Chapter 1155
Although many things have not been confirmed, Xia Qi has never had much doubt about the authenticity of the legend.It's just like chatting and bragging, just remove the bragging elements and watch it again.

So there should be ghosts in this mountain, at least they used to exist, but I don't know if they still exist now.

After chatting with Tifada for a few words, Tifada took out his mobile phone and browsed his photo album boringly, and showed Xia Qi in the process.

Most of the albums are photos of him and his girlfriend, the two of them are either pretending to be ugly on purpose, or showing their affection in various sweet ways.

I saw Tifada smiling for a while, and sighing for a while.

Xia Qi closed his eyes and said nothing more, but in fact his whole mind was put on the outside world, he was paying attention to the wind and grass around him through the ghost domain covering the house.

Just now he vaguely saw a figure, and quickly ran past the wooden house.

But when he went to pay attention, the dead silence outside returned to before, only the sound of "whooping" wind, constantly blowing the not-so-strong courtyard door, making a "slapping" sound.

Time passed quietly for almost half an hour, and Tifada was already sleepy leaning against the wall to rest. The only one who was still alive was Xia Qi, with a pair of vigilant eyes wide open, looking through the ghost realm. Look at the ghosts that are approaching the wooden house very quickly.

"Clap clap clap clap!"

Suddenly there was a series of sounds of pulling on the wooden door from the outside. Perhaps the night was so quiet that any sound would be infinitely amplified at this time.

Tifada opened his eyes, then stood up with some uncertainty, and came to the window of the wooden house.

Looking through the window, one can see the shadows of people outside the courtyard, as if gathered together to discuss something.

"someone is coming!"

Tifada hurriedly woke up Mattie and the others at this time, Xia Qi had already opened his eyes without him calling.

"Who is it?"

Compared with Tifada's vigilance, the three of Mattie seemed very nervous.

"I don't know, I'll go out and have a look."

"Don't go out."

Seeing that Tifada was about to go out desperately, Xia Qi stopped him immediately:
"It's so late, how could there be so many people gathered outside."

"What do you want to say?"

"They are not people, but ghosts!"

Xia Qi directly told what he saw.


Hearing what Xia Qi said, Mattie and the three daughters immediately shivered uncontrollably as if they had been poured with cold water.

"how do you know?"

Tifada looked at Xia Qi suspiciously.

"In short, if you stay here, just pretend that there is nothing outside."

As soon as Xia Qi said this, he heard a sudden scream from Mattie, pointing out the window and shouting:

"Look, someone pushed open the courtyard door and crawled in!"

At this time, everyone looked over subconsciously, and it was indeed just like what Mattie had just shouted, there were indeed many "people" crawling in from the outside.

These people are like zombies, with bloodless faces and tattered clothes covered with mud. Of course, the most terrifying thing is their exposed skin, which is covered with clear cuts.


The three of Mattie didn't know how to be afraid until this time, and they all curled up in a corner of the wooden bed, screaming in fear.

Tifada walked into the kitchen with a numb scalp, and soon saw that he came out with two knives, holding them in his hands trembling all over, as if he was going to fight those ghosts outside.

"Don't be afraid, they can't get in."

"Do you think they'll come in!"

Tifada shouted at Xia Qi with a trembling voice.

While the two were talking, a large number of zombie-like ghosts had already crawled to the window of the wooden house.

Afterwards, they began to wave their claws, scratching at the whole wooden house non-stop, making noises that made Tifada and the others creepy.

"If they come in later, you rescue them and escape with Marty, I will fight them."

Xia Qi didn't expect Tifada to have such trust in him as a stranger, which surprised him very much. After all, not many people dare to leave their funeral affairs to strangers these days.

The ghosts began to scratch the wooden house desperately, but they were blocked by Xia Qi's ghost domain every time. The strength of these ghosts was very average, not even that of Li Gui, and they didn't seem to have any weird and unpredictable abilities.

So it was a piece of cake to stop them with Xia Qi's Ghost Domain.

But just when Xia Qi was about to go out and get rid of these ghost things, he heard a cracking sound from the wooden bed behind him, and then Joshna jumped up screaming:
"There's something down there!"

"Step aside!"

At this time, Tifada jumped up with two knives, but just as he went up, a rotten ghost with only half of its head left suddenly stuck out its hand from under the bed.

Then he let out a series of scalp-numbing laughter, waved his pale arms and grabbed Tifada.

Tifada's two knives slashed at the ghost's head, but instead of causing any harm to the ghost, the shock made Tifada's tiger's jaw open, and the pain caused him to let go of the knife he was holding in his hand.

At the same time, the ghost that came out from under the bed grabbed Tifada again, apparently trying to dig out Tifada's heart.

"You bastards are really good at taking advantage of loopholes!"

With him here, naturally these things that don't even have the strength of ghosts will hurt Tifada and the others. A strong ghost aura spews out from Xia Qi's palm, and then turns into a ghost arm, grabbing Tifada and the others. Fada was dragged from the bed.

The other ghost arm landed on the ghost's head mercilessly, smashing the ghost's head to pieces.

Such an extremely shocking scene instantly left Tifada and the others dumbfounded.

But it's not over yet, and then Xia Qi's figure suddenly swelled up, and his handsome face also began to change, a pair of eyes full of purple, strange and terrifying in the night.

"Stay here and don't come out."

After covering the bottom of the wooden house with the ghost domain, Xia Qi kicked the window that was sealed by the wooden plank, and then jumped out.

As soon as he went out here, a dozen roaring ghosts outside all rushed towards him.


Facing these crazily rushing ghosts, Xia Qi let out a cold snort in his heart, and then his mouth instantly opened to the extreme, and the few ghosts closest to him were instantly swallowed by him.

And this is not over, a large amount of ghost energy emerged from the two ghost arms again, and then turned into two thicker long arms, directly hugging the many ghosts around the wooden house tightly to the chest.

Then, they were swallowed one by one by Xia Qi's huge mouth.

In just a few breaths, a dozen or so ghosts turned into berserk ghost aura, which was then completely inhaled into the body by Xia Qi's suppression.

(End of this chapter)

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