Mysterious country

Chapter 1157 Witch God

Chapter 1157 Witch God

Although Tifada told him that he would be back in a while, he waited until the evening before Tifada came back with a sorry face.

"I'm really sorry, there were some things in the middle, so I was delayed for some time. I got the news of your friend from my dad, it seems to be on the other side of Xuan'an Street, I will take you there now, you can see if it is you That friend."

Xia Qi looked at Tifada with a warm smile, and opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Then Tifada drove Xiaqi to the outside of a big church, Tifada stopped the car, and said to Xiaqi:

"It's over there."

"it is good."

Xia Qi didn't ask much, and followed Tifada to open the door of the church and walked in. As a result, just as he stepped in, an iron net full of glass blades suddenly fell from his head, trapping him inside.

Then, the originally dark church was suddenly lit up, a small door at the corner was pushed open, and then some people in black clothes came out of it one after another with gloomy faces.

"Tifada, you really dare to plot against me?"

Pulled up from the ground by two muscular men, Xia Qi asked Tifada, who was looking at him with a cold face, with some amusement.

"I'm sorry my friend, my girlfriend is in their hands, so if I want to save her, I can only ask you to be a scapegoat.

I admit that you are very powerful, but you can't do nothing to the wizard. "

"I hope you have made the right decision, otherwise you will never see the sun tomorrow."

Xia Qi sneered and didn't struggle. In fact, he had already noticed something was wrong when he came here.

Because as a normal person, if he is worried about the safety of his girlfriend, he will definitely ask the helper to find a way to save her immediately, so why did it take so long.

Speaking of which, he still wanted to give Tifada a chance, but the other party didn't give him a chance at all.

There were almost 200 people gathered in the church, men and women. Not only were all of them wearing black clothes, but they also held something like a bell in their hands.

Xia Qi was pressured by two strong men to the very center of the church without any resistance.

Afterwards, those who were staring at him viciously spread out to both sides, and then a bald man with a golden pattern printed on his black clothes walked away slowly holding a stick like a scepter. come out.

"Hello friend, you are welcome to come to us, and then dedicate your soul to our witch god forever."

"Dirty God? I really want to see how filthy your dirty god is!"

"You are not allowed to insult our witch god!"

"Aliens should be killed!"


"Kill, kill, kill...!!!"

The church was filled with the angry shouts of these believers.

"I don't know if Tifada told you all about me."

"He has already said, I know you have some strength, and I also know your true identity."

"Oh? Then tell me who I am?"

"You are from the Exorcist Guild!"

"Then who are you?"

"Pious believers of the witch god. Of course, everyone in this small town is also included."

When Xia Qi heard this, he suddenly felt that the form of this space was not very good. A "Sorcerer God" and an exorcist guild were similar to the situation in the second domain.

"Master Wizard, I have already given you someone, please return my girlfriend to me."

"Come on child, your girlfriend is by my side. Let your father hand it over to you."

Tifada walked over at this time, and then a man also came out from the crowd, holding a dinner plate in his hand, and on the dinner plate was the dead head of a woman!
Seeing that his girlfriend was dead, Tifada suddenly slumped down on the ground in grief, and looked at his father angrily:

"Why! Why do you want to kill her!"

"Because he is a traitor to the Exorcist Guild, she must die!
And you, as a child of a believer, actually tried to find someone from the Exorcist Guild for the sake of a traitor, you should be damned too! "

"Dibada, you should know what to do."

The man named Dibada nodded, and then walked towards Tifada step by step. Tifada looked at the man who was approaching him step by step in disbelief, and cried:

"You are crazy! You are all crazy, I am your son! You are going to kill me!"

"Go and accompany your mother." The man said blankly, and one hand directly grabbed Tifada's neck.

"You killed mom too...?"

"Because she, like you, wants to betray the witch god."

After saying this, the man directly broke Tifada's neck, and then returned to the crowd as if nothing had happened.

Xia Qi was shocked when he saw it. It wasn't that Tifada's father was strong, but that his father actually killed his son, and it was only because of an order from the bald man.

If that bald man doesn't have the same ability as his soul prisoner, but relies on some so-called beliefs to brainwash these people, then this ability is terrible.

In addition, these believers are not ordinary people, and they also have power fluctuations, but it is not like magic or ghost energy, but a completely different kind of power.

"Did you see, this is why there are more and more followers of the witch god, but your exorcist guild has become lingering!"

"I don't know anything else, but the degree of perversion you have is really beyond my expectation."

"Sacrificing to God!"

The scepter in the bald man's hand suddenly knocked to the ground, and then a red light suddenly appeared around Xia Qi as the center, forming a circle of flames.


The bald man knocked on the scepter again, and then everyone murmured in unison, like an alien language, which Xia Qi couldn't understand at all.

But during the process, he clearly felt that his head was about to explode, faintly as if the soul baby was about to be pulled out of it.

"It's a bit like swallowing spirits."

Xia Qi forcibly stabilized his mind, and then transformed into a ghost in an instant. As for the two strong men who were holding him down, their heads were crushed mercilessly by his ghost claws.

Seeing Xia Qi suddenly become like this, the bald man suddenly let out a strange cry of horror, and subconsciously wanted to run away.

"A miscellaneous soldier at the level of a supervisor, dare to escape under my nose?"

Xia Qi jumped out of the fire circle in one step, and then released Huang Quan to go, directly covering the church, and everyone's mouths were closed in an instant.

"Sorcerer God? Get the hell out of here!"

As Xia Qi's voice fell, everyone seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction and floated directly into the midair.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Xia Qi hooked his fingers, and saw that the bald man who was obviously running away was getting closer and closer to Xia Qi until he was grabbed by the neck by Xia Qi.

"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to come here to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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