Mysterious country

Chapter 1193 Soul Ball

Chapter 1193 Soul Ball
Xia Qi looked at Wang Quan, who had protruding cheekbones and a slightly sunken nose, and asked with great interest:
"How can 1+1 be greater than 2? I don't read much, so don't lie to me."

Hearing Xia Qi's words, Wang Quan was suddenly a little embarrassed, because he never expected Xia Qi to joke with him.

"Mr. Xia is so humorous, we don't belong to this foreign land, and what we are good at is also different from here.

We are better at using the body and exploring the power of space, while the people here are better at the ability of the soul.

This is Ingil, the Great Wizard of the Gods and Witches Department. He is one of the best even in the Gods and Witches Department. Although Mr. Xia is powerful, in this ghost town where his strength is severely suppressed, he may not be a match for Ingil. "

"Can I understand that you are threatening me?"

Hearing what Wang Quan said, Xia Qi's face suddenly became gloomy. He has always been a person who prefers softness to hard work.

If it is easy to negotiate, he may still agree, but if it is a threat to him, then not only will he not compromise, but he will put him on the must-kill list.

Wang Quan didn't know if it was because he felt that Yingier was backing him, and that Xia Qi couldn't stop Yingier's soul attack at all, so he said bluntly:
"You can think of it as a threat, or you can think of it as cooperation. Since we all want to leave here, then the purpose is the same. If that is the case, why don't we choose to cooperate?
Otherwise, isn't it a bit too stupid. "

"What you're saying is, I'm just a little too stupid."

When Xia Qi said this, purple eyes suddenly burst out, and then directly released the ghost domain, covering Wang Quan who didn't know it.

Afterwards, without giving Wang Quan any chance to beg for mercy, in his mind, he divided Wang Quan into dozens of sections, which turned into a pool of minced meat and fell to the ground with a "crash".

Seeing Wang Quan being killed, almost everyone opened their eyes wide in horror, but what they were terrified was not Wang Quan's death, but Wang Quan's body was chopped up, and not a single drop of blood flowed out. .

It can be seen that he was already dead before!

"Wang Quan...has died a long time ago!"

"My God, we have been with a dead person for so long, and we haven't noticed it yet."

"Excuse me, I have a bad temper, and I have a habit of killing people recently.

If you dare to threaten me again, I don't mind letting you die again.

And you, Ingil, right, Grand Wizard?Very powerful?

I don’t know if you know Abby, Joseph, and Berkina, the three great wizards, and whether they can fight three against one, but even if you can, you have no chance, because they were all killed by me. "

Hearing Xia Qi's words, Yinger and the others turned pale, while Zhang Can was both surprised and happy. What surprised him was that Xia Qi was able to kill three great wizards. As for the joy, Xia Qi really It is worthy of being the soul figure of the real Hades.

No matter where he goes, he can write his own legend.

He originally thought that the people from this foreign land were restraining them in terms of ability, but this point was obviously broken by Xia Qi.

What Xia Qi said was very domineering and pretentious, but Yinger and the others didn't dare to say anything at all, so they had to listen obediently.

Because they didn't dare to gamble, if Xia Qi could really do it, if they made a rash move, wouldn't they be courting their own death.

"Mr. Xia, I think there is a misunderstanding between us, and Wang Quan does not represent our thoughts.

We can exchange some information with you about here, I know some things that others don't. "

Yinger saw that it was too tough to come, and now it was difficult to ride a tiger, so he had no choice but to negotiate cooperation in exchange of equal value.

"He can stay and the rest can go."

Xia Qi raised his finger and pointed at Yingier's big nose, then waved his hand impatiently at people like Hong Kong Feng Ningci.

Seeing Xia Qi's expression and actions, Wu Di felt a sense of relief in his heart. He still remembers how badly he was abused by those damn big noses back then.

Gangfeng Ningci glanced at Yingier hesitantly, but Xia Qi said even more impatiently at this time:

Seeing that Xia Qi showed his killing intent again, Gangfeng Ningci and the others did not dare to stay, and hurriedly retreated from the yard.

In his heart, Yinger called out bad luck, and felt that it was a mistake to come to find Xia Qi, because it was no different from sending him to death.

He was really scared, if the other party was unhappy, he would kill him too.

"Okay, they're all gone, you know what to say. If I feel satisfied, I will reveal a few secrets to you."

Ingil nodded knowingly, and said:
"I don't know if you know that when the sky turns bloody, all the remnants of demon gods will gather and turn into phantoms to bombard the sealing power here?"

"I know."

Seeing that Xia Qi knew this, Yingier was a little unprepared, he thought Xia Qi didn't know at all, he hesitated for a moment, and then continued:

"If you know this, then you should also know that the phantom will be suppressed again by the sealing beam of light falling from the sky?"

"I know this too. Are these the secrets you want to tell me?"

"No, no, I actually want to say that the sealing beam of light will become extremely weak after suppressing the phantom.

The seal will also become unstable, and every time a newcomer comes in, it will be after the bloody night.

So the time when we are most likely to escape is when the phantom bombards the sky to no avail, and after being suppressed, the crack above has not healed. If we can get close to the sky, we can escape. "

"Close to the sky?"

Xia Qi looked at Yingier, then sneered and said:
"Do you think I can do it?"

"You have space power, I think you should be able to do it.

In return, after leaving here, I will settle you in as safe a place as possible. "

Xia Qi didn't continue this topic, but turned to Ingil and asked:
"How long have you been in here?"

"Probably almost two years, maybe longer."

Ingil thought for a while and replied.

"Is there any one of you who has lived longer than you?"

"Barely any, because the people who came before me are all dead."

"Then this is very strange. This ghost town has existed for an unknown amount of time, but you are considered the oldest survivor here so far. Haven't you ever wondered why?"

"Doubt what?"

"Do you think you're still alive?"

"Of course I'm still alive!"

Ingil didn't even want to say it.

Just when Yingier was about to say something, two beams of swallowing light suddenly shot out from Xia Qi's eyes, directly entering Yingier's eyes.

Yingjill's body convulsed, and then, a group of remnant souls wrapped in black mist were slowly pulled out.

It's just that the remnant soul that was pulled out was very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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