Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 247 It's Impossible to Go to the End 4

Chapter 247 It's Impossible to Go to the End 4
After Luo Shu had finished ordering this matter, he just hung up the phone.

Di Qian opened the door to the president's office and entered.

And when Luo Shu saw Di Qian, the gloomy mood just now was swept away.

"Qianqian, come here."

Luo Shu stared at Di Qian who was walking towards him, thinking of his old man who was still threatening him in Boston.

There was a burst of anger in my heart.

But seeing Di Qian, the anger just now was gone.

"What's the matter?" Luo Shu saw that Di Qian didn't get into his arms, but went directly to the sofa, lying down a little tired.

Luo Shu thought that he was a little tired from volunteering at ASS today.

But after looking at the time, it seems that it is not right. It takes two hours to be a volunteer, plus the time when High A has just finished school, this time has come to the Luo family, so it means that Di Qian only volunteered for half an hour?

Luo Shu knew that something was wrong with Di Qian.

"What's the matter, have you been wronged? Tell Brother Luo?" Luo Shu walked towards Di Qian.

Then he also sat on Di Qian's side and pulled Di Qian into his arms.

Luo Shu hugged Di Qian affectionately, then kissed Di Qian's face, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter, is it possible that you are still angry with me?"

Originally, Luo Shu was just joking, but he didn't expect Di Qian to speak in a cold voice.

"Just mad at you."

And Luo Shu didn't answer, just looked at Di Qian coldly, and the strength of holding Di Qian weakened a little.

But Di Qian was still in his arms.

"Who told you what?"

Luo Shu could feel that someone said something to Di Qian, and immediately thought of Lin Zihuan who was studying in High A.

Luo Shu frowned. He had warned Lin Zihuan not to say anything in front of the little princess.

Did you still say it?
Luo Shu was a little worried at this moment.

Holding Di Qian's hand even harder, Luo Shu lowered his eyes.

"Zoe, is that your English name?"

Luo Shu didn't know why Di Qian asked this, but he could only say yes.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Luo Shu wanted to push away the broken hair from Di Qian's ear, but Di Qian refused to push it away.

Luo Shu frowned, and he really smelled a little bit of danger in his heart. This is definitely what Lin Zihuan said. The English name is that when Lin Zihuan entered the desert when he was young, he brought water and food. I took an English name for myself.

And it's used now.

At that time, he was particularly disgusted with Lin Zihuan, but he had to move closer to him, because she had the food to survive, if she didn't want it, Mr. Luo said that if he starved to death, he would starve himself to death .

There is no shortage of heirs to the Luo family.

Because Mr. Luo froze his dead father's sperm.

So want an heir?It was as easy as pie!

So the young Luo Shu could only bear it silently, even when he had set himself up with the Lin family's child marriage, he was still fighting in the desert.

I didn't know it at all, but now the situation has been completely reversed. The old man can't do anything to him now?

But now a new crisis has emerged.

Lin Zihuan and the old man even threatened themselves.
That's why Lin Zihuan reappeared in High A and Di Qian's field of vision.

But Luo Shu will not tell Di Qian about these things.
Di Qian was quick to hear Luo Shu's admission, and then said, "Lin Zihuan took it for you, right?"

Luo Shu's heart suddenly felt a touch of panic, but Di Qian didn't feel it.

What Luo Shu panicked was, did Lin Zihuan tell Di Qian about his fiancée?
(End of this chapter)

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