Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 257 Don't Make Any Moves

Chapter 257 Don't Make Any Moves

Then grab the red bean paste and eat it.

In the end, Di Qian only ended up being teased.
Early the next morning, it was still Luoshu who sent Di Qian to the gate of school A. This time Di Qian was wearing a baseball cap.

Then he lowered his baseball cap, this time wearing a shoulder bag, and then got out of the car and left.

This time Luo Shu didn't drag her around in the car again.

Because Di Qian got out of the car very quickly this time, and got out of the car very quickly.

Then he rushed into the school in a hurry.

Luo Shu's dark eyes looked at the direction where Di Qian disappeared, "C, warn her not to make any moves."

"Yes, boss."

C opened his mouth to answer Luo Shu's words.

Then C drove the car in the direction of A's door.

However, Di Qian, who has already entered the school, saw that he was far away from the school gate, and then took off his baseball cap, put it in his backpack, walked towards his teaching building with pleasant steps, and then entered the stairs .

When I arrived at the door of my classroom, there was already a teacher standing inside.

But because there was no class yet, Di Qian felt that it didn't matter, so he went in and found his seat.

And the teacher standing on the podium just glanced at Di Qian and didn't say anything.

In the United States itself, the first class was held very late, but the first class is also called an exchange class for classmates, and there is also the instructor's evaluation of yesterday's activities.

So the beautiful old class on the podium was listening to class leader Li Tian's situation of some volunteers yesterday.

After listening, Li Tian got off the podium. There were very few students who spoke, and most of them were doing their own things.

"Please be quiet, everyone. The squad leader just told me about yesterday's volunteers." Then he took the list on one side and looked at something.

Then the classmates who were doing their own things stopped to see what the class teacher had to say to show her respect.

The teacher started to get down to the topic when everyone was concentrating on listening to his speech.

Teachers in the United States are different. They don’t even summarize when they come out. What’s good and what’s bad about yesterday are all pointed and pointed out.

And never praise the students for doing well enough, they will only say, you should do better.

And for some inappropriate behavior, it will become severe punishment.

Because some things cannot be tolerated.

"Di Qian, did you leave yesterday's ASS Nursing Home volunteer activity before it ended?"

The teacher on the podium, holding the list, is like calling names.

However, the classrooms in the United States are somewhat casual, which suits Diqian's wishes, so she doesn't really want to stand up, so she sits and talks to the teacher on an equal footing.

When some girls in the class were watching Di Qian's jokes, Li Tian smiled even more cheerfully.

Di Qian tried his best not to look at her to affect his mood.

"Teacher, I just did it for about half an hour."

Di Qian told the truth, without any concealment, even if she was given a relatively severe punishment, she would admit it.

And the teacher didn't have anything to say, so he directly assigned Di Qian's task, the task of punishment, because Di Qian was really a volunteer who escaped, and there was no emotion in his tone, "This week, the library in Building B is here. Clean up after every activity of the week.

"Okay." Di Qian readily accepted it, which was considered a lighter punishment for not lying.

But Li Tian, ​​and some girls in the class laughed even more.

In fact, there were many people running around in class that day, but Li Tian was the only one who remembered Di Qian.

(End of this chapter)

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