Chapter 1212 The Return
After entering the ghost gate, Xia Qi and Wu Di were filled with suction in the ghost gate, and shuttled towards one end at an extremely fast speed.

This is the first time for him to investigate the situation inside the ghost gate in an absolutely awake state.

However, it is said to be an investigation, but in fact it is simply to see with the eyes, but what can be seen is still very limited.

During his wandering journey, he saw many desolate scenes, as well as many white bones, and some shining fragments, which he thought were probably the remains of the Ghost King.

It's just that I don't know whether this ghost gate is a world of its own, or it's just a passage.

With the strong wind whistling beside his ears, Xia Qi felt that their speed of shuttling through the ghost gate was really no different from teleportation, because if you didn't concentrate on looking, it would be difficult for you to see everything around you clearly.

He didn't try to resist the suction either, because he was really afraid of being trapped and unable to return.

Of course, even at the moment, he is not sure in his heart whether what is waiting for him is the second domain, or some other destination.

I don't know how long it has passed, it may have been a day, or it may have passed for several days, Xia Qi himself has no idea, and finally he can't stand it and fell asleep.

"Little Xiao...!"

A clear voice suddenly came from the ear, and Xia Qi woke up suddenly after hearing this voice.

Because the voice was no longer so erratic, but was caught by him very clearly.

"Little Xiao?"

Xia Qi didn't know who this person was, but when he woke up, he saw three exits like doors appeared in front of him.

Before he could even see them clearly, he and Wu Di flew out of one of the exits.

Afterwards, they fell directly from the high altitude quickly, but compared to this rapid fall, what made Xia Qi more excited was that his strength surged wildly in his body after being suppressed for a long time like a volcanic eruption!

Manager level!

Senior Manager Level!

The pinnacle of senior managers!

Director level!

After Xia Qi felt the fluctuations in his body disappear, he only felt that everything in the second domain could be seen in full view, and his ghost domain instantly enveloped every corner of the second domain.


League of Rebels.

Three Hades.

It's even where the masked men are.

At the same time, the inner domain.

Hou Tai, who was drinking tea with Chang Letian, suddenly dropped the quilt in his hand to the ground at this moment.

Chang Letian's complexion changed drastically, and his face was almost distorted.

"who is it!"

Hou Tai raised his head, as if he could trace the unknown source along the ghost domain that came suddenly.

But soon, the ghost domain completely dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

Headquarters of the Rebel Alliance.

The three ghost kings were discussing their next plan, and they also felt the terrifying coercion of the ghost domain.

They showed panic, and they couldn't guess who the coercion in this ghost domain came from.

It's just that they know one thing, that is a terrifying person at the director level.

Outer Domain, Ye Yang and others also felt this terrible coercion, and discussed with Ye Fan, Xu Zhitian and others.

And in Guangying Street, in the big villa that originally belonged to Xia Qi, Zhu Xu hid in his room with panic written all over his face.

Because not only did he feel the coercion of the ghost domain that was not weaker than the director, but he also felt the soul connection that had already disappeared!
It's Xia Qi, Xia Qi is back!
Just a few days ago, Outland had become a vassal force of the three Hades.

Zhu Xu gave the Outer Domain to the three underworlds, and was orally entrusted by Hou Tai as the ruler of the Outer Domain Underworld, and obtained all the management authority of the Outer Domain.

At Cheng Jin's request, Liang Ruoyun was controlled by Zhu Xu and wanted to be sent to the three great underworlds.

Chu Mengqi told Leng Yue about the disappearance, and then Leng Yue and Zhu Xu had a big fight.

In this battle, Shen Hongyan was killed, Leng Yue was seriously injured, Chu Mengqi and Liang Ruoyun disappeared.

Because Zhu Xu also suffered serious injuries, and the most important thing is that he needs to recuperate mentally, so he did not start tracking Chu Mengqi and others for the time being.

But Leng Yue was sent to the inner domain by him in the name of a sinner.

Because he is very clear about the relationship between Leng Yue and Liang Ruoyun, those people will not choose to ignore him, not to mention, Cheng Jin and Hou Tai have reached an agreement, and Liang Ruoyun's mother no longer intends to stay.

"What should I do! Xia Qi is back, what should I do!"

Zhu Xu could be described as extremely terrified, because it had nothing to do with real strength, it was completely a fear from the soul.

He is Xia Qi's soul prisoner. It can be said that if Xia Qi is upset, his soul will be scattered.

He didn't have any chance to make a shot at all.

If Xia Qi knew what he had done in the past few months after he left, Xia Qi would definitely kill him.

But he doesn't want to die, so what should he do?

As long as there is a soul connection, no matter where he escapes, he will probably be found by Xia Qi.

Take the initiative to admit your mistake?

Volunteer to admit mistakes?

Will Xia Qi give him a way out?

He didn't know, and he didn't dare to gamble.

But now he feels that the only one who can save him is Hou Tai.

In short, he couldn't stay in the outer domain, so he fled into the inner domain first, and then let Hou Tai and the others deal with Xia Qi.

He had no choice but to do this, he had no time to think about it, nor did he have time to prepare.

Because he could clearly feel that Xia Qi was in the second domain right now!

Zhu Xu began to rush towards the inner domain desperately, but what he didn't expect at all was that Xia Qi and Wu Di were in the inner domain at this time.

"How about Angkor, do you feel better?"

"It's just a headache."

Wu Di has also woken up at this time, and after feeling his strength and having recovered to the manager level, he shouted in surprise:

"Are we back to the second domain?"

"Yes, not only are we back, but we are currently in the inner domain where the three Hades are located."

"Then how do we get out? If we enter and leave the inner domain, there will be senior managers following us. It is absolutely difficult for ghosts to get in."

"It's enough for us to go out freely? Why do we still want to escape?"

Wu Di didn't know that Xia Qi had already reached the level of director, otherwise he would never have said that.

Because of the director level, for the current second domain, it is already considered the topmost existence.

As for the three Hades, there are rumors that there is only Hou Tai, who may have entered the director level.

But whether this matter is reliable or not, no one can be sure.

"Are you crazy? This is the lair of the three great Hades."

"Angkor, you must have underestimated me too much, do you know who the handsome guy standing in front of you is?"

"Which handsome guy?"

"Don't make trouble, just cooperate."

"Aren't you Xia Qi?"

"Wrong! Please call me Director Xia."

"What did you say? Have you reached the director level?" Wu Di almost dropped his jaw when he heard Xia Qi's words.

"If it's a fake replacement."

Speaking of this, Xia Qi deliberately put on a bit of seriousness:

"Angkor, when did you hear that the director is still sneaky?"

(End of this chapter)

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