Mysterious country

Chapter 1207 Cracks in the Space Barrier

Chapter 1207 Cracks in the Space Barrier

The small town of Hongsbadi is located in the westernmost part of the foreign land, or in other words, this is the last continent in the westernmost part of the foreign land.

Further to the west is the endless ocean.

The foreign land is surrounded by endless oceans. How big the ocean is has always been an unsolved mystery for people living in reality.

Even wizards, even great wizards, don't have a definite answer to this.

Only a very small number of great wizards, and the eight wizard guards who are at the highest point of power in the Ministry of Wizardry and God know the truth of this endless ocean.

The endless ocean is not endless, its end is the end of this foreign land.

There is a huge space barrier there, no one can break it, not even the witch god, or the president of the exorcist guild.

And recently, the reason why the foreign lands have become undercurrents is that even people with special missions like Wuwei have begun to gather from the five major cities to reach the borders of the foreign lands, because the land is difficult to stop them from exploring. The footsteps, the barrier that is difficult to break, began to appear cracks.

The cracks in the space barrier undoubtedly indicate that the world that was stripped out of the legend will soon see the light of day again and connect with the original world.

So after feeling the fluctuation here again, not only the high-level staff of the Witch God Department became active, but even the exorcist guild, which had been hiding in the dark, put all their attention here.

A dozen great wizards stood on the shore and looked towards the misty endless sea in the distance. With their keen soul perception, they could clearly perceive the strong spatial fluctuations.

"I really can't imagine that the legend is true, and the passage to the foreign land is about to be opened."

Although Sanchez is a great wizard, his strength can only be ranked in the middle level among many great wizards, so he doesn't know many secrets about this world, and they are limited to the legends he heard.

In the Ministry of Sorcerers and Gods, besides the Sorcerers and Gods, the following eight wizard guards are the most core force, and further down, there are ten great witches.

Although these ten great wizards are also great wizards, they are the ten most powerful people at the level of great wizards.

And at the level of great wizards, only these ten great wizards know some secrets exactly.

These great wizards would come to this border from all over the world, and they were called by these great wizards.

According to the Great Witch, not only those people will come, but also the Eight Great Witch Guards will also rush over, and then join forces to bombard the space barrier that has shown signs of collapse.

"Do you feel excited? For the disappearance of the space barrier, the world that will appear before our eyes?"

James, who is also a great wizard, suddenly asked Sanchez after hearing what he said.

"Some anticipation, but also some anxiety, not knowing what to expect."

Sanchez expressed his own inner thoughts. After all, the legend about the existence of space barriers has been confirmed, which means that aliens must also exist.

So once the two worlds are figured out, you can imagine what will happen.

A terrible war will inevitably break out due to many factors.

They had just recovered from the smoke of the exorcist guild, so he hoped that there would be no more wars than he was curious about the outside world.

"No one knows what will happen, but one thing I don't think is wrong, it is difficult for us to accept foreigners, and it must be difficult for foreigners to accept us.

Unless both of us are still living in the original circle, but in that case, breaking the space barrier will be completely meaningless to us. "

"It is said that the area of ​​the foreign land is much larger than ours. The foreign land occupies the latrine and does not shit, so it should be given to us."

Hearing the conversation between Sanchez and James, another great wizard said expectantly.

Not only Sanchez and the others were discussing this matter with each other, but even the big witches who had arrived were also whispering to each other:

"Master Wu Shen has been waiting for this opportunity, and it seems that our return is not far away."

"Yeah, although I don't know why Lord Wu Shen wants to enter the foreign land so much, but I think there should be something he wants there."

"Remember that alien who broke into Kansas City suddenly a few months ago?"

"How can you not remember, that damn alien killed all of us!"

"He is not from a foreign race. That time Master Kirilenko rushed to Kansas City to stop him, and I followed him there. His real identity should be a foreigner."


"Master Kirilenko said so, but he didn't say much."

"We can't enter the foreign land, so how did the foreign people come in? But I heard that the foreign man was not killed, but escaped?"

"I don't know how he appeared, and there are two aliens. So I am also worried. If the strength of the aliens is strong, it may become very difficult for us when the space barrier is broken by us."

"Master Sorcerer God has his plans, not to mention that we still have eight great wizard guards, people from other lands may not be our opponents."


The two great witches were chatting, when a few people came over suddenly from a distance, seeing this, all the great witches and the great wizards greeted them together, and respectfully called:

"Master Wu Wei."

It can be said that this is the first time since the emergence of the Ministry of Witch and God that all eight witch guards are present.

The leading witch guard is called Sambonis, a middle-aged man with sunken eye sockets and a complexion as pale as a vampire.

He nodded symbolically, and then told the great wizards and the great wizards:

"The Sorcerer God's order, starting today, is to bombard the space barrier at the end every day until the space barrier completely collapses.

During this period, the 8 of us will also stay here, and more great wizards will come in the future. "


All the wizards nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, in ghost town.

Xia Qi appeared alone in the area of ​​the undead, but today he did not devour the undead anymore, but stood upright with a tense face as if he was manipulating something.

In his mind, the clear faces of the living dead emerged one by one. This connection between souls was no longer as subtle as before. On the contrary, it was like how he felt Zhu Xu's soul when he was in the second domain.

It was a very close connection, and under this close connection, he began to try to summon the living dead scattered around.

Just like the master soul's control over the sub-souls, after a short while, a large number of living dead people began to rush from all directions very quickly one after another.

With Xia Qi as the center, a huge circle was formed.

Xia Qi opened his eyes and took a look at the robot-like undead standing around him. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, thinking that it was time for these undead to rest in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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