Mysterious country

Chapter 1213 Zhang Zilin

Chapter 1213 Zhang Zilin

Although Xia Qi has been in the second domain for some time, strictly speaking, his familiarity with the second domain is only based on the foundation of the outer domain.

As for the central region where the rebel alliance is located, and the inner domain where the three Hades are located, he is not familiar with it at all.

It's not that the world is so big that he doesn't want to see it, but that the world is so big that he doesn't dare to see it at all.

He still clearly remembers that when he first arrived in the second domain, he could only persuade Leng Yue and Chu Mengqi to leave the outer domain temporarily to join Liang Ruoyun because he could not solve the manager's authority issue.

Perhaps he will never forget that feeling of powerlessness, compromise with reality, and terrible feeling.

As a result, he did not expect that after returning from a foreign land, he would appear directly in this inner domain.

Speaking of which, this inner domain can be regarded as his hostile force, so he left so quietly, it would be too sorry for his title of director.

What's more, he is not sure whether Zhao Jingshu is still here in the inner domain.

After leaving for too long, Xia Qi is not clear about the current situation, but he is closely connected with Zhu Xu's soul again.

As his soul prisoner, Zhu Xu couldn't know some of his situation, but he could clearly understand Zhu Xu's every move.

"How did Zhu Xu come to this inner domain?"

Feeling that Zhu Xu was coming towards the inner domain at an extremely fast speed, Xia Qi thought about it in his heart, and he already guessed that it was almost inseparable.

Zhu Xu must have felt his return, that's why he wanted to escape.

Thinking about it from another angle, if Zhu Xu honestly helped Liang Ruoyun and the others during his absence, why would he run away?
So obviously, what he was worried about happened, and Zhu Xu probably did something that was not good for Liang Ruoyun and the others.

Thinking of this, Xia Qi's face gradually turned gloomy, not to mention that Zhu Xu was his soul prisoner, even if Zhu Xu was not his soul prisoner, if he wanted to kill him, he would not be able to escape at all.

So as long as Zhu Xu can't escape the second domain, then he only needs one thought to kill him.

But if Zhu Xu really did something unforgivable, then it would be too cheap for him to simply let him die.

Because the contacts on the communicator have been cleared because he entered the foreign land, neither he nor Wu Di can get in touch with Leng Yue and the others at present.

He couldn't contact them, and naturally he couldn't find out what happened in the second domain during the time he was away.

But how can a living person be suffocated to death by urine? The news in the second domain is always flowing. As long as you catch a few more managers in this inner domain and ask senior managers, it is not difficult to understand some things.

The control of the ghost domain is now as simple as eating and sleeping for Xia Qi. After his strength breaks through the director, if he wants, he can even cover half of the second domain with the ghost domain.

But he didn't want to be so public. After all, there is still a masked man. Even though he has reached the director level now, he still feels that he will not be the masked man's opponent.

So it’s okay to be crazy, but you have to be crazy in a measured way.

Released the ghost domain, covering the four nearby cities. His actions immediately alarmed many managers.

All of a sudden, nearby managers rushed towards where Xia Qi and Wu Di were, together with four senior managers.

After all, judging from the space they felt just now, it is obvious that it is a ghost domain exclusive to ghosts.

In the inner domain, the territory of the three great underworlds, sneaking into a ghost substance, they will naturally not let the other party have the possibility of escaping.

Xia Qi and Wu Di stayed in a small restaurant, and they ordered a few dishes, eating and drinking without stress.

It didn't take long for him to feel that the streets around him became a little quieter, and the fluctuations in the jurisdiction began to become very intense.

Why these people were able to find them so quickly? The speed is one aspect. The most important thing is that Xia Qi didn't completely take back the ghost domain. Location.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Several managers broke into the small restaurant directly, and then pointed at Lao Ban's nose and ordered.

The boss didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly left, only Wu Di and Xia Qi still had to eat and drink.

Among the several managers who came in, Zhang Zilin happened to be one of them. Before he came, he was still cursing in his heart that it was a desperate idiot who dared to release the ghost domain in the inner domain. Are you waiting to be killed?

As a result, after seeing that somewhat familiar figure, his face suddenly became extremely pale.

Like Zhu Xu, Zhang Zilin is also Xia Qi's prisoner, but compared to the former as Liang Ruoyun's assistant, he wants to be an undercover agent, providing information for Liang Ruoyun and the others in the Second Underworld.

Of course, Xia Qi expected this to be the case, but it's hard to say whether Zhang Zilin did this during the time he was away.

"Zhang Zilin is safe and sound, come and have something to eat together."

Xia Qi turned around and smiled coldly at Zhang Zilin. After seeing Xia Qi's smile, Zhang Zilin hurriedly turned around and explained to the managers and senior managers behind him:
"This person is not from the Rebel Alliance. He is a brother from Outland. He should come here to discuss something with us."

"Why haven't I heard that Zhu Xu sent someone here?"

While Zhang Zilin was explaining in a panic, a man in a suit and leather shoes walked in impatiently.

"Zhu Xu?"

Hearing the name Zhu Xu, the frost on Xia Qi's face couldn't help becoming more intense.

Zhu Xu is just an assistant hidden in the dark. For the three Hades, Ye Yang should be the leader of the outer domain.But Zhang Zilin didn't mention Ye Yang, nor did he mention other people from the Outer Domain, but instead mentioned Zhu Xu, who was already dead in the hearts of the three Hades.

What does this mean?It clearly shows that Zhu Xu has come out of the dark.

And what concerned him the most was that Zhang Zilin was actually trying to persuade others to leave on the grounds that he was from Outland.

This also forced him to think about whether the Outer Domain had already been given to the three Hades by Zhu Xu.

"Okay, that's great."

Xia Qi clapped his hands suddenly, then slowly stood up from the chair.

"Manager Wang, this man is Zhu Xu's younger brother..."

Zhang Zilin was very panicked now, because he didn't dare to let Wang Nan take action against Xia Qi, because he believed very much that Xia Qi would let him directly reveal his identity.

But if Cheng Jin knew that he had lied to him at that time, then Cheng Jin would definitely let him die without a place to bury him.

The only thing that can stop this is for him to be the peacemaker in the middle and let Wang Nan and others leave.

But before he finished speaking, Xia Qi interrupted him coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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