Mysterious country

Chapter 1194 Life and Death of Hongguo

Chapter 1194 Life and Death of Hongguo
Because that is no longer a remnant soul, but a relatively complete soul.

But this soul seemed to be imprisoned by a secret technique, and it turned out to be a spherical soul inside.

As soon as the soul appeared, a phantom resembling a demon god appeared from the spherical shape, but the phantom was very blurry, but it could still be seen, it was because of the aggregate of remnant souls formed after fusing the remnant souls of the demon god.

After being attracted by his soul-swallowing light, the spherical soul struggled violently, as if it could escape from the shackles of the soul-swallowing light, and this situation had never happened before.

But just when the spherical soul was struggling to escape, the soul baby came out of Xia Qi's mind.

After seeing the spherical soul, it was rare for him to look serious, and he obviously felt very difficult to deal with.

After pausing for a moment, the little fist of the soul baby burst into a green light mixed with scarlet, and then punched the spherical soul.

The spherical soul flickered, a layer of black light flashed out, and then turned into a distorted face, swallowing towards the soul baby.

The soul baby dodged subconsciously, and then he jumped up suddenly, grabbed the distorted face with both hands, and then yanked it down several times fiercely.

He didn't stop panting until the face was completely torn apart.

But just as he took a breath, he was ruthlessly knocked out by the spherical soul.

The soul baby turned around in the air, then stopped, and saw some dazzling white light flashing from its whole body, and then rushed directly towards the spherical soul.

One black and one white are intertwined, tearing and devouring each other.

It lasted for about 5 minutes before the soul baby manifested again, holding the weak spherical soul in his hands like holding a basketball.

But just as it was about to go back, it saw Wu Di, who had been watching all this in shock, suddenly had a black light in his eyes. Then, he saw his arms turned into a ghost, and he directly moved towards the unsuspecting Xia Qi. Head shot away.

The soul baby was stunned, then opened and closed its mouth, obviously scolding Wu Di for something.

But Wu Di's hand has already reached the top of Xia Qi's head.

With this slap, even if Xia Qi doesn't look the same, his head will blossom.

But before the soul baby could make a move, Hongguo suddenly jumped out from one side, and then slammed into Wu Di's body.

With the help of this moment of effort, the soul baby quickly returned to Xia Qi's body.

"Damn woman!"

Wu Di was spoiled by Hongguo, and was hugged tightly by Hongguo's waist, while he directly swung his ghost arm and smashed it on Hongguo's back.

At the same time, Xia Qi had already resumed his actions. He could see clearly what happened just now, so he teleported over, punched Wu Di in the face, and then sealed him with the ghost domain.

"what are you doing!"

"You'd better not leave here, otherwise, I will definitely let you die!"

A string of vicious curses came out of Wu Di's mouth, after which Wu Di rolled his eyes and passed out.


Xia Qi punched the ground angrily. Obviously, Wu Di was once again occupied by the witch god. Although the remnant soul of the witch god was torn to pieces by the soul baby, it was obviously able to control Wu Di's body.

It was too late to take care of Wu Di, Xia Qi picked up the fruit on the ground, only to find that Hongguo had passed out.

He quickly took out the spell potion he had just exchanged a few days ago, and gave Hongguo a drink, but Hongguo didn't respond.

"Red fruit? Red fruit? How are you!"

After Xia Qi called Hongguo a few times, Hongguo finally woke up, then shook his head weakly and said:

"Brother Xia, I'm fine."

When it came to this, Hongguo was already crying.

"Brother Xia... I don't seem to be able to leave here... I seem to never be able to get out..."

"What nonsense are you talking about, I will find a way to take you out."

Seeing Hongguo like this, Xia Qi hurriedly comforted her.

"I... I seem to be dead..."

When Hongguo said this, she untied her clothes directly, then pointed to her belly and said:

"Where did this scar come from? I have no impression at all, and my body is also very cold... I may never be able to get out..."

Xia Qi looked at Hongguo's stomach, there was indeed a very long scar, although it was not very obvious, but looking at the scar, it almost extended to her waist.

It was as if it had been cut off by a lazy waist.

Seeing this, Xia Qi's heart skipped a beat, suddenly he didn't know what to say, and his mood became extremely heavy in an instant.

"Brother Xia, what should I do...I'm a dead person...I'm already dead..."

"You're still alive, you haven't turned into a living dead, it's okay, trust me, it's really okay."

Xia Qi felt that his words were hypocritical, but what could he say.

Hongguo tried so hard to survive, and she even gave everything for it, but now she learned that she was dead, and all her efforts were in vain. This kind of collapse is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Hongguo was still crying, Xia Qi hugged her, and then continued to comfort her:

"Hongguo, before you left here, you were still alive. You can see that you are no different from ordinary people. As long as your mind and body are still there, you are actually alive."

"Brother Xia...I'm not afraid of death, I'm really not afraid of death...I've seen too much death here for so long, I really think death is nothing, but I don't want to die here like them, I don't want to become those living things dead……"

Hongguo cried for a long time. After a long time, she couldn't stop crying and became quiet.

Her eyes became a little hollow, obviously thinking about where is the motivation for her to continue to work hard, and what is the next thing that will support him to continue.

Xia Qi didn't say anything, and his mood was extremely bad. This feeling of living in a falsehood disgusted him the most.

After all, if you can't even tell whether you are alive or dead, and even your life is true or false, then what's the point of any other existence.

However, Hongguo's recovery surprised Xia Qi. After being quiet for a while, Hongguo wiped away her tears and stood up. Then she said to Xia Qi resolutely:

"Brother Xia, can you promise me one thing, no matter whether I am still alive or not in the end, you will take me out of here.

Maybe I will die because of this, maybe I can't live anymore, but I don't want my soul to lose its freedom.

Since I can't protect my life, I will try my best to find freedom.

can you promise me "

"I promise you, no matter what, I will find a way to get out of here and take you out of here.

Hongguo, believe me, Brother Xia will definitely be able to do what he promised you. "

As early as the moment when Hongguo was desperately trying to stop Wu Di, perhaps what Hongguo thought was just to get rid of, because she already knew that she might have died a long time ago, but she forgot all this.

She was not sure of this until she heard Xia Qi's words and then thought of her own situation.

Xia Qi looked at Hongguo who regained her strength again. He really admired this little girl. He used to think that he was strong and able to resist, but he couldn't bear to be deceived, let alone accept what Hongguo endured. That kind of hit.

In front of Hongguo, all the things he was proud of in the past are really not worth mentioning.

(End of this chapter)

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