Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 246 It's Impossible to Go to the End 3

Chapter 246 It's Impossible to Go to the End 3
Di Qian felt a headache, the rumors about her reputation were already bad.

Now it's on again.

Now she has been directly pushed to the cusp of the storm, and she no longer has any initiative.

But she doesn't care.

She Diqian would not make a friend casually, nor would she care about having an enemy casually.

And not far from the ASS Nursing Home.

C has parked the car here early to wait for Di Qian.

There is no Luoshu in it, Luoshu still has meetings and work to do.

C saw Di Qian come out a little angrily and angrily, and then C got out of the car immediately and opened the door for Di Qian.

"Miss Di."

Di Qian nodded, and then got into the car. He shouldn't have run away, but he didn't want to stay in ASS for a long time, even if he skipped class.

Di Qian put the backpack on the car with some annoyance, and the car drove away.

No one spoke in the car, finally Di Qian asked, "Where are you going?"

"The boss said, take Miss Di to the Luo family, and then return to the Luo residence."

There was another long, long silence in an instant.

Finally, Di Qian still wanted to ask his own words, "C, how long have you been following Brother Luo?"

C was a little stunned, she didn't expect that Di Qian would ask this, but after Di Qian had already asked, C still opened his mouth to answer, to solve Di Qian's question.

"I followed the boss since childhood."

C's age is actually two years older than Luo Shu, and now C is 25 years old.

He was thrown into the desert together with Luo Shu since he was a child. Originally, C was controlled by Mr. Luo and monitored Luo Shu for Mr. Luo.

But just because he was attacked by a wild beast once, Luo Shu knew that he was being watched by Mr. Luo, but he still saved him, so C swore a poisonous oath.

Luo Shu is the one who will be loyal to him for the rest of his life.

"Can you tell me about your training with the devil?"

Di Qian asked a little disappointed, but C felt sensitively that Di Qian had something on his mind, and it was about the boss.

C was a little afraid to tell the truth, and just slightly perfunctory, "Miss Di should ask the boss about these things."


But Di Qian didn't have much courage to ask Luo Shu.

Di Qian knew that C would not tell him, so he stopped asking.

"Where's Lin Zihuan? What's the relationship between Lin Zihuan and Brother Luo?"

When C heard this, he was about to vomit blood. He absolutely couldn't tell the truth. He couldn't possibly tell Di Qian that Lin Zihuan was the most respected Mrs. Luo of the Luo family in Mr. Luo's heart, right?

Although the boss doesn't admit it at all, and Mr. Luo's ability to control the boss has become weaker and weaker in recent years.

The boss doesn't care about Lin Zihuan and Rio Group at all.

But these things, it's better for the boss to tell Miss Di.

Seeing that C didn't speak, Di Qian laughed at himself, "Is he a childhood sweetheart?" Lin Zihuan also gave Brother Luo his English name.

She admitted that she was jealous.

Almost maddened with jealousy.

And C screamed in his heart, it's not that simple!Things are complicated here.

And C accelerated to get Di Qian to the Luo family company, and he was done, and the rest was up to the boss himself.

And when Di Qian entered the lobby of the Luo family and entered the president's special elevator again.

Luo Shu answered the phone in the CEO's office, and ordered angrily, "The old man almost left the house in Boston, how do you do it?"

I don't know what the other party is talking about.

"Monitor all incoming calls with the old man, paying special attention to the Lin family."

But after thinking about it for a while, he ordered in a deep voice, "Cut off the phone call between the old man and the Lin family, and remember to do it secretly."

(End of this chapter)

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