Mysterious country

Chapter 1208 Remnants gather together

Chapter 1208 Remnants gather together
After fully mastering the control of the ghost domain's decomposition, Xia Qi has also become fully familiar with the connection with the soul baby in the process, so that he can rely on his own thoughts to control the soul baby.

"Come back."

Xia Qi began to control the soul baby, making it the main soul of the demon god's remnant soul, and began to summon the remnant souls in these living dead.

Using his own will to replace the will of the original demon god, he began to actively attract these remnant souls.

The bodies of the undead began to tremble, and the souls in their bodies seemed hesitant and eager. After struggling for a while, some remnant souls began to fly out of the undead. Fly towards Xia Qi.


Suddenly, a huge ghost appeared in the air. The ghost opened its huge mouth, and sucked all the remnants of the flying spirits into its mouth.

While devouring these remnants of souls, Xia Qi is also sticking to his heart, because he knows that the next period of time will be extremely difficult for him.

In fact, just as Xia Qi thought, as more and more remnant souls were devoured, a deafening roar began to appear in Xia Qi's mind.

The voice seemed to be right next to his ears, full of tyranny and killing intent.

"Kill kill kill kill kill!!!"

"Kill kill kill kill kill!!!"

Xia Qi tried not to be distracted as much as possible, and put all his heart and soul into strengthening his will.

But as all the remnant souls merged, Xia Qi's face became more and more ferocious, his body began to grow uncontrollably, his face was full of blood vessels that were about to burst, and a little bit of scarlet color began to appear. Oozing from the pores of his body.


Xia Qi couldn't help letting out a roar, and then, a huge specter suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

That phantom is like a continent floating in the air, compared to Xia Qi, it's like an insignificant speck of dust in this vast world.

The phantom held its head high and exuded a strange blood glow all over its body. At this moment, it suddenly lowered its head, and a pair of eyes full of murderous intent were aimed directly at him.

At this moment, Xia Qi only felt that his original will was almost completely shattered.

There was a strong sway in his mind, and when he looked at the phantom again, his vision also began to become blurred uncontrollably.

The phantom slowly bent down, and a palm that could shatter the earth, like a majestic mountain peak, fell directly towards Xia Qi's position.

Xia Qi's whole body made the sound of bones breaking, as if he was really pressed down by a mountain.

His body was completely bent, and then his kneecaps burst into cracks, and he fell directly on the ground, with only two hands still supporting the ground, a completely distorted face, and a stubborn expression. Refuse to be low.

"It's just a remnant soul, don't want me to compromise!!!"

Xia Qi refused to back down, because he knew that all of this was just the dying struggle of the Demon God's will, and he was the one who won in the end!
Two-thirds of the demon god's remnant soul has already been swallowed by him, and his soul baby is the main soul of the remaining remnant soul. Could the main soul still be afraid of being affected by the split soul?

"Not only do I want you to swallow your soul, I will also swallow your body in the future, and everything about you will be taken away by me!"

Xia Qi roared angrily, and then slowly stood up from the ground. Although the process was extremely difficult, he finally raised his face and puffed out his chest fearlessly.

But at this moment, the phantom above suddenly shattered and disappeared, Xia Qi only felt that the huge force that was pressing on him before also disappeared.

But before he could relax, he felt a sudden burst of pain in his head, he screamed, and his consciousness became blurred.

When he woke up again, he found that he had turned into that demon god.

The ground under his feet was cracking, and the sky above his head was gradually turning into nothingness. In front of him, dense figures were attacking him madly with incomparable hatred.

Under the angry attack of the crowd, his body was bombarded to pieces, but in the next moment it would return to its original state.

His gaze swept over those people blankly, there were too many unfamiliar faces.

But soon, he saw his grandfather, as well as the man and woman he saw in the mysterious space behind the ghost king's cemetery.

He raised his hand uncontrollably, and then suddenly swept towards them.

"Do not--!"

His heart was bleeding, but everyone was sent flying away by him.

A jet of black flame spewed out from his mouth, and the appearance of the flame set the whole world on fire.

Those people screamed and kept retreating, but he took heavy steps to catch up.

Just when he was about to catch up, the sky that was originally destroyed and burned suddenly imprinted a huge palm, and directly slapped him into the ground.

Then, a door appeared, and a white-haired figure walked out slowly.

The man's appearance was still somewhat blurred, but he could clearly see the other's eyes, which were as deep and bright as black holes.

"Sooner or later I'll make them pay for it!"

The white-haired man said these words full of hatred, and saw that the world in front of him was distorted, and then the whole world turned into a cage, and he was directly imprisoned in it.

In the next moment, the cage transformed from the world suddenly exploded, and the figure of the white-haired man also flashed, facing him with a pair of extremely deep eyes.

At this moment, he saw endless stars, and also saw a kind of determination that shocked him so much.

"That world..."

Xia Qi was stunned for a moment, because in the eyes of the white-haired man, he saw the mysterious world that trapped the little ghost baby girl and the consciousness of the dark people!

Just when he was shocked by this, his body suddenly became torn apart, and the white-haired man in front of him didn't know what happened, and his whole body became illusory.

Xia Qi opened his eyes violently while struggling, but in his sight there was only the ghost town shrouded in darkness, and only the many remnants lying at his feet.

He is still him, without a demon body, let alone being chopped into pieces by that white-haired man.

Just like the scene he had dreamed about before, the demon god appeared and almost destroyed the world.

The mysterious white-haired man appeared and stopped the Demon God.

The legend that Ingil brought him was not false!

Once upon a time, such a shocking, world-shattering battle really happened in this world.

These fragmented memories remained in the demon god's remnant soul. He had completely devoured these remnant souls just now, so he also carried part of the memory.

It made him feel as if he had returned to the battlefield back then and experienced that battle himself.

What he didn't expect was that he actually saw his grandfather, and also the boy and girl with the strange name at that time.

"Why is there a demon god, why is the third domain blocked, and what happened after that?"

Xia Qi's heart stirred again, but he quickly suppressed it forcibly.

Because compared to these, there are more important things waiting for him to do right now. .

(End of this chapter)

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