative state.

After finishing all the preparations, he directly pulled Zhu Xu up from the ground, then pressed his shoulders with both hands, stared into his lifeless eyes, and said in his heart:

"Swallow the spirit!"

Two beams of soul-swallowing light directly entered Zhu Xu's empty eyes, and then, he saw a mass of souls wrapped in silver threads floating out of his body slowly.

Although Xia Qi couldn't move, he could see that ball of soul, which was Zhu Xu who was captured by the soul baby before.

Zhu Xu's soul looked very frightened. After floating out of his body, it went straight back into his original body.

Then, Zhu Xu, who had been staring blankly, opened his mouth wide suddenly as if he had been suffocated for a long time, and then sat on the ground weakly.

Xia Qi had also recovered at this time, looked at Zhu Xu who was lying on the ground anxiously, and said after a while:
"You are now in my ghost domain, if you don't want to die, don't make any tricks for me."

"My soul has been imprisoned by you. If you think about it, I will be wiped out. What little tricks can I do?"

Zhu Xu looked at Xia Qi with a bitter face, as if he had experienced something that he couldn't look back on before.

Hearing what Zhu Xu said, Xia Qi felt it carefully, and sure enough, he had some contact with Zhu Xu, and his face suddenly showed surprise.

Speaking of which, the reason why he took Zhu Xu with him and drank the magical potion for him to recover in time was because he got a signal at that time.

This signal is not from others, but from his soul baby.

It was a very strange feeling, as if this idea came up with himself, but there was also a trace of aura that didn't belong to him.

Xia Qi was half-believing and dubious, so he brought Zhu Xu's body back.

As a result, just now, he suddenly got a signal from the soul baby, asking him to bring Zhu Xu's body here so that it could release Zhu Xu's soul.

However, he didn't know the intention of the soul baby to do this at all, but the embarrassing thing was that the soul baby could send him a signal, but he couldn't send it to the soul baby, so he struggled so much before.

But now it seems that after capturing Zhu Xu's soul, the soul baby has learned a good lesson and imprisoned his soul. In other words, Zhu Xu's life is already in his hands.

If you want Zhu Xu to live, you can live, if you want Zhu Xu to die, you can die.

"Zhu Xu, I think you should know in your heart that your life is saved to let you do things for me.

I am not an unreasonable person. You and I were in different positions before, so we were enemies.Now your life is in my hands, you do things for me, we are our own people.

When the matter is over, I will return your freedom to you. This is my promise to you, but remember, it is not the capital you use to bargain with me. "

"I know, I'll help you."

Zhu Xu is like a lion who has been subdued by the beast tamer and then pulled to perform in front of the audience, not to mention not daring to resist, not even the slightest thought of rebelling.

Because of a slight strong fluctuation, Xia Qi could feel it.

Seeing Zhu Xu's willingness to agree, Xia Qi felt very happy. You must know that Zhu Xu used all kinds of strength to crush them a day ago, but now he is like a slave. Let him beat and scold.

How can this feeling of turning over and making decisions be uncomfortable.

But all this is not his credit, but the credit of the soul baby in his mind. Speaking of it, he is getting more and more confused now. Is the soul baby his soul, or is it like a dark man, a ghost baby, etc. It's just like the things that are hidden in his body, and there are plots against him.

The only difference from the previous two is that the soul baby has never given him any danger, or the feeling of being out of place with him. He feels that the soul baby is a part of his body, and it just produced some kind of change.

But anyway, since the soul baby has no malice towards him, it is a great thing for him.

Because this not only allows him to directly devour the souls of ghosts, but also makes some enemies become his own puppets in this way.

You must know that manipulating the soul is much more secure than using emotions or using other external factors.

"Old Hei, ask the kitchen to cook something to eat, I'll be there in a while. Make more."

Xia Qi then called Lao Hei and asked him to make arrangements, planning to take Zhu Xu there for something to eat.

As for what Liang Ruoyun was worried about before, that Zhang Zilin might rebel, there is no need to worry about it now, because he can completely turn Zhang Zilin into his spiritual prisoner through this method.

Let the other party do things for him obediently, not daring to be disobedient.

Walking with Zhu Xu to the villa along the path, Xia Qi asked Zhu Xu on the way:

"After your soul was sucked by me, what did you go through?"

"I can't remember."

"Can't remember? Are you sure?"

"I really can't remember, but it seems that something happened, but I don't remember it. I only know that you can kill me easily."

Seeing that Zhu Xu didn't seem to be hiding anything, Xia Qi didn't ask further.

When he brought Zhu Xu over to the restaurant, Shen Hongyan didn't know if he was hungry, so he also waited here.

When he saw Xia Qi coming, he was just about to say hello, but he was startled by Zhu Xu who was following him:
"He regained consciousness?"

"Don't worry, he is our own now."

Speaking of this, Xia Qi ordered Zhu Xu:
"His name is Shen Hongyan, you can just call him Manager Shen."

"Manager Shen."

Seeing that Zhu Xu actually followed Xia Qi's order and called him obediently, Shen Hongyan's eyes widened with disbelief.

I don't know what happened to Zhu Xu at all.

(This month's monthly pass dropped directly to fifth, and those who were dumped by the front couldn't find the north. I was thinking about competing for the first place before.)
(End of this chapter)

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