Mysterious country

Chapter 1156 Hysterical Town

Chapter 1156 Hysterical Town

The moon was covered by dark clouds, and Xia Qi's figure gradually returned to normal. Then, under the terrified gaze of Tifa Damati and others, he jumped into the wooden house again from the outside.

"Looking at how wide your mouths are, I know I didn't scare you."

Xia Qi didn't want to reveal his identity in front of these people, but those ghosts were too stupid, he clearly felt that his ghost domain was going to attack bravely, so he could only kill those ghosts.

" are a devil..."

"Damn the devil, the devil is human just like you."

Xia Qi was a little dumbfounded at what Tifada said, but this kind of thing was indeed enough to shock these people.

It took a long time for Tifada and the others to calm down gradually, but their attitude towards Xia Qi changed drastically, not in a respectful way, but in admiration.

"Can you teach me?"

"This can't be taught, otherwise I will teach you."

Xia Qi smiled, and then asked Tifada:

"The devil you are talking about, are those ghost things just now?"

"No, the devil is very powerful, as soon as it appears, both the town and the city will disappear."

"Ghost King?"

Xia Qi felt that what Tifada was talking about should be the ghost king, or something more powerful than the ghost king.

Tifada didn't understand what the ghost king Xia Qi was talking about, but after this incident, it was obvious that everyone couldn't fall asleep.

"Are you an exorcist?"

Seeing that Xia Qi refused to teach him, Tifada rolled his eyes and changed the question again.

"That's right, but I don't know if it's different from your exorcists here."

"An exorcist is someone who specializes in getting rid of those ghosts. Can you come back to the town with me and help me get rid of the murderous evil spirits in the town?"

The reason why Xia Qi didn't show anything before was that he was afraid that Ti Fada would ask him to help.

He doesn't mind making a move or something, the key is that he wants to find someone who understands the situation here better than these.Another thing is to find Wu Di.

In fact, finding Wu Di is the most important thing. After that, he can try to open the ghost gate again, and then try to see if he can go back to the second domain.

"Let's put it this way, I've actually been looking for a friend of mine who, like me, has black hair and dark eyes.

So I also need to find people from the Exorcist Guild, and let them help me find a way to find someone. "

"As long as you promise to help me save my girlfriend, I'm willing to help you find someone. My dad works for the largest local newspaper, and I can help you publish the news.

That wizard could burn my girlfriend to death at any moment, please help. "

Xia Qi didn't agree immediately, but thought about it carefully, Wu Di entered the ghost gate before him, if he landed here, then the place where Wu Di is most likely to land is the hysterical town, and this secret Huaiyin Town outside Xixi Mountain.

If some wizard really arrests people, maybe Wu Di will be caught as a different kind.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Wu Di is still very safe. The key is that Wu Di is seriously injured right now. Even if the ghost's physical recovery ability is strong, it may not be able to fully recover.

Thinking about it this way, Xia Qi felt that it was not impossible to follow Tifada and the others back first.

"Okay, but you have to tell me about wizards."

Seeing that Xia Qi agreed to help, Tifada and the others couldn't help but thank him immediately.Then he told him something about wizards.

After hearing Tifada's description, Xia Qi felt that the so-called wizards were those who knew magic, and they knew some things themselves, but their strength was not strong. Mainly.

But because of some local traditions, wizards are credible in most eyes, and they don't think they are evil.

Of course, if a girlfriend like Tifada was captured and burned to death in public, he would naturally regard the wizard as the embodiment of evil.

Xia Qi is really not used to being here, the communication is not used to one aspect, he also does not understand some cultures.

If you kill someone, you can kill someone, you can kill anyone, so why do you have to burn to death in front of the public?
But just like Tifada didn't understand why the exorcists on his side were divided into so many forces. To put it bluntly, it's just the difference in experience, so we can't make a one-sided comment on who is right and who is wrong.

Xia Qi agreed to help, and the biggest benefit he got was that Tifada took off his big trousers and gave them to Xia Qi, but Xia Qi naturally wouldn't want other people's trousers.

Instead, he used ghost energy to transform into a long armor-like coat, which was directly wrapped around his body. This kind of dress was directly called extremely handsome by the girls of Marty.

When it was almost noon the next day, Xia Qi finally entered the hometown of Tifada and others, the hysterical town.

The small town here is different from the second domain, or the real town he is in. There is no antique style, the roads are very wide, the houses are all double-storey small bungalows, and there are no tall buildings.

If he hadn't heard what Tifada said about the various things that happened here, he would never have imagined that there would be a wizard who burned people to death.

"Why is it so quiet here, where have everyone gone?"

"They probably didn't go out at home, because a lot of people died inexplicably recently, and people said that the devil came, and they didn't dare to go out, and they stopped working."

Because Xia Qi was severely suppressed by the ghost domain here, he couldn't cover the entire town at all. At most, he could only cover a range of about 200 meters, which was already the limit.

Mattie, Joshna and others are all good friends of Tifada and his girlfriend Mazarian, so after returning to the town, they all went back to their respective homes, but before leaving, they asked Xia Qi for a phone number , and asked him to go to them.

However, Xia Qi's cell phone had already been burned to ashes during the fight with the masked man.

But even if there is, how can his mobile phone be useful in this place where even the high-end things like the honor watch are out of order.

So he had no choice but to buy a mobile phone in this town.

Following Tifada home, he didn't need to take off his shoes, he just walked in.

There are two floors in total, upstairs and downstairs. Tifada is currently living with his parents because he is not married yet. According to him, even if he is married, he does not need to buy a house here, and he still lives with his parents. together.

As he promised Xia Qi, after he came back and didn't see his father, Tifada let Xia Qi wait for him here, and he drove to the newspaper office where his father worked.

After all, there are some things that cannot be explained on the phone.

After Tifada left, Xia Qi walked around the room, then walked into the bathroom to take a comfortable shower, and found two clothes in Tifada's cabinet to wear on her body.

He planned to return these two clothes to the other party after he bought new clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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