Mysterious country

Chapter 1227 What to Do with Me

Chapter 1227 What to Do with Me
Xia Qi's loud shout immediately shocked Cheng Jin, the boss of the Second Underworld, as if his whole body had been struck by an electric current, and his hairs trembled for a while, making Cheng Jin feel as if even the surrounding air became extremely heavy stand up.

"Aren't you still making a move?"

Cheng Jin is very clear that with his own strength, he is definitely unable to match a director, so he can only place his hopes on Cao Yingjiu and others to make a move.

Cao Yingjiu didn't exchange any opinions with Hou Tai this time, because if Xia Qi only killed Zhu Xu whose soul was controlled by him, that's all. It would be a bit deceptive.

They may not care about Cheng Jin's life or death, but Cheng Jin represents the authority of the three great underworlds. Although they may have some conflicts with each other, whether there are conflicts or not is their own business, and it is not up to others to intervene.

"Xia Qi, Brother Xia, right? Don't go too far."

A rainbow staircase suddenly appeared under Cao Yingjiu's feet, and then he came to the same height as Xia Qi in a few steps.

"The Vernon of Heaven is the person in charge of the first Hades. His name is Cao Yingjiu. It is said that he and Hou Tai both have director-level strength."

Seeing Cao Yingjiu coming up for Cheng Jin, Liang Ruoyun reminded Xia Qi in a low voice.

Although her voice was very low, Cao Yingjiu could still hear it clearly, and then said generously to Liang Ruoyun:

"Liang Ruoyun, seeing that your mother is also a member of the underworld, I can let go of your betrayal of the underworld, or I can replace Cheng Jin and promise you that the second underworld will not trouble you again in the future."

After hearing this, Liang Ruoyun felt extremely sad and indignant. Her mother was obviously killed by Cheng Jin, but Cao Yingjiu not only didn't mention it at all, but also let her go as if she had a heart.

"Is your mother dead?"

Before Liang Ruoyun could say anything, Xia Qi spit out a mouthful of old phlegm towards Cao Yingjiu.

"Tell you Xia Qi, don't give you shame, you are shameless, do you really think that the director is invincible? It's easy for us people to kill you!"

When Xia Qi opened his mouth and spouted something, Cao Yingjiu's face suddenly turned grim. Speaking of him, since he became famous, it has been a long time since no one dared to talk to him like that.

"You want face? You just want too much face, otherwise how could you be so thick-skinned?

My friend's mother is a very selfless and upright person who works hard for the construction and development of the underworld, and she only wants to unite human beings and deal with ghosts together.

In order to avoid a bloodbath in the interior and to avoid her own casualties, she gave up fighting for power and was willing to be imprisoned by the seal.

You can’t see her greatness, you can’t see the sacrifices she made, so let me ask you, do you have eyes on your feet, or do you have no eyes at all, and you are all blind?

Not only could he not see it, but he even killed her.

A senior manager's peak combat power was killed because of your lust for profit, and in turn, you shamelessly took this as a kind of affection.

So don't say that I don't understand you. In this way, if you tell your mother where it is, I will kill her now, and then I will let it go for the sake of scolding you. What do you think How about it? "


Cao Yingjiu lost his temper when Xia Qi scolded him, and all the senior managers on the ship fell silent.

Because what Xia Qi said was right, the matter of Liang Ruoyun's mother was not a secret in the three Hades.

Everyone knew that it was because of her mother's concession that Cheng Jin was able to take the position of the person in power, so the two parties were saved from an internal fight.

But instead of getting half of Cheng Jin's gratitude, Cheng Jin started to eradicate dissidents after he secured his position. There were no fewer than 10 senior managers who died in the hands of Cheng Jin and Zhu Xu.

The reason why the Second Underworld is so weak now is because Cheng Jin is worried about Liang Ruoyun's mother's old subordinates.

In the face of Cheng Jin's actions, whether it was Hou Tai, Cao Yingjiu at the beginning, or Tan Zhiming later, they all turned a blind eye, thinking that this was a matter of the second underworld. , none of their business.

If they really did anything for Liang Ruoyun's mother, it was to keep Cheng Jin from killing her mother.

But in the end, Cheng Jin made a move.

Of course, mother Liang Ruoyun's behavior of singing against everyone will inevitably become the target of public criticism. If she hadn't strongly opposed Hou Tai and others to take over Hades, and advocated waiting for the return of the old leadership team, Hou Tai and the others would not have stood up. On Cheng Jin's side.

There is no such thing as right or wrong in the matter itself, because the judgment of right and wrong always belongs to the winning side.

Hou Tai and the others won in the end, so Liang Ruoyun's mother was wrong.

Cheng Jin won, so Liang Ruoyun's mother became a prisoner.

But now, Xia Qi has grown into a director, and his strength has become stronger, so it is his turn to redefine right and wrong.

When Cao Yingjiu's face turned purple from being choked, and he couldn't help but want to do something, Hou Tai used his scorching legal domain to step on the fire ring like a hot wheel, and came to Cao Yingjiu's side.

"Brother Xia, first of all, I am happy to have you in the second domain, especially when the second domain is about to fall into crisis."

Speaking of this, Hou Tai fixed his eyes on Liang Ruoyun, and then said sincerely:

"Furthermore, I think it is really necessary for our three great underworlds to apologize to your mother.

But the deceased has passed away, our apology will not have any effect, but have you ever thought about it, your mother is the last thing you want the three great underworlds to fight internally, let alone at such a critical juncture.

The crack in space is not far away, and it won't take long for it to completely rupture. No one can say clearly what will happen then.

We are now having a very unpleasant fight with the Rebel Alliance, but after all, the matter is our own business in the second domain. If people from other regions break in after the space crack is broken, we still have to unite and resist of.

So at this juncture, I feel that personal grievances and grievances can be put aside for the time being. After everything is over, it is not too late to settle accounts. "

Hearing Hou Tai's words, Liang Ruoyun's expression more or less changed slightly. Xia Qi glanced at her, and then mocked Hou Tai:
"Now that you know the strength of the second domain is not enough? You and the rebel alliance are fighting each other, you are fighting each other, and when you kill your own people, why don't you think that you should unite?

If I didn't show up today, if I didn't show up as a director, would you guys apologize?
Do you want to unite with us?You'll just cut the grass and root it out, once and for all.

So don't fucking reason with me, because not only do I not accept the enemy's apology, but I also don't know how to reason with the enemy.

So what if the second domain is destroyed?What will be destroyed is your Hades, what will be destroyed is their alliance of rebels, what will die will be your people, what will be lost is your power, what have I to do with you! "

(End of this chapter)

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