Mysterious country

Chapter 1174 Going Out

Chapter 1174 Going Out
As for what level the masked man is at, he is not sure, it may be the director level, or it may be a senior director.

Reminiscent of the current second domain, the strongest combat power is just the three ghost kings of the rebel alliance, and the three rulers of the underworld, and none of these people is at the director level, so the masked man is not bragging. If he wanted to, he could make this second domain his own in minutes.

So for such a person, who is determined to completely muddy the water in the second domain, completely disrupt the situation, and keep people in the infighting between each other, he really can only describe what he has done as a pervert or a lunatic everything.

Because there is no logic at all, and it seems that there is no reason at all.

But it can also be seen from it that he just wanted to force the BOSS to show up. Rather than saying that he has been looking for the person behind him, it is better to say that he has been looking for the BOSS.

If counted, this is also a kind of goal.

But although he also wanted to find the boss, he was not as crazy as the masked man. After all, if he really forced the boss out in this way, he would kill you in no time.

What's the difference between that and wasting the strength of the boss, going around and committing suicide.

Unless the man in the mask is so perverted that he is not afraid of death.

But no matter what, it's not a good thing for him to have a shit-stirring stick like the man in the mask.

After all, the masked man and him still have some things in common in terms of thinking, and they both have the idea of ​​finding that BOSS one day.

It's just that the mask has this kind of strength now, but he doesn't currently have it.

The body's injuries soon fully recovered, Xia Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and then returned to the house.

When he went back, the girl had already woken up, obviously she heard the movement outside, but seeing her obedient appearance, she didn't go out.

"Did there be... the living dead just now?"

"Don't worry, I've dealt with them. You can continue to sleep."

Xia Qi sat directly beside the bed, the girl glanced at the blood on Xia Qi's body, and suddenly exclaimed:
"You are hurt?"

"No injuries."

In order to reassure the girl, Xia Qi waved her arm deliberately.

Seeing that Xia Qi was fine, the girl smiled in relief, then rubbed her eyes and sat beside Xia Qi:
"Benefactor, I'm curious. Although it may not be good to ask this question, I really want to know how good you are? Can I be as good as you?"

"My name is Xiaqi, you can call me Tianqi, or Brother Xia, I am older than you."

"I'll just call you Brother Xia. I'm called Xia Hongguo. You can call me Hongguo. Speaking of which, we're still a family."

"It's very possible."

Xia Qi felt that the girl was really cheerful, but if he was here by himself, hiding from XZ every day, racking his brains in order not to be starved to death, he was not maybe, but 100% unable to survive, let alone still be like Like a girl, she behaved so cheerfully.

Xia Qi smiled, and then explained:

"I can't learn this skill, if I can teach it, I will definitely hand it over to you.

You won't understand the specific things even if I tell you. "

"Actually, that's what I said. It doesn't matter to me whether I learn or not. I'm not very good, but I'm still alive. Besides, I know Brother Xia, and with Brother Xia taking care of me, I'll see who will dare to bully me in the future."

"I will try my best to find a way to get out of here. It's already very late. You can sleep a little longer, and I will sleep a little longer. Tomorrow you tell me where to get the food, and I'll get some back."

"it is good."

Unlike the turmoil outside, the hut where Xia Qi and the others lived was very peaceful, but in order to prevent ghosts from approaching, Xia Qi still released the ghost domain.

Speaking of which, he also really wanted to know what the hell ate his ghost domain when the living dead broke in.

However, for the next few hours, until it was full daylight, nothing ghostly came to the door again.

According to Hongguo, although there is nothing to eat in this town, every household has a well, so there is still some water to drink.

Xia Qi rinsed his mouth in the morning, and planned to go out for a walk in the town. According to Hongguo, the town is relatively safe during the day, and it is also the time when the survivors are most active, because the surrounding environment will be reversed.

A lot of food that was taken away by them before will appear again.

So for the survivors, as long as they can find such a room, at least they will not starve to death.

But this kind of room cannot be exclusive, otherwise it will be a dead end if it is discovered, and it must be handed over to a team that can resist the living dead.

The team is made up of some wizards and some exorcists. Although the majority of ordinary people come here, there are still some powerful people who come here.

After entering here and being trapped for a while, because each other is a powerful person, they will stick together as time goes by.

This is not only safer, but as their power grows, they can control the town's food and other resources in a good way.

Hongguo is an ordinary person, and it is naturally impossible for Xia Qi to get anything from her about the general strength of those wizards or exorcists, so he still needs to verify by himself what kind of power is entrenched in this town of the living dead. .

Xia Qi originally didn't want to bring Hongguo with him, after all, Wu Di didn't know when he would wake up, so he was a little worried about leaving Wu Di here.

But Hongguo said that she is very familiar with all aspects of the town, and her shabby house is very remote, only the white man knows about it, but she was killed by herself yesterday, so there is no problem.

Xia Qi looked at Wu Di's appearance, and it was really not like he could wake up in a short time, so he asked Hongguo to get some water for Wu Di, and took Hongguo and left the yard.

The small town is full of quaint atmosphere, and the sky is shrouded in gray mist, just like the smog hanging over the metropolis.

The road in the town is very wide, Hongguo took Xia Qi all the way to the west, and after a short walk, they saw many two-story or three-story houses.

According to Hongguo, most people would choose to live in this kind of house, because even if the living dead suddenly appeared, they could jump out of the window or hide.

Unlike the hut she lived in, once the living dead broke in, there was nowhere to hide.

Xia Qi also asked Hongguo why she chose to live there even though she knew it. Hongguo said that the more dangerous the place, the safer it is. The living dead are much more terrifying.

Often because of a fruit, they will sneak up on you from behind and smash your head open.

Often because of one or two quarrels, they will reveal the matter of your hidden food, and watch you be beaten to death.

Of course, there are many, many more, and there are countless people who use women like her who have no ability to resist as a tool to vent their desires.

So instead of being killed by those people, she might as well hide in a remote place, so that even if she dies, she won't feel aggrieved because she died at the hands of human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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