Mysterious country

Chapter 1171 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 1171 The Truth Comes Out

Seeing that Xia Qi didn't eat and she was in a bad mood, the girl didn't dare to say anything, so she took the food back and hid it again.

Since Xia Qi entered the ghost gate, he has no concept of time at all, and has no idea how long time has passed since the battle with the masked man.

In his memory, it was only 10 days, but in fact, he was not sure how long it had passed.

Because of the continuous days of fighting, Xia Qi's spirit was exhausted, so his consciousness became a little fuzzy after a while.

But at this moment, he vaguely heard a series of calling sounds that seemed to be far away in the sky, and seemed to be right next to his ears:

"Little... where are you..."

Almost at the same time as the series of calls sounded, Xia Qi felt someone hug him from behind suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, and saw that girl came to the bed at some unknown time, as if hugging him As if sleeping, she hugged him reluctantly and did not let go.

"What are you doing?"

Xia Qi was at a loss for this.

"Hold you to sleep."

"I said, I will help you, and you don't need to pay anything."

After Xia Qi said something to the girl, she obediently let go of her hand, and said aggrievedly:

"I thought men were all the same..."

"It's much different. Well, I haven't had a good rest for a while. If you have to squeeze on top, sleep next to me."

Xia Qi shook his head helplessly, although the girl was slim, but because of lack of nutrition, her body was stiff and thin, and her legs were even thinner like two bamboo poles.

When the girl heard what Xia Qi said, she didn't move her hands and feet anymore, she nodded hurriedly, and lay obediently beside Xia Qi.

Maybe it was because he felt that Xia Qi was capable of protecting himself, so not long after he lay down, he heard a slight snoring sound, obviously falling asleep.

Xia Qi, on the other hand, closed his eyes and brewed for a while, but this time he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Cautiously getting off the bed, Xia Qi opened the door again, then sat on the threshold, lit a cigarette, looked at the misty sky above, and smoked it with melancholy.

"Second realm, foreign realm, masked man, witch god..."

Xia Qi didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly murmured.

He remembered that the man in the mask called him a "chess piece" more than once. In the last battle, the real purpose of the man in the mask was not to simply kill him, but to use the fact of killing him to make those hidden The people behind him were forced out.

But in fact, no one came out to help him.

No, to be precise, no one appeared except his mother.

At that time, his consciousness dissipated several times, and finally he gradually regained consciousness because he heard the call from his mother.

But his mother was obviously sealed in his body, but when he was in danger, she was still able to help him.

This incident also confused him, if a person is really completely trapped, can it still come out of the seal to help?

Maybe, but he didn't think so.

Earlier, when he learned the truth about his family, it was very painful, it can be said that it took a long time to get out of it.

He also believed that her mother would be locked up at home because of his grandfather's relationship.

But looking back now, the truth that he had already identified had collapsed to a great extent.

Because his mother is not a human being, but a ghost king, even more powerful than the ghost king.

This point is not difficult to be verified from the words of the evil ghost at that time, and later, after her mother appeared, she made a tough move with the masked man.

Being able to do this is obviously not something a human ghost can do.

Whether his mother is the ghost king or an existence beyond the ghost king, it is already certain that his mother is not human.

The weirdness incorporated into his body can also illustrate this point.

He is a freak, like a ghost baby, with half human genes and half ghost genes.

That's why at that time, the little ghost baby girl felt that he was very familiar, because he felt the ghost baby's breath on his body.

But ghosts are the natural enemies of human beings, let alone a ghost king, and his father is obviously an ordinary person, how can the two be combined?

He can't figure out this question for the time being, but if he puts this question aside for a while, and then combines what his mother said to him at that time and some things he has come into contact with, the truth in his family becomes very different. up.

First of all, he is a pawn.The masked man also said that someone was hiding behind him.

So who is behind him?How many people are there?

His mother is the ghost king, but she combined with a human being and gave birth to him. There are obviously many doubts about it.

So his mom can be said to be one of the people behind him.

Furthermore, it is his grandfather, who sealed his mother in his home for a long time, and then sealed his mother in him.

If it wasn't to deal with his mother, then it was to protect his mother.

Is it because it is difficult for ghosts to give birth to babies, or for some other reason, his mother is very weak and will appear unconscious, so in order to avoid problems, it can only be sealed.

After his mother recovered, he sealed his mother into his body again and continued to recuperate.

Perhaps his father didn't know the truth at the beginning, so he was kept in the dark, but after his mother changed completely, his father disappeared. It can also be seen from this that his father left after knowing the truth .

Otherwise, based on what he knew about his father, his father would not leave even if he died.

Someone told his father the truth, and his father knew that his mother would be fine, so he chose to leave.

Then the truth of his family is that when his mother gave birth to him, she fell into extreme weakness and her strength plummeted. In order to protect his mother and allow him to grow better, his grandfather sealed his mother into the formation in law.

As for the ghosts strangled in the formation, only a small part was absorbed by the evil ghost as the eye of the formation, and more were absorbed by his mother for recuperation.

In the end, when the formation was completely broken and his mother regained her senses, she triggered the second seal left by his grandfather, sealing his mother in his body, and continued to recover.

So looking at it this way, his grandfather is probably the one who made the arrangement.

But in retrospect, when the ghost brought him back to the past with ideology, judging from part of what he heard, his mother should know something before his grandfather.

After all, as a father, no one wants his son to be entangled with ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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