Mysterious country

Chapter 1198 Wu Di's Exploration

Chapter 1198 Wu Di's Exploration

Xia Qi has traveled all the way to the present. It can be said that there are few people who have experienced more hardships and bear more pressure than him, but unlike others, he has never felt that he is unlucky.

On the contrary, he considers himself lucky all along.

When he was nothing at all, he met a group of friends who sincerely treated him and never gave up on him.

When he needed help the most, everyone supported him to the end.

So he is very grateful to these friends of his and keeps each of them in his heart.

No one in this world will treat you well for no reason, so no matter who treats you well, you should cherish it more and treat it with a grateful heart.

Comparing my heart to my heart, without their help at that time, I would not have achieved my little success today.

So when they are in trouble and need help, he will help without hesitation, regardless of the consequences.

The reason why these people have such a solid relationship, to put it bluntly, is the relationship that was forged with blood and tears.

They rely on their parents at home and friends when they go out. They cannot rely on their parents, so friends are even more precious.

He and Wu Di first met through Liu Yanmin, then because of Liang Ruoyun's arrangement, and then to the various experiences that followed, although not as much as he and Leng Yue experienced, but they were also accumulated through small things. .

Wu Di admired Xia Qi quite a bit, he admired Xia Qi's vigor, and he also appreciated his integrity. In his words, he thought this kid was very pleasing to the eye, and everyone could get along well.

When they get in touch again in the second domain, this emotion will be one step closer, because they seem to be very friendly as if they met in a foreign land.

But if he was in trouble, Xia Qi would risk his life to save him, even risking his life to save him. Long before he was captured by the masked man, he never even thought about it.

He always felt that a person like himself would never have friends, let alone make any friends.

But Xia Qi still rushed there at that time. The moment he saw Xia Qi appearing, he really forgot all the pain, and only felt that his life was not in vain. brother.

He began to feel stupid, because he always thought that Xia Qi was beneficial to him, so he kept in touch with him.

For example, in reality, he wants to learn something from himself, and wants to get his own protection.

In the second domain, he wanted to get information about the Rebel Alliance from himself.

But obviously he was very wrong, because at Xia Qi's place, it was obviously mutual help between friends.

When he arrived in a foreign land, even in this ghost town, Xia Qi's steadfastness to him moved him even more.

Except for his parents, it was really hard to find anyone who would treat him like this. If it wasn't for Xia Qi, he might have given up on himself.

So when he treats Xia Qi now, he really only has gratitude besides gratitude.

He shouldn't have said these words, because friends don't need to put their gratitude on their lips, but if he doesn't say anything, he feels uncomfortable and panicked.

So he still said to Xia Qi, not to express anything, but simply to vent these things out.

He has been hesitating for several days, but when he said it today, he felt a lot easier.

"Angkor, I don't have any advantages, I just know that when others treat you well, if you are not capable, try to smile at him, if you are capable, try to repay him, if you are absolutely capable, you must give ten times grateful.

So you don't need to thank me for anything, without your help, maybe I wouldn't be where I am today.

And no matter when, you are my Angkor, and we are all brothers. "

Xia Qi's words made Wu Di feel emotional again, but he didn't show it, but smiled indifferently and said:

"Okay, let's turn over this article. The two big men are a little uncomfortable talking about this. After a while, the red fruit will come out, and it will be bad if they mistakenly think that we are having sex."

"It's obvious that you're being hypocritical, I'm just trying to comfort you."

"Fuck you, I told you it was just a story, don't you really think it's my personal experience?"

"Blame me."

Xia Qi saw that Wu Di looked much better after speaking out, and he stopped talking about it with Wu Di, and shook his head with a smile.

"What's your situation now? I saw a white-haired child running out of your body that day. What is that?"

Wu Di suddenly changed the topic and asked.

"My soul."

"To tell you the truth, I always thought you were a freak, and you belonged to the perverted kind."

After hearing this, Wu Di hesitated and said.

"You say you're a freak, I admit it, but you say I'm a pervert, well, you're right."

"I'm not saying that you do things abnormally, but that your growth rate is too abnormal.

I don't know if you have thought about this question, why can't other people swallow ghosts like you? "

Wu Di didn't joke with Xia Qi, but said seriously.

"Because they don't have the ability."

"Don't think you are better than me now, but to be honest, your kid's thinking is too scattered, and you focus on too many things, and you don't really focus on discovering your own potential.

The so-called ability is just a kind of use of ghost energy and space power.

For example, taking devouring as an example, it is nothing more than transforming into a form that can be swallowed.

Although I am only at the supervisor level now, as long as I want to, I can do it. "

After Wu Di finished speaking, he saw that his eyes were bleeding red, and then his face began to deform. The huge mouth opened and closed, which really looked like the shape he changed when he swallowed.

When Wu Di returned to normal, he squeezed his chin and said:

"See, as long as your mouth is big enough, these are all achievable.

After swallowing the ghost, use the body to press out all the ghost energy. This is the principle of capturing ghost energy by swallowing.

It can be said that anyone who has done research on this aspect can know this. "

Hearing what Wu Di said, Xia Qi suddenly felt a little ashamed, because he didn't know, just like what Wu Di described to him, his focus was too scattered, and he was somewhat eager for quick success. He always wanted to think about it, but he never Take action.

Seeing Xia Qi's surprised face, Wu Di said again:
"Looking at your appearance, I know that you haven't studied this kind of thing carefully. As early as when I was training you in reality, I found that your talent in this area is almost zero.

However, you are very talented and have rich practical experience, so you don't need to think too much about it.

Leaving aside this for the time being, let me continue what I said before. Do you know why only you can swallow ghosts and then capture ghost energy, but others can't? "

"do not know."

"Because of ghost qi, just like human blood, there are only a few types of blood, but there are many more types of ghost qi.

Unless the two are extremely close, it is possible to barely blend, but how could it be so coincidental.

If you merge completely dissimilar ghost qi, your body will explode from your body immediately because of mutual repulsion. "

(End of this chapter)

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