Chapter 258 Very easy to bully
This is obviously aimed at Di Qian, but Di Qian just doesn't like them.

They have nothing else to do.

And after finishing all the activities in the afternoon, Di Qian took some cleaning tools and wiped some things in the rag.

Then I took the basin in the class with some water in it, and went to the library in Building B.

But the inside is still very clean, it's just possible to pick up the things in the garbage and wipe the dust.

But the library is a bit big, and there are still a lot of people in it now, so Di Qian went to some places where there were not many people, or where there were few people, to clean first.

Di Qian cleaned here very carefully, but Li Tian and the others didn't seem to want to let Di Qian go.

I think Di Qian is very easy to bully
This time, I came to the library. When Di Qian saw them, she turned around and wanted to leave. She didn't want to quarrel with them here, or rather, she didn't want to get to know Li Tian and the others.

If Di Qian wanted to fight, ten Li Tian would not be enough for her.

Seeing them here, Di Qian didn't want to wipe it here, so he took the tool to another place to wipe it.

But Li Tian deliberately came over to find fault, walked towards Di Qian, and sneered in Di Qian's ear, "What? Cleaning in the library, can't you think that when you are a volunteer at ASS, you can go to the school when you are halfway through cleaning?"

"That eye of yours sees me near-big-money?" Di Qian was a little angry, so he lowered his voice, because this is a library, and a quiet environment needs to be given to other readers.

But Li Tian felt how amazing she was, "Yesterday, I saw you getting into a luxury car at the gate of ASS? Just based on your net worth, what is it if it's not a bong-da-money?"

Di Qian heard Li Tian's words that she thought were incredible, and taunted Li Tian and the people behind her who echoed her voice, "You know the steps in such detail, Li Tian, ​​isn't it you who is next-big-big?"

When Li Tian heard this, she felt a little guilty, because now Li Tian is really in the middle-age, and is a bald middle-aged man, to meet her material needs. In fact, Di Qian doesn't know , but because of his face, he couldn't hold it.

Di Qian guessed a little bit, this woman
"Di Qian, don't be bloody! Whoever gets a big money knows in his heart that he wants to snatch the fiancé of senior Lin Zihuan from the genius class. You really have to lose face!"

Li Tian's voice was a little louder, and it tended to get louder and louder. In the library that was supposed to be quiet, it felt particularly abrupt, and some students who were reading in it were still looking at Di Qian's side.

And Diqian heard the words that he robbed Lin Zihuan's fiancé
I felt upset for an instant, and the expression on my face became a little gloomy, but in Li Tian's eyes, Di Qian's expression was a little guilty. And she was still out of breath.

"What? Speaking of your sore spot? Take a good look at how much you weigh!"

Li Tian was still talking here, and the little guy behind him also felt restless and wanted to mess with Di Qian.

This time, Di Qian held back with disdain, "If I have a few catties, it will be more than you."

"Also, that's my fiancé, not Lin Zihuan's!"

When Di Qian said this, he was very confident, no one would strike first, but Di Qian would never lose in momentum.

"Which refugee pile did you come from? You were rude at High School A!"

(End of this chapter)

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