Mysterious country

Chapter 1172 The Ghost Gate That Cannot Be Opened

Chapter 1172 The Ghost Gate That Cannot Be Opened

Thinking about it this way, neither his grandfather nor his mother were the real planners.

Speaking of it, it can only be regarded as the executor, and also some of the chess pieces.

But there is probably only one person in this world who can make the director and ghost king obedient.

Create Hades, and lead the bosses of pioneers such as casino bosses!

All of this was created by the BOSS behind the scenes, and only the mysterious BOSS possessed such a terrifying layout and the ability to execute the layout.

But why?
Why did the other party do this?
They had done so much, but he still couldn't beat the man in the mask, he was still trapped in this town of the living dead and couldn't get out, and it was still difficult to obtain a comfortable living environment.

If he died, wouldn't all of this be useless?
And his grandfather was trapped in the third domain, and his mother was still recovering, no one could protect him at all.

Unless... there are still people hiding in the dark.

Perhaps, those people hiding in the dark are the ones the masked man wants to force out through him.

But at such a critical time, no one showed up. What does this mean?
Wasn't the situation dangerous enough?Or, because of the accident, there is no one left to protect him in the dark?
So what is this mishap?

Thinking of this, Xia Qi suddenly remembered what the boss of the entertainment city and the man in the trench coat said to him at that time.

They all mentioned one thing with a hint, that is - the boss of Hades is very weak.

The game is set by the BOSS, so if you want to break the game, either the pieces die, or the person who made the layout dies.

Thinking of this, Xia Qi couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

As strong as the BOSS who created Hades, will he also die?
If there were people who paved the way for him before, and people who protected him secretly, so that he could follow a certain direction smoothly and steadily, then all of this has ceased to exist now.

He may be like an intelligence agent who lost his superior in a spy war movie. Although he didn't know who his superior was before, at least his superior knew of his existence and was watching him.

But when the secret superior disappears, all the following things can only be done by him alone.

There is only one thing, he is very sure, that is, he will never be anyone's pawn!
Since he decided to unleash his ambition, since he decided to integrate the Outer Domain and make the Second Domain the world under his rule, he has actually shown all those who hide behind him, and all those who stand against him. War has been declared.

Whether it's the BOSS, his grandfather, his mother, or those pioneers, no one can control his destiny.

He wants to live, he wants to find out those people behind them one by one, and then kick that damn chessboard over.

Although he already knew who was hiding behind him, he still had no clue as to what they wanted him to do and what they wanted him to accomplish.

And what surprised him the most was the masked man.

The man in the mask is powerful, but at least he is not stronger than the boss of Hades, but judging from his various performances, he is clearly a pervert who wants to completely muddy the water.

But unfortunately, no one paid attention to him.

And on the other side, he really couldn't figure out what was going on with that witch god.

Before joining Hades, he felt that the world was not abnormal at all. People worked every day, and those who went to school went to school.

However, since he joined Hades, and as his position has been promoted, he feels more and more that the world is chaotic.

Xia Qi sighed, many things were still full of fog, and often doubts appeared after clearing the fog.

After all, if you want to know a lot of things, if you want to know a lot of things, you still need to match them with the corresponding strength.

Just like he knew that the man in the mask was his enemy, but even if he could return to the second domain from the foreign land, he would not dare to seek revenge from the man in the mask. male found.

So instead of hiding and worrying about being discovered by the masked man, it is better to become strong enough in this foreign land before going back.

Although all foreign lands are foreigners, the situation is very clear, and the most important thing is that no one here knows him, so he can completely mix in and gradually increase his strength.

Xia Qi was in a hurry to go back before, but now he is not in a hurry.

People in foreign lands know the secret technique of attacking the soul. His soul baby is still the nemesis of those wizards. As long as they don't touch the eight wizard guards, there shouldn't be any danger.

Although he was also worried about Leng Yue and the others, thinking that Leng Yue and the others might think that he was dead, with Liang Ruoyun and Chu Mengqi around, Leng Yue would not do anything stupid, impulsively go to the masked man to settle accounts.

Not to mention, they couldn't find the man in the mask at all.

He can't control too much now, and there are too many things he needs to think about, so all he can do is pray for them, and hope they can be well.

Xia Qi patted his butt, got up from the threshold at this time, then walked into the room and closed the door behind him.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of fast running footsteps outside. He merged his consciousness into the ghost domain, and then saw hundreds of dead people with stiff expressions appearing on the path outside the courtyard.

These living dead were either holding knives or other sharp weapons in their hands, as if they were about to kill.

To put it bluntly, the living dead are ghosts. Xia Qi is not afraid of such low-strength ghosts, nor is he worried that they will break through the ghost domain and come in, so he ignores them.

However, he had just returned to the room where Wu Di and the girl were, and was about to sit down on the bed to rest, when he suddenly jumped down with a big change in expression.

Because he felt that his ghost domain was disappearing little by little, and something was eating his ghost domain!

Xia Qi hurriedly took Huang Quan back into his body, and then teleported directly to the courtyard.

But when he looked over, there were only living dead who broke in, but he didn't find the thing that was devouring his ghost domain just now.

The ghosts he encountered can be said to be very many, but the most strange abilities he has ever seen are nothing more than the mirror image ghost and the ghost with the ability to dissolve the ghost domain.

But he has never met anyone who can directly devour Huang Quan.

The ghost domain may not be a big deal to people in this foreign land, because they mainly use soul attacks, and soul attacks can ignore the ghost domain.

But in the second domain, the ghost domain can be said to be the foundation of ghost substance users.

If the ghost domain loses its function, then the strength will be greatly reduced, not to mention completely lost.

There was no time to think about it, because after seeing him suddenly appearing in the courtyard, some of the undead people holding sharp weapons broke open the gate of the courtyard and rushed in roaring.

Xia Qi's eyes were filled with a strange purple, and then the circle mark on his forehead jumped suddenly, and then he saw the ghost gate floating in front of him out of thin air.

What surprised him was that the gate of hell could not be opened!

(End of this chapter)

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