Mysterious country

Chapter 1173 The real power of talent

Chapter 1173 The real power of talent

Xia Qi looked at the majestic ghost gate, which stood in front of him, but no matter how he contacted it and opened it, the ghost gate did not respond at all.

To be exact, he was unable to have any contact with the ghost gate.

He couldn't feel the existence of the ghost gate.

This is the first time he has encountered this situation, because the ghost gate represents devouring, and it is the innate power he obtained after entering the level of evil spirits.

Although his strength has been severely suppressed now, he has not fallen to the level of evil spirits, so theoretically his innate power should not disappear.

However, being summoned by him from the ghost gate can verify that he has not lost his natural power, but the connection with the ghost gate has been cut off.

"It's really weird here."

Xia Qi felt a headache. It didn't mean that the ghost gate couldn't be opened, so he couldn't deal with the undead. It's just that it really proved the girl's words. If he couldn't find the exit, he couldn't escape from here. up.

After all, the ghost gate can't be opened, and he can't take Wu Di through the ghost gate to escape from this so-called town of the living dead.

But in the face of so many living dead roaring towards him, he didn't have time to think too much.

Since the ghost gate could not be opened, he just swallowed the living dead.

Xia Qi pushed the ghost gate and moved forward. During the process, he activated his swallowing ability, his mouth opened instantly, and he directly swallowed the two living dead closest to him in one gulp.

The heads of the two living dead were bitten off by Xia Qi. During the process, Xia Qi felt a little strange.

Then, he saw his eyes filled with purple dots, and then formed a virtual image that was many times larger in mid-air.

The virtual image opened its huge mouth that swallowed the sky, and then sucked in hard, forming a strong suction force around it.

A large number of living dead were sucked into the air, and then swallowed into the mouth of the virtual image.

Xia Qi's eyes lit up, and he felt that there was a little more ghost energy in his body, and the ghost energy was not violent, but seemed to be directly absorbed by him.

"This is not the ability to devour!"

His head was a little dazed, because at that moment just now, he suddenly felt that he did not use his devouring ability, but instead used his natural power to devour the living dead.

But the ghost gate couldn't be opened, logically he shouldn't be able to use the devouring ability, but in fact he swallowed most of the living dead in one gulp through the huge virtual image above.

"Is the ghost gate not a direct expression of innate power at all? It's just that I have always mistakenly regarded it as innate power?"

Xia Qi didn't understand the situation, but the facts were like this. Even if the ghost gate couldn't be opened and the ghosts couldn't be sucked in, he could still use his talent to swallow the ghosts, which clearly explained the problem.

He has always regarded the ghost gate as a direct expression of his natural power, but the truth is not like this. The ghost gate is just something he summoned with his natural power.

It is true that his innate power is devouring, but he does not use the gate of ghosts to devour.

But if the ghost gate is not his innate power, then how was he summoned?Why can it still be digested by him after inhaling the ghost gate?
Also, why is it that the ghost gate, which he could use at will in the past, has completely lost its effect here?

What is blocking his connection with the ghost gate?

Things seemed to suddenly become confusing.

The living dead looked stiff, but in fact they were not brainless and fearless. Seeing the giant shadow of Xia Qi in mid-air, they swallowed most of them in one bite. escaped from the yard.

It's just that very few escaped, because the giant image in midair took another breath at this time, and then swallowed it again.

The courtyard, which was originally filled with screams and strange screams, became completely quiet.

The giant image gradually shrunk, and then merged with Xia Qi whose body was constantly trembling, intuitively it looked like Xia Qi shrunk after getting bigger.

"It turns out that this is my devouring ability."

After the blood fiend ghost soldier had the ability to transform, Xia Qi tried to integrate his own ability into it, so that it could devour and melt like his clone.

At that time, he still doubted why every time he showed his devouring ability, there would always be a huge ghost head. Only now did he figure out that this was simply a manifestation of his devouring ability.

The appearance of that huge ghost head is almost the same as his evil ghost transformation.

In this ghost town, the ghost gate has lost contact, and there are still things that can devour the ghost domain, which shakes Xia Qi's original confidence in being able to escape.

He didn't go after the few undead who escaped, so at this time he was enduring the strong backlash from devouring those undead.

These people are not living people at all, nor are they dead people as the girl said, because if the dead are resurrected, they will only become ghosts. Even powerful ghosts cannot bring him too much backlash.

However, at this moment, after devouring those living dead, the skin of his whole body was cracked, and blood vessels burst open, which also turned Xia Qi into a blood man.

Xia Qi gritted his teeth tightly, and didn't let out even the slightest cry of pain. Cold sweat mixed with the blood oozing from the wound, turning the original bright color into dim.

It wasn't until the past 10 minutes that this backlash gradually subsided.

And with his powerful recovery ability, the large and small wounds on the skin due to cracks are also healing quickly.

If these living dead are not resurrected from the dead, it means that they are possessed by something.

This can also be seen from the fact that they have a lot of ghost energy in their bodies. After he devoured many living dead, the amount of ghost energy stored in his body increased a lot.

If he thought of the countless living dead in this ghost town, as long as he swallowed them all, he felt that with his current state, he should be able to try to hit the manager level.

He has recently completely absorbed the remnant of the ghost king that was previously fused. If there is no suppression in strength, he is now at the senior manager level.

But it is obviously not so if, after his strength is suppressed, his strength is only in the middle of the senior executives, not even the peak of the evil ghost.

But once his current strength is promoted to a manager or a higher level, as long as he leaves this foreign land, the suppression of strength will disappear without a trace.

In the second domain, the boss of the underworld is the strongest combat force.But because the BOSS has never appeared, it is naturally ignored by people.

Therefore, the senior director is the strongest combat power recognized by the second domain.

But no one knows how many senior directors there are. He just heard from Liang Ruoyun's guess that the senior directors are above the underworld, so they are no longer from the underworld.

As for Hades, the strongest is his grandfather's director level.

(End of this chapter)

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