Mysterious country

Chapter 1226 Extremely maddening!

Chapter 1226 Extremely maddening!

"Brother Cheng, people can't kill randomly, and you can't talk nonsense, the three great underworlds have the same root, when did you see me attack my own people?

What's more, you don't have to be afraid of him at all. At the director level, if you dare to take action against a senior manager level person like you, God's punishment will definitely come.

Unless he can ignore God's punishment, who else can do anything to you? "

Hou Tai finally said the key to this matter, that is the threat of God's punishment to them.

God's punishment is the law of the second domain, and it can also be said to be a kind of constraint on the strong.

As long as the powerful fluctuation of power is felt by the second domain, divine punishment will come.

Although Cheng Jin is not a director, he has already stepped into the director level with one foot. Even if the other party wants to kill Cheng Jin, he has to put in some effort. If it is one-on-one, it may be fine, but they have so many senior managers Here, it is easy to cause divine punishment. As long as someone takes action, divine punishment will come in nine out of ten.

This was also the reason why he didn't dare to attack Xia Qi lightly, because not to mention Xia Qi's strength, just the appearance of divine punishment was enough to make it difficult for them to exert their full strength.

It is naturally impossible for Cheng Jin not to know about God's Punishment, but so far, he has only seen God's Punishment come when he fought against the three ghost kings last time.

So whether Hou Tai's words can be trusted, he is very suspicious in his heart.

And when they were arguing endlessly about this matter, Xia Qi shouted over there:

"Aren't you tired? Why are you like the old ladies? If you want to do something to me, come quickly. I just happen to be short of a few director-level spirit prisoners.

What's more, you may not know that there are 8 foreign people who are about to come out of the space crack, just at the director level.And on top of them, there is a witch god whose strength far surpasses them.

These people are all good at soul attack, whether it's your legal domain or ghost domain, for their soul attack, it's basically nothing. "

"What did you say!"

Hearing Xia Qi's words, the expressions of Cao Yingjiu and others changed drastically.

"I think you're scared, that's why you want to..."

"Cheng Jin, if you dare to talk to my BB again, I will kill you now!"

Before Cheng Jin could finish speaking, Xia Qi gave him a warning with a cold face, and a little crimson appeared in his eyes.

Cheng Jin only felt that his soul was trembling uncontrollably under Xia Qi's cold drink just now, his heart trembled, and he subconsciously closed his mouth.

"My brother, how do you know this?"

"After I finish killing people, if I'm in a good mood, maybe I'll tell you about it."

Xia Qi ignored Hou Tai's inquiry, and at this time he reminded Liang Ruoyun and others behind him:
"Don't blink."

Turning around and saying something, Xia Qi said to Zhu Xu cruelly:

"Zhu Xu, the following will be the most wonderful time of your life, because you will appreciate the scene where your body is like fireworks, shining in the air.

So everyone, let the fun begin! "

After the words fell, Xia Qi snapped his fingers suddenly, and then Zhu Xu let out a miserable howl, and then his limbs suddenly turned into a blood mist and exploded.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Xu's body without limbs suddenly became torn apart, and continued to be accompanied by Zhu Xu's screams like killing a pig, and began to explode in the air like bloody fireworks.

The waiter Cao Yingjiu and Cheng Jin on the ship, as well as many senior managers who usually number under one person and tens of thousands of people, all looked pale. They watched Zhu Xu being dismembered first, and then turned into bloody fireworks, causing blood to rain down from the sky.

However, the strangest thing was that Zhu Xu only had one head left, but he still screamed and did not die.


With only one head left, Zhu Xu wanted to turn his pain into vicious words, but as soon as he uttered a syllable, his tongue flew out of his mouth.

Zhu Xu's body is already dead, and the only thing supporting him now is his soul imprisoned by Xia Qi.

So he could clearly see and clearly feel that his body was being cut open, and then disappeared before his eyes with a "bang".

Only a large piece of blood was left, which fell on his face with a salty taste.

Seeing Zhu Xu being brutally tortured, Xia Qi looked up to the sky and laughed like a demon.

The three daughters of Liang Ruoyun and Chu Mengqi also showed madness on their faces. Instead of feeling any discomfort, they felt very vented.

"Brother Shen, I gave you Zhu Xu's dog's head, and you received it below. It can be used as a urinal. My brother has avenged you!"

After Xia Qi finished speaking with sadness, Zhu Xu's head exploded in pieces. At this time, there was only one soul in the midair, which was tightly bound by the soul chain like a dog.

After destroying Zhu Xu's physical body, he was not relieved, and he wanted to explode Zhu Xu's soul little by little.

Instantly split Zhu Xu's soul into soul threads, and then, Xia Qi was like tearing down a firecracker and setting them off one by one, causing these soul threads to explode one after another, making ear-piercing noises.

If it is said that as early as the beginning, Hou Tai and others were only angry and afraid that Xia Qi wanted to kill Zhu Xu in front of them, then when they saw Xia Qi dismembering Zhu Xu's body and destroying Zhu Xu , and after Zhu Xu's soul was about to be pulled out, their anger had disappeared, and what was left was only fear.

As for those high-ranking senior managers of the underworld who usually treat people from outside the domain as waste and garbage, they all deeply remember Xia Qi's face, and they repeatedly warn themselves in their hearts that they will never have any relationship with him no matter what. Xia Qi is the enemy.

Because Xia Qi was the scariest human they had ever seen.

When the last trace of Zhu Xu's remnant soul exploded, Xia Qi let out a long sigh, then shrugged unhappily, and said to Cheng Jin and others on board:
"This Zhu Xu is too good-for-nothing. There is not even a soul left so quickly. I haven't waited to torture him."

When Xia Qi finished speaking, the scene seemed very strange, because on the huge ship, there were two directors, Cheng Jin and Cao Yingjiu, and two half-step directors, Tan Zhiming and Cheng Jin, and several others. Ten senior managers were present, but none of them dared to answer Xia Qi's words.

Not only that, but Qiqi, who looked ugly on everyone's face, remained silent.

On one side are the managers Xia Qi and Liang Ruoyun, and on the other side is the giant ship that almost represents the strongest combat power of the three Hades, but the visual effect produced is Xia Qi overlooking the people on the giant ship, acting extremely rampant.

Can he himself deal with this entire giant ship of the underworld elite?

Obviously impossible.

But can these people keep him?

Obviously it is impossible.

Since they can't do anything to him, why isn't he arrogant, and why isn't he arrogant!

They were suppressed by these three Hades before, so it can be said that they were careful every step of the way, and they were on guard everywhere, for fear of being noticed by them, and their lives would be taken away.

Now that he is finally standing at the same height as them, and finally able to look at these jumping clowns at close range, how can he not be arrogant and rampant!

"Cheng Jin, Zhu Xu is dead, it's your turn now!"

(End of this chapter)

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