Mysterious country

Chapter 1197 Men Are Always Vulnerable

Chapter 1197 Men Are Always Vulnerable
It was very late that Xia Qi returned to their residence from the area where the living dead gathered.

When he went back, he was surprised to find that Wu Di was sitting in the yard, as if he was waiting for him.

"What's the matter, Angkor, are you insomnia when you're old?"

"Yeah, not only insomnia but also frequent dreams, come and chat with me."

Xia Qi also came over and sat beside Wu Di, and then heard Wu Di sigh and say:

"You may think it's funny to say it, but I'm actually homesick now, and it's the kind that I miss very much."

Hearing what Wu Di said, Xia Qi was indeed a little surprised. He didn't think it was funny. Speaking of which, if he hadn't suppressed himself forcibly, he would miss home almost all the time, and miss his past idleness all the time. Life.

"What's so funny, I miss home too."

"But the problem is that I'm fucking homeless, I'm so freaked out!"

Wu Di cursed suddenly.


Xia Qi has already forgotten that Wu Di is a moody person. After all, due to the severe trauma to his soul recently, Wu Di's mood is relatively low, but he hasn't appreciated his true nature for a while.

Just as Xia Qi was about to say something, he heard Wu Di mumbling again:

"My dad didn't grow up when I was a child, but he stopped because of a traffic accident, and my mother brought me up.

My mother is very strict with me, telling me to study hard, get into a good school, and find a good job so that others will not look down on me.

But maybe it’s because I didn’t have my dad by my side when I was young, so I had low self-esteem when I was young, and I became rebellious when I was sixteen or seventeen.

My mother couldn't afford to rent a bed in the market, so she got a tricycle and sold fruits for me to study in the streets and alleys. Not to mention the wind and sun every day, she had to hide from the city management and some small bastards.

I was ignorant at the time, and I didn’t know my mother worked hard, so I lied to my mother every day, saying that my mother would save money for me when the school paid this fee and that fee, and then I took the money to play games and go outside Play.

The teacher approached my mother several times, and my mother scolded me, but I didn't listen to her, and even fought against her and refused to go home.

When I go back again, I will directly say that I don’t miss it. Anyway, I don’t study, and you are tired of earning money every day, so why waste all the money in school.

My mother beat me as soon as I finished speaking, and told me that I would be useless if I continued like this, and asked me if I wanted me to be like her and sell fruit in the future?Do you live like this?

I just said that sooner or later I will be able to stand out, and even if I don't take the exam, I can let her live a good life.

Then I bought a ticket and went out to work.

I don’t know anyone outside, and I don’t have any skills. I only have KTV, and restaurants want me. I didn’t feel anything at the time. I just worked as a waiter in a KTV. I saw too many rich people coming in and out every day, and too many shameless people. People pretend to compare with me.

After working for a year, I hardly had any money left. My mother didn't contact me this year. I called her in the middle, and we quarreled again without saying a few words.

She was still talking about my not going to school and telling me to go home.

I thought very naively at the time, I came out just to get along well, and it would be embarrassing to go back if I didn't get along well.

Just like this for a few years, I was out alone, and it was ups and downs, but I almost did all the jobs that didn't require a diploma, and I even went to be a junior for others.

Maybe it's because I'm brave and not afraid of death, so knowing a rich man is more important to me.

At that time, I also felt that I was finally going to get ahead, and I was earning a lot more money every month than in previous years.

I called my mother, trying to show off to him, saying that it would be the same if I didn't go to school now, but in the end, my mother told me that she was sick.

It happened so suddenly that when I rushed back, my mother was already very serious.

Later I found out that my mother had always suffered from liver disease, but she kept trying to save money. When I went back, the doctor said it was too late, and I didn’t know if I could last for a few days.

My mother asked me to take her home without treatment, otherwise she would jump off the building and show it to me.

I had no choice but to take my mother back home. After returning home, my mother took out her passbook and told me that the passbook was the compensation my father got in a car accident that year. Adding the savings she had saved over the years, the total was 18. .

Said that the money was for me to marry a wife in the future. I thought she would survive for a few more years, but I didn't expect it to die so soon.

She told me that although men have ambitions in all directions, they must not be obsessed with obsession. They must do good deeds. The bad deeds are that no matter how much money they earn, we cannot do them because we lose our conscience.

This world doesn't care about black and white, but remember, people are doing what the sky is watching.

My mother knew that I loved to fight with people when I was a child, and I was savage, and my eyes were high and my hands were low. She was afraid that I would learn to be bad outside.When I heard it, I felt that I was a white-eyed wolf.

And head full of shit.

My mother worked so hard to raise me so big, I was angry with her, I didn't call home a few times a year, I felt that I had to get along well to show off to her, I was a fucking white-eyed wolf.

Why am I so nothing. "

As Wu Di talked, he actually cried in front of Xia Qi. Xia Qi also felt heartbroken after hearing this. Although he was not so rebellious, he had experienced this kind of pain of loss. That kind of pain may be the most painful in his life. something to regret.

"It didn't take mother passed away, and I was particularly devastated in those few days because I didn't know what motivation I had to live.

I didn't go out of town again, but stayed at home for a while, but every time I stayed at home, I would think of my mother, and I would feel guilty, so I couldn't bear it and went out again.

I want to find a stable job. If I don’t have a diploma, I will rely on hard work to make up for it and live a solid work life.

As a result, I received a call from Hades. "

Speaking of this, Wu Di suddenly turned to look at Xia Qi, then choked up and said:
"For a long time, I was in a lot of pain and I was asking myself what was really important.

I wanted to let my mother live a good life, I wanted to get ahead, but when I became strong, my mother was gone, and my family was gone.

I didn't think about this question until I came here, but during the days here, I thought of the answer.

This is my destiny. I can change the future destiny, but I cannot change the past destiny.

But the same mood can come back again and again. Here I am, far away from the second domain, and once again feel the great loss that I had when I was away from home, with great ambitions, but almost down on the street.

I thought of my mother again, the scene where her callused hands almost tremblingly handed over the money she had saved her whole life to my hand.

I miss her and want to go home. "

When people lose, they often think about the previous loss. After Wu Di learned that he could not continue to grow, he obviously thought a lot during this period, and gradually calmed down his heart.

He began to ask himself why he worked so hard in the second domain, obviously he didn't like it there at all.

Start asking yourself, why do you continue to live such a powerless life.

He began to accept his fate.

Xia Qi patted Wu Di on the shoulder at this time, and promised him:

"Angkor, we will be able to go back one day sooner or later."

Wu Di's fragility at this time is not shameful, because when people are ultimately vulnerable, it's just that most of the time we don't want to admit our fragility.

Hearing Xia Qi finished speaking, Wu Di wiped away his tears again, and then made Xia Qi feel overwhelmed and laughed again, then pushed him and said:

"Is this story quite sad? Just listen to it. I just want to vent. There is no woman to vent to me, so I have to vent to you.

I want to go home, but my brother hasn't made his mark yet, so I can't go yet.

I can now understand my mother's mood at that time. I believe that although he was worried about me, he supported me in his heart to go out and make a living. "

Xia Qi looked at Wu Di stupidly, but Wu Di smiled, and put his hand heavily on his shoulder.

Wu Di knew very well that even if his soul had not been seriously injured, he would not be able to keep up with Xia Qi's footsteps now, but he would cheer Xia Qi in his heart, and would stand by Xia Qi's side no matter what.

Xia Qi was able to go all out to fight the masked man and kill the three wizards of the foreign land for himself, so what was he afraid of?

(It’s the end of the month. If you have monthly tickets that you haven’t voted for, please vote for Guoguo, thank you.)
(End of this chapter)

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