Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 245 It's Impossible to Go to the End 2

Chapter 245 It's Impossible to Go to the End 2
Di Qian felt that she would not be affected by what Lin Zihuan said just now, but she overestimated her ability a bit.

When the teacher was teaching, her thoughts were all affected by Lin Zihuan's words.

Then there are some feelings that I can't do what I want to do in class.

And all of my heart is full of words that were shocked by Lin Zihuan's words.

[The real childhood sweetheart with Zoe is me, Lin Zihuan! ]
[When he was frustrated and injured, were you Diqian by his side?By his side will always be me, Lin Zihuan! ]
Diqian has been in a daze until after all the afternoon classes are over, when he goes to ASS to do volunteer work, he still can't calm down.

Di Qian knew that Luo Shu had survived the Luo family's devil training, but hearing these words again, Di Qian's heart was tightly pulled together.

At that time, it was not her who was beside Luo Shu, but Lin Zihuan.

Di Qian told himself in his heart that he didn't care about these things.

But I asked myself. Do you really not care about these things?
When Lin Zihuan said this, his whole heart sank
When it came time to volunteer at ASS, Di Qian mopped the floor completely absent-minded, while the gossiping classmates at the side believed even more that she was a gold digger who had no money at home and had a crush on the man Lin Zihuan liked.

If it's a wealthy young lady, how could she mop the floor?With ordinary people like them?

It has long been said that a high IQ is either entering the genius class or entering the specialty class.

I don't mop the floor on one side either, I just took a symbolic walk a long time ago, and then I was picked up by the driver at home.

And Diqian mopped for a long time, his waist ached, so he stood up and put the mop aside.

How could she have done these things? There are dedicated servants at home.

But I was soured by my classmates, "Hey, sparrows are flying on the branches to become phoenixes, why can't these groceries be made now?"

Now the tone of the speech is very sour, and the one with the mean tone is a girl named Li Tian.

When Diqian just came in the last issue, the wind comment was passed down by this woman named Li Tian.

Disorder in the class or in the A high school to pass on the emperor's affairs.

And Di Qian didn't want to have the same knowledge as this kind of person.

So I didn't plan to answer, but Li Tian was more like an eighth woman, and said loudly to Di Qian with arrogant eyes, as if someone might not hear her.

"Flying on a branch, the sparrow is still a sparrow."

"Backache? Is it too lewd at night? Those bald men gave you a f-bad?"

In an instant, the men and women who were mopping the floor or cleaning the windows immediately stopped, staring at Di Qian and Li Tian as if watching a good show.

The students on one side were still chatting about novels.

And Di Qian had a gloomy face, ready to erupt every moment.

"Why are you talking so small? Say it out loud, let us all have fun?"

Li Tian is still using English, just afraid that some people will not understand other languages.

To put it bluntly, Li Tian is a Chinese refugee who has lived in New York since she was a child. If her mother hadn't been smart, she would have been allowed to study in aristocratic schools at a high price.

How could she study in high A?
It's not that Di Qian looks down on people without money or poor people, but she really looks down on Li Tian from the bottom of her heart.

Di Qian still didn't want to say anything to Li Tian, ​​but just left a sentence.

"The one who cleans himself cleans himself."

And this sentence has no meaning to the ears of foreigners, because it has no deterrent effect if it is translated in English.

After leaving this sentence, Di Qian left here.

(End of this chapter)

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